
Chapter 45

"I'm good Percy. Nice to meet you."

Annabeth smiled at this, "anyway Percy here needed some help with his equipments, think you can help?"

Charles nodded and then quickly walked away. Percy looked at Annabeth who smiled, "he doesn't really talk much. But I think he want's you to follow him."

Percy nodded and then quickly moved, "thank's a lot Annabeth!"

Charles took him to a building that was located near the stream leading to the forest right next to the Hephaestus cabin. The building had a water wheel on the side and it's chimneys let out thick clouds of smoke. The forge had white pillars lined with soot and the noise of hammer meeting metal could be hear. Charles took Percy in showing several workstation which has a camped over one project or another.

"Welcome to the forge," Charles said and he called over one of his sisters, "this is Nina she will help you out with your equipments."

The girl's skin was bronze due to continuous exposure to the forge's heat. He face was covered with seat and she had a bandana tied over her large head of blonde hair. Her eyes were black as coal and she stood just a little taller that Percy.

"So what can I help you with?" Nina asked as she rubbed her hands clean of oil. Percy pulled up his inventory behind his back and without letting Nina see what he was doing pulled his shield out.

"I need help fixing this," Percy said as he handed the shield over to her.

"Hm…. this has been used a lot," Nina commented as she then flicked a finger at the metal causing it to vibrate, "good bronze though. Not celestial but it would be good in a fight. I can fix it, but it will be 5 drachma."

Percy nodded, "not a problem. When can I get it back?"

Nina looked around and then sighed, "tomorrow the latest, we are kind swamped right now."

"I see….so you guys couldn't fill out a request right now?" Percy asked in a hopeful voice.

"Well it would depend on what that request is an how much you are willing to pay."

"I need weight for myself. Like the kind you can put on your hand so that when you train it will be difficult to move. If you could make something like that it would be useful."

Nina closed her eyes and looked like she was talking to herself. Then she opened her eyes, "yup I can do that no problem. Will cost you 20 drachma though."

Percy nodded, "great when can I get them both?"

"Tomorrow at 10 am. Don't be late," and with that Nina walked away.

Percy stuck around for a bit and watched the forger's work. Maybe during the summer when his quest of over and mom is safe again he could learn how to be a forger. It looked pretty cool. After Percy got his fill of watching forgers working he went out to the Climbing Wall, he had been itching to climb that thing ever since he saw it.

Percy looked at the thing in wonder, it is true many a demigod nearly died climbing this thing, but Percy will concur it. Not because he is the son of Poseidon, but because he is freaking awesome!

Percy came to the start and quickly climbed onto the first foot rest on the wall. He then pulled himself up and for the next few steps everything was normal. Then suddenly the wall started to vibrate. Soon the vibrations became more and more violent and Percy nearly lost his grip but Percy held on and waited until the vibrations stopped.

Then suddenly there were rocks falling down and Percy was forced to move to the side and suddenly the rocks were everywhere. Moving like a cat Percy managed to avoid each and every rock and he came to a carving in the wall where all lot of the campers were now resting.

Percy pulled himself up and sat there. And then;


Due to constant moment of your body in a flexible way you have gained +1 Dex!

Percy looked at this and grinned. He then turned to see that there were several campers there next to him in the carving and they were all looking at him. "Ah...hi?" Percy said waving to them.

Slowly one of them waved back and smiled. Just then a voice broke out of the group, "so you're the one that beat up Clarisse."

On the other side of the carving was a camper with blonde hair and a very butch face, "I'm Peter, son of Ares. And you beat up my siblings."

Percy sighed, god these guys were everywhere! Percy then looked at Peter and nodded, "yeah I did it. So?"

Peter snarled, "so now I kick your ass!"

Percy laughed, "there isn't exactly much room here you know."

"Not here at the halfway point. I mean on the top of the wall!" Peter said with a snarl, "in fact I'll race you!"


Quest Alert!

Teach this brat who's boss! Beat him in a race and then kick his ass on top of the climbing wall!


Race- 300 Exp, climbing gloves

Battle- 500 Exp, training with Ares cabin


No training


Percy pressed yes and then looked at Peter, "you're on."

Peter and Percy got into position outside of the halfway point holding onto various hand holds and the a third camper said, "go!"

At that Percy and Peter were racing up to the top. Suddenly a buzzsaw came flying down coming to cut Percy right down the middle. Thinking quickly Percy threw himself to the right and escaped being cut in half by a hair's breath.

"You have to fater than that sea head!" Peter looked back and taunted.

Percy grumbled and then climbed up faster, Peter was a few steps ahead and Percy intended to catch up. But just then a speed of lava broke out and flew right for Percy and Peter. Percy jumped to the side again but Peter missed one hand hold and suddenly was falling down.







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