
I'm done (for now)

Mmmm, I think I've honestly done enough of this book tbh. I've had fun with it and everything, but there's not much to write.

Percy's main challenge would have been Bloodborne, where he acceded to being a great one, so what else is there to say?

Maybe I'll pick it up again when the Elden Ring DLC comes out, but at the moment I'll be focusing on my other fanfics.

If someone honestly wants to write a Bloodborne fic, PLEASE let me know. I love Bloodborne.

I mean in all honesty though, we came for Percy in the dark soul's world, and what is the PJO world compared to the soul's worlds?

Anyway, I hope some people take at least some inspiration from my fic. Good or bad.

Btw, we need more Dark Souls/Bloodborne fics. I've read a lot of them.

-sincerely scathach.

{A/n: as I said before, I might pick it up when the Elden ring DLC comes out.}