
(we meet again)

Time froze around Percy, quite literally. His eyes flicked to the outer god that was hovering over her champion.

"No no no, wait," Percy grabbed her and forced her into a body.

Time returned to normal, and in percys, hands was the formless mother. Now she was screaming in pain as she clenched percys hands.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her skull as she was driven to insanity. She dropped to the floor and percys eyes turned to Mogh who was evaluating his choices.

Percy attacked him, and not lightly. Percy began doing something even worse than turning mogh insane like the formless mother.

"Plip plop," the sound of the formless mother poking moghs blood that happened to be in the background as I inspected the cacoon.

I raised my hand, reversed time, and then reconstructed a body for the poor kid. Now he wouldn't be cursed at least.

Percy then threw the "kid" into his hunter's dream.

"Good hunter... Thou seems... Angry," the miniature doll said as she gently caressed my chin.

"Very," I said.


She felt it... No, not felt, but sensed. If you asked her how that worked, she wouldn't be able to explain it.

It was bad enough that her mother had shattered the Elden ring, but nobody knew where exactly the shards went.

Marika had left the shards somewhere, but never explicitly said anything. Just "You'll see when it happens".

Malenia had long lost her sense of purpose, ever since her teacher had up and vanished. But I suppose I should get to that story huh?

When Maleina had turned around 14, the scarlet rot had reached its peak. The pain was almost unbearable, but she could still hold on.

Most people avoided her, afraid to catch the illness known as scarlet rot. miquella though stayed by her side.

...not until she met him. Which was more of an accident than on purpose.

She knew who he was, who didn't? The greatest prankster in the lands between.

At first, he didn't look remarkable on the surface, but if you stared at him you see it.

I mean he even pranked Marika herself and got away with it, and the arm wrestle matches between him and Godfrey were always fun to watch.

They even elected a colosseum for that specifically. And when Marika sent him away, the pranking got 20 times worse.

He seemed to love targeting Radagon, almost as if he was doing this for revenge for his best friend.

Malenia had met him when she was going through one hm of her episodes, or in better words the scarlet rot trying to take over her body.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, and the pain went away instantly. Almost... Afraid of the man in front of young malenia.

And young malenia would find the truth behind that statement, even going so far as staying by him to keep the rot in check.

On a brighter note, she grew up healthy thanks to the "blind" man. She said "blind" because even with his blindfold he saw clearly.

She took an apprenticeship under the blind man, learning how to be a "hunter" as he called it. She knew that this man was strong and she strived to be strong too.

I mean hell, he treated THE black knife assassins as cats. I mean Literally, one of them was always asking for head pats.

(Tiche: best girl. Doesn't ask for anything, and helps you solo bosses).

Murders happened around the city though, and they were brutal, looking as if they were cut up with a saw.

They never did find the culprit of those murders, but some rumors were that they were bad people.

And ever since she met her mentor, she always wanted to be able to best him at least once, but never could.

One night the "hunter" as he called himself, invited her to his abode. It looked normal at first.

A run-down cottage, hardly worth living in at least in her opinion. But as soon she stepped in, it was.. mind-blowing.

It was a whole city or even a town. One that looked almost as beautiful as the capital.

"The king has returned," a shout was heard as the sound of "king" was chanted.

He took that in stride and smiled softly as he saw malenias shyness about the crowd.


Best day ever.

She met so many people, of so many races, and different personalities. Her favorite had to be the crow.

She was so cool and mysterious and a young malenia was just fascinated. She couldn't help but get angry when that one woman tried to flirt with her mentor.

Lucatiel was absolutely not aloud near him, she even used the puppy eyes to get what she wanted from the hunter.

And did she mention he HAS A WOLF? I mean, sheesh, how many more secrets does this man have?

This man can sleep wherever and whenever he wants. And the citizens were honestly used to it.

He would be in the middle of a conversation, or doing something important, and suddenly ZZZZ, he fell asleep.

'If only I could meet him again,' she thought as she stood tall at the base of the throne in her city.

And not to mention she was looking everywhere for miquella. Even threatening the other demigods with permanent death if they didn't release him.

The doors were burst open and Inside came in her loyal knight... Covered in a cake?

Malenia stood up immediately, already knowing the MO of her mentor. He was alive. A ghost of a smile formed on her face as she raced to meet him.


"Marikas tits, do you guys not know when to give up?" Percy said as he killed another lobster.

His eyes snapped forward when he saw his disciple's signature coming rapidly toward him.

"There she is," he said, a smile on his face.

(End of chapter)