
Phantom of Ancients

'"What you know is a drop, and What you don't know is an ocean." He himself doesn't know everything about himself. He who always feels disgusted with this world and consistently harbors disdain towards others, whether they are weak or strong. Delve into the journey of a boy whose only ambition is to understand himself, even if it requires conquering everything in his path. NOTE: It's just a first chapter to check the response, further chapters will be released after some time. Thank you!

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7 Chs

Embrace the Void

"For now, let's consider the top 10 heavenly spirit bodies and their respective holders. Going by ranking, the list begins with the Divine Dragon Essence, followed by the Celestial Phoenix Spirit, Sovereign Griffin Presence, Radiant Unicorn Aura, Ethereal Serenity Soul, Sacred Tiger Heart, Astral Crane Harmony, Celestial Tiger Roar, Eternal Phoenix Flame, and finally, the Divine Dragon Scale Body. These physiques are indeed potent, as described in their abilities. For instance, the Divine Dragon Essence, with its immense strength, resilience, and elemental powers, is often hailed as the pinnacle of heavenly spirit bodies, bestowing unparalleled authority and might. However, in terms of superiority, it may be overshadowed by the enigmatic Divine Sovereign Form. Although limited information is available about this body, it boasts divine powers such as Celestial Judgment, entrusting the holder with upholding cosmic balance and dispensing justice across realms, and Eternal Wisdom, granting access to boundless insight and wisdom."

There are only 5 known heavenly physique holders in top 10, 

Buddhist Monastery ******- Core disciple, Little Ink- Astral Crane Harmony Body

Ice Spirit Sect*******- Core disciple, Quincy- Radiant Unicorn Aura Body

Bai family******- Heir, Yun Bai- Sacred Tiger Heart

Black Heaven Sect******- Branch Family Child, Saber lord Deck- Sovereign Griffin Presence

Green Forest*******- Core disciple- Shashi- Ethereal Serenity Soul

Indeed, in a Prodigy Era where talent and potential flourish, it would be folly to assume that only a handful of heavenly and divine bodies exist. With the vast expanse of the cultivation world and the boundless potential of cultivators, it's reasonable to expect that there are many more heavenly and divine bodies beyond the top 10 rankings.

I have already formed many plans for my journey ahead but now i should focus on my cultivation because all these prodigies are at least 5-6 years older than my age and some are may be 2-3 years older. 

'The Null Heart Resonance Scripture is a profound cultivation technique that delves into the essence of the Null element, the primordial void from which all energies emerge and return. It teaches its cultivator to attune their spiritual energy to the emptiness at the heart of existence, unlocking immense potential for both offense and defense.'

It's truly profound. When most cultivators think of the void, they envision space tearing, teleportation, or attacking through space. However, conceptualizing it as a Null element provides a perfect path forward. It allows cultivators to attain a stage where they can harness the primal emptiness at the heart of existence. To cultivate this, one's body must be void of any spiritual energy. The core of existence should reside in the heart, and with each advancement in the major realm, a portion of the heart will be converted into the Null Heart. Though there isn't enough information on this Null heart, it undoubtedly promises a significant boost in strength.

Let's start with first verse,

Embrace the Void, the silent womb of creation,

Where all is born and all returns.

In its boundless expanse, find stillness,

And let the chaos of existence dissolve.

Third Person POV

After four hours, Soren opened his eyes which now had turned gray but a second later returned to its original dark blue color.

In the realm of Foundation Building, achieving the 9th stage in just 4 hours may raise questions about the speed of progression compared to those possessing divine and heavenly bodies. Yet, amidst this contemplation, a profound realization dawns: the existence of a 10th stage beyond the 9th, promising untapped depths of cultivation.

Amidst this revelation lies the symbolism of the nine pillars, each adorned in the ethereal hue of gray. Delving into the mysteries of this color reveals a tapestry of symbolism—neutrality, equilibrium, and the enigmatic dance between opposing forces. Gray, as the nexus between black and white, embodies the harmonious fusion of extremes, evoking a realm of boundless potential and profound emptiness, resonating with the essence of the Null element.

These 9 pillars may appear dull or lackluster but only Soren knows how much energy these pillars contain.

Soren POV

This newfound power is truly extraordinary! The ability to control all elements is understandable, considering that all elements originate from the void, which I am now harnessing. However, the revelation of a 10th stage above the 9th in this realm is astonishing. If my father knew about this, he would have surely informed me already. The fact that he didn't suggests that even he is unaware of its existence. I'm uncertain if my foundation is already heavenly, but attaining the 10th stage in Foundation Building would undoubtedly elevate it to a supreme level unmatched in this era.

Upon deeper reflection, if there is a 10th stage in the 1st realm, does it imply that there will be a 10th stage in all realms? Only time will unveil the truth. As for my nine pillars of foundation symbolizing the nine elements—Fire, Wind, Earth, Air, Water, Death, Light, Darkness, and Life—if I desire to advance to the 10th stage, I must amalgamate these nine elements into a single pillar, forming the epitome of all: Null.

Embrace the Void, the silent womb of creation, Where all is born and all returns. In its boundless expanse, find stillness, And let the chaos of existence dissolve

It's finally done. After another 2 hours, I've merged all the nine elements and formed a 10th pillar. Wow! It's ten times the size of the other pillars, and I feel like it can carry the weight of the whole universe on it. Bleh! It might be unrealistic to say this, but who else is here to listen to my bullshit, Haha. I should go out for now.

Third Person POV

After reaching his room, Soren went to take a bath and wash away all the black impurities leaking out of his body. After bathing, Soren dressed in his usual white robe with blue lines on it and black pants, accessorizing with his favorite black circular glasses.

In his previous life, these glasses were his favorite, so after asking his maid, he arranged a meeting with the leading fashion store owner in the city. After providing him with the designs and his requirements, he left. However, all this business was kept confidential, with only Soren having the monopoly on these glasses. Of course, all of this happened without revealing Soren's identity.

While most cultivators and normal people in this world kept long hair, Soren, coming from a different world, preferred his short hair dripping onto his forehead. Paired with the black circular glasses, it gave him a regal look.

The moment he stepped outside his room, his whole demeanor changed, and an aura difficult to describe surrounded him. As he walked through the path towards the hall, the servants, guards, and maids greeted him, to which he only responded with a nod. Soren himself might be unaware of the change, but for the people seeing him, they could feel the subtle aura of arrogance emanating from him. It was as if he didn't consider anyone equal.

When he was only few meters away from the hall, a melodious voice rang into his ears,

"Through shadows deep and trials dire,

We tread the path, our souls aspire.

With every step, the road winds long,

Yet strength within us, ever strong.

Though darkness looms and storms may rage,

We press ahead, our hearts engage.

For in the journey's toil and strife,

We find the truth that shapes our life."


And he stepped inside.