

When should you fall in love? At the most PERFECT TIME, of course. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Leanne del Rosario has always been told that she looks like her great-grandmother, Josefa Diaz. When Leanne found Josefa’s diary, she was transported back to the Spanish regime era of the Philippines to resolve Josefa’s regrets. Find out how she went about her situation. (Disclaimer: cover photo not mine) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Transmigration starts in TRES!

PurplePotat · History
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13 Chs


The greetings went quickly, since Diego and Rafael needs to inspect the plantation. The gifts were also left with Teresita to handle.

Leanne thought deeply and decided to accompany them, "Sir Diego, is it alright if I go with you?"

When Rafael heard this, his eyebrows furrowed. "Josefa, there is no need for your presence. Just stay at home and wait for us."

Leanne lowered her eyes and did not speak. She, however, kept peaking at Diego as if pleading to him.

Diego caught her message and smiled at Rafael, "It's alright, Alcalde. I also wish to be accompanied by Binibini Josefa."

Since Diego has spoken, Rafael could not say more and had to agree. The three of them boarded Diego's carriage and left, followed by a few servants.

When they arrived at the plantation, the workers lined up to welcome them. Leanne smiled at the few familiar faces she had met before, though they pretended not to see her.

Rafael stepped forward and introduced Diego to the workers. He said in a loud voice, "Listen up, Indios. This is Sir Diego Diaz. He is a Peninsulares from Manila. He came here to inspect the plantation in place of Gobernadorcillo Diaz. If it goes well, then they would have a partnership with us. So treat him well!"

Diego also stepped forward and greeted the workers. "Good afternoon, everyone."

The workers did not look very welcoming, however, they still greeted them back.

While discussion was still ongoing, Leanne's eyes wandered around and met with Isagani's. Isagani was looking at her with intensity. Leanne saw some questioning in his gaze and she looked away in nervousness. Since she has not gone with Maria to visit Emilio, Leanne have also not seen Isagani for a week. She does not know how to face him right now.

"Let's go, Binibini Josefa." Diego interrupted her thoughts as he beckoned her to walk with them.

Leanne nodded and never looked back. This is the right thing to do. This way, no one will get hurt.

As they were walking, Rafael introduced every part of the plantation and how the harvesting process goes. He also showed Diego their weaving business.

Rafael looked high-spirited, different from his usual stern self. Diego, on the other hand, responds formally with a respectful smile on his face.

Leanne sighed as she was following them silently, "This is boring... I thought I would have a chance to increase the love-line with Diego if I go with them." She thought.

They were about to take a turn, when suddenly, Leanne was pulled away by someone. Since she was following them from behind, Diego and Rafael did not notice her disappearance.

Leanne was scared. She was about to scream, but she heard the person talk. "Is that him?"

Leanne turned her head and look at the person. "Isagani?"

Isagani let go of her and repeated his words. "Is that the guy you'll marry? And the reason why you're avoiding Manong Emilio?"

Leanne looked away in guilt, "No... I just made up my mind. Emilio does not like me... so I should just obey my father and marry. It's better this way..."

Isagani does not seem to believe Leanne as he looked at her suspiciously. "Really?"

"Yeah... anyway, I should go now." Leanne then turned and left.

Behind her, she did not see that Isagani's eyes darkened. His thoughts unknown.

Diego saw Leanne catching up to them. "Where have you been?"

"I greeted a friend." Leanne answered quickly then changed the subject, "By the way, when are we eating? I'm hungry..."

"Hmmm... we will have our lunch over there." Diego pointed to the wooden table being set up near the fields.

Leanne looked excited as she pulled on Diego's sleeve. "Ooh! A picnic."

Diego stilled for a moment, but did not shake her off of him. "Let's go."

Diego was extra attentive with Leanne during lunch. "Eat more of this, Binibini Josefa." He said as he moved the food closer to Leanne.

"Thank you... You should eat more vegetables as well, Sir Diego." Leanne only responded politely.

In Rafael's eyes, however, the two were getting along so well. Rafael smiled happily, "I'm glad that the two of you are getting along. We might not need to wait long for the wedding."

Leanne was shocked with Rafael's straightforwardness, "Father!"

Diego chuckled good-heartedly and looked at Leanne warmly. "It's alright... Actually, I'm looking forward to it as well."

Leanne looked annoyed with her eyebrows furrowed and her cheeks bulging. She, however, cannot hide the blush creeping up her face.

"Great-grandpa is such a smooth talker... No wonder Josefa fell for him in the end..." Leanne thought and observed Diego further. "...but... why can't I shake off the feeling that he is a bit shady... with that permanent smirk on his face..."

Leanne drowned in her thoughts without moving her sight away from Diego.

Diego felt her staring and suddenly turned to look at Leanne, which greatly shocked her. "Binibini Josefa, my father is hosting a party in our house, two days from now. Would you like to go with me?"

Leanne let out a relieved sigh and whispered inaudibly, "I thought he heard my thoughts or something..."

Leanne was not able to answer Diego right away, so Rafael joined the conversation. "That's good! You should go Josefa, and you can also bring Maria." He then leaned in to whisper to Leanne's ear, "This could be your chance to secure your position as Sir Diego's fiance. You must make sure he introduce you as such."

Leanne rolled her eyes at Rafael's words. As if she could reject Diego's invitation now that Rafael agreed for her. "I'll be there, Sir Diego."

Leanne then lowered her head to eat and continued her thoughts. "Aah! Don't think too much. I'm sure Diego is a good person... He'll end up with Josefa in the future anyway... and I could exist that way too. Also according to Auntie Lucy, Diego was so passionate and persistent in love that Josefa also learned to love him back..."

Leanne then raised her head to look at Diego, "Would you like to go on a walk with me later, Sir Diego?" She decided to start making her move.

"Alright." Diego responded simply.

I'm sorry for the delay. I am currently on a Christmas trip, but I will still try to update daily. Thank you for your understanding.

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