
Perierunt Homo

This is a side project, and is the story of a member of a deep space exploration vessel. He had only his mind, machines, friends, and body, and has to survive while fighting all sorts of hostile people and things. I might make a better description someday, but not now. THIS STORY IS THEMED OFF OF PARASITE CHAOS FROM SC2!!! I CLAIM NO ORIGINAL CREDIT, AND ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR MY MC AND A FEW OTHER THINGS NOT IN THE GAME. Demento ruined my opinion of him, and if I find other Demento haters I might just form a faction to raise Chaos and bring down Zeta. (Banned me cause' I didn't have Discord. That's literally why he banned me.) Also, perierunt homo means Perished Man in Latin.

Lyric_Drake · Videojogos
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13 Chs

Psionic awakening

The other three stared at me, as I sat there with wide eyes. Smith then said "Didn't the first thing you did have something to do with psionic data?" I then thought back and remembered it, saying "Yeah..." Smith then said "Maybe look at it?" I just said "It's on three. Although..." I then went over to a locked room across the long access hallway, stopping before it. I then palmed the lock mechanism, opened the door, and stepped inside.

The other three all followed me in, pausing once they saw the sheer enormity of the machine in front of me. I then said "Welcome to... a room I know had a medical use." Wright just gave me a dirty look, as I stepped over to the control console. I started working on resetting it as I said "It's a large scale blood tester, nearly perfect accuracy, and it can also..."

I then stepped back, stuck my arm in the slot, and said "I just modified it to, in addition to looking for human or non human blood, show if someone is a psionic." I then pressed the start button, felt the prick of three or so needles enter my arm, and then sat there as I watched a meter fill up. When it was full, the needles retracted, and I was set free. The panel then displayed a loading sign.

We all waited, and then the panel gave us info. It said "Subject; Terran. Known diseases and/or genetic modification/abnormalities; Slight malnutrition, increased mitosis genetic modification, Psionic blood. WARNING: Psions are powerful, often unstable people; caution is advised."

They all looked at me, then at the panel, and then maj said "Well, that explains a bit about you being a pyromaniac." I just said "You care about that of all things?" he just grinned and shrugged. Smith then said "First, should I be careful around you? And secondly, why hasn't it appeared before now? I myself know that all Psions emerge at around five years old at the latest. The latest recorded is five years and seven months. Your what, thirty?" I glared at him, saying "I'm twenty three. Know your superiors age marine!" before we all broke into laughter.

The intercomm the activated, with the captain yelling something into it, before we made out the word 'Help' before it got cut off. We all looked at each other, before Wright said "Well... why can't we just AIED him?" I said "First, that was a terrible pun. Secondly, yes, we actually can." Smith and maj then glared at Wright and me, before Smith said "First, AIED and aid? He's right, a terrible pun. Secondly, why are you asking the pyromaniac if we want to use a bomb known for causing lots of fire?"

Wright shrugged, while I charged out to the nearest explosive shop. Smith yelled after me, but I had already gotten and AIED by the time he got to me. I then whooped and charged past him, with him failing to clothesline me, as I continued forward. I ran through five untouched, and had to jump a barricade in six. I practically leapt out of the elevator, jumping on a turret as I ran past. I set down the AIED, and guided it into the captains room through his open door. I then told it to go to the spot that would cause the most destruction, and while it didn't quite reach it before it's fuse ran up, it did still get very close.

When the other three got to me, the just found me standing grinning before a burning, debris filled room. Smith facepalmed, Wright sighed, and maj just laughed. I then heard a voice in my head, saying "Did you really think that would kill us?" I froze, before saying "Did you guys hear that?" Smith then said "Voice in my head? Yeah..." Wright also nodded, while maj looked at us like we were crazy.

We looked at him questioningly, before he said "I didn't hear anything. Are you guys ok?" we looked at him weirdly, before we just shrugged. Wright then said "Wait, shouldn't we be running?" I said "Nope!" and then I did something that made Smith facepalm again.

I sent in a second AIED. The alien responded by screaming in pain when it detonated, and then leaving or dying, or maybe even just ignoring it all. We then turned around and left.

We stood in level six, and watched as the last systems were corrupted. We did notice however that the mainframe was still unaffected, due to it being on level six, but that was for utilities that are both impossible to use and would likely be used against us. I did reboot enough of it to enable the escape pods function, as well as modified the vent purge's gas to be more effective against the aliens. I then moved the activation of both of those systems to the mainframe console.

We then got a message from the CORE itself, asking for our presence.

Tee he he. Try and guess why maj can't hear the aliens talk!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

(hint: only some people have a chance to guess it right, although I must let you know it is my favorite thing in Parasite Chaos by far.)

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts