

When should you fall in love? At the most PERFECT TIME, of course. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Leanne del Rosario has always been told that she looks like her great-grandmother, Josefa Diaz. When Leanne found Josefa’s diary, she was transported back to the Spanish regime era of the Philippines to resolve Josefa’s regrets. Find out how she went about her situation. (Disclaimer: cover photo not mine) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Transmigration starts in TRES!

PurplePotat · História
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Leanne sighed deeply as she hold on to Josefa's diary. She returned to the modern world and was about to plan her future actions. When she flipped to the later pages of the diary, however, she realized that it was still blank. Leanne reckoned that she can only see the pages that have dates coinciding with the dates that have already passed here in the modern time.

It has been a week since she had been crossing over to the past. Nothing had changed, except for Leanne avoiding Emilio. She haven't been visiting him while he was recovering, and has only been sending Maria to check on him.

Leanne also carefully played the obedient daughter in front of Rafael and stayed home honestly. Athough Rafael still remained indifferent to Leanne, he at least does not shout nor glare at her anymore.

It would be more peaceful if things remained as they are. No more violence and no more drama.

Leanne looked at her phone and checked the time, "It is almost time..." She then proceeded to read the diary entry of the day.

***May 12, 1896***

Everyone is very busy today. When I woke up, the servants were running around the house. Father was focusing on improving the plantation, while Mother managed the kitchen. I'm sure that someone important would arrive today.

In the afternoon, Sir Diego came. We only exchanged greetings before he went with my Father to inspect the plantation. He also stayed for dinner and took the opportunity to cultivate our feelings.

Sir Diego does not seem like the other Spaniards. He was kind, gentle and intellegent. He also does not look down on me, even if I am a woman and lower than him in social status. I wonder if I can trust him... I wonder if I can fall in love with him...


When Leanne opened her eyes, she was more calm than before. She was already used to waking up in the past. She got up and stretched out her arms.

"I hope today will be a good day..." This became Leanne's mantra every time she woke up in this timeline. She always prayed for things to go well and for nothing to go wrong.

Leanne opened the door, but she immediately closed it again. The servants were running back and forth without caring for their surroundings. Leanne almost hit them with the door.

Leanne angrily peaked through the door crack, "What the heck!? Can't they at least be more mindful of their surroundings?"

"You're awake! Good morning, Josefa. Let us eat breakfast." Maria saw Leanne peaking through the door and went to greet her.

Leanne fully opened the door and followed Maria. She observed Maria's back as they were walking. Maria really is beautiful and graceful, no wonder Emilio fell for her.

Leanne sighed and shook her thoughts away. She also tried to imitate Maria before, but gave up in the end. I guess she is just simply unladylike, and being crude was already engraved in her bones. Instead, she opted for an obedient and serious persona.

When they arrived in the dining area, Leanne wondered why no one else was here. "Where's everyone?"

Maria showed her usual gentle smile and explained to Leanne, "Everyone is busy preparing for Sir Diego's arrival. We also have to fix ourselves after breakfast to greet him later. Are you not happy to see Sir Diego again, Josefa?"

"Ecstatic." Leanne rolled her eyes then took her seat. The past days that she have spent with Maria, Leanne does not know if Maria is dense or just ignorant.

Maria never seem to understand sarcasm nor knows how to read the atmosphere. Maria did not even noticed that she have been avoiding Emilio, despite her repetitive excuses.

Leanne started to eat silently and erased Maria's presence in her mind. "Guuurl, I know you're cute and all... but sometimes, you are just so annoying." Leanne thought childishly.

Leanne started to torture the meat on her plate with her fork.

Maria seemed to have remembered something as she said, "Emilio have been looking for you. He is almost healed now and can return to the plantation tomorrow."

Leanne's hand paused. Her heart has started to beat nervously. "I see... That's good... Too bad I was too busy to check on him..."

Maria only hummed in agreement and never spoke again. They then have breakfast in silence.

After breakfast, Maria helped Leanne with cleaning herself up. Maria also supervised her dress and make up.

Looking at the organic cosmetics in front of her, Leanne frowned. It was all made from unprocessed fruits and flowers. Leanne only hoped that it wont cause her to break out. Her mind was only filled with the hopes of being able to bring her skincare and make up from the modern time.

Leanne watched the beautiful lady in the mirror. She was wearing a white baro't saya with flower and butterfly embroidery. When she twirled, it seemed like she made it came to life.

Leanne felt her ego boosted a little, "Hmmp! I guess I'm also pretty."

Leanne deflated quickly when Maria returned with a pink baro't saya. Maria looked like a pure, blossoming flower. "Josefa, your Father told us to gather at the entrance."

"Nevermind... Beauty is subjective, anyway." Leanne laughed at herself as she went out.

Leanne stood in position beside her mother.

Teresita smiled when she laid her eyes on her daughter, "You are so beautiful today, Josefa."

Leanne smiled happily at Teresita, "Thanks, Mother... You really are my mother."

Leanne could already see the familiar luxurious carriage from far away. As usual, it was followed by several small carriages containing servants.

Diego Diaz, with all his glory, came out from the main carriage. "Good day to you, Alcalde dela Cruz and Binibini Teresita. And to you as well, Binibini Maria and Binibini Josefa."

When it came to greeting Leanne, Diego kissed the back of her hand.

Leanne secretly wiped her hand on her dress and returned his greeting, "It has been a while, Sir Diego."

Diego smiled and beckoned his servants as he looked at Leanne, "I've brought a carriage full of gifts for you today, Binibini Josefa. I hope that you'll accept it."

Leanne's serious and dignified mask almost cracked. Who does not like gifts? Especially, a carriage full of them?

"You shouldn't have bothered, Sir Diego. Knowing that you arrived safely is already enough for me." Leanne showed her most gentle smile, but the vain modern woman in her mind was already dabbing in excitement.

Diego seemed to be holding in his laughter as he amusedly said, "Binibini Josefa does not seem so spirited today. I only pray that everything is alright."

Leanne stilled for a moment, before she gritted her teeth in annoyance. She realized that this ancient man was teasing her!!!

"I was only stubborn and wild before for the plot development, you know! I am actually a gentle and dignified orchid. So please forget about that!!!" Leanne scolded in her heart.