
Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

In a world where Greek mythology comes to life, Percy Jackson, a seemingly normal boy, discovers that he is a demigod, son of Poseidon, god of the sea. But that's not all, Percy also possesses a unique power: the Gaia system. A special ability that allows you to see the world like a video game. Accompanied by his loyal demigod friends, Percy faces epic challenges, confronts mythological creatures, and discovers ancient secrets. With each battle and mission completed, Percy becomes stronger and unlocks new abilities.

UchihaFamily · Filmes
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148 Chs

Chapter 40

Grover then turned to Percy, "please don't reveal yourself Percy."

Percy looked at Grover and then looked away and out of the window. After a moment of silence Percy looked at his friend, "Grover…..I'm sorry but I refuse to hide myself any more. I don't this Thalia but any girl brave enough to sacrifice herself and in her dying breath ask for something that selfless must be an amazing girl. Would you really ask someone like that to hide herself from the world?"

Grover shook his head , "I know Percy but… I don't want you to get hurt."

Percy smiled, "relax I won't."

After speaking to Grove for another few minutes Percy headed to the main camp fire area where the campers were all gathered around the camp singing songs. Percy smiled at this and waited in the background just watching them sing and be happy, but all the while he was thinking.

Should he do it? Should he reveal to the world who he was? If he did it was force his dad's hand making him have to claim Percy. If he didn't then he would be forced to live in the Hermes cabin which was already full. Percy smiled, well his dad was kind of a dick to have never even wished him a happy birthday once in his life soooo fuck it.

Percy walked up to Chiron and whispered in his ear causing the teacher to look at Percy in concern, "are you sure you want to do this Percy?"

Percy nodded, "I'm not hiding myself anymore."

Chiron nodded and troted his way to the center of the camp. Slowly everyone became quiet and all eyes were on him.

"Now as some of you might know yesterday the Minotaur was spotted outside the camp grounds," this made some of the kids worried while the children of the Ares were hoping they could kill the thing, "it was chasing a demigod Percy Jackson."

At that Percy walked up and stood next to Chiron. Percy saw Annabeth and the rest of the Athena cabin smile at him while Clarisse was furious that he had given her a fake name.

"Percy managed to defeat the monster in single combat and will now be joining camp."

"Bullshit!" cried one child of Ares, "you mean to tell me an untrained demigod beat the Minotaur?" Several other campers raised their voice in objection and roared their disapproval.

Chiron nodded "I understand it is a little difficult to believe but it is true. This is mostly due to who Percy's godly parent is," he then turned to Percy, "if you will Percy."

Percy nodded and then uncapped a water bottle that he took out of his inventory before hand. He then used his water control and pulled out the water and transformed it into a trident. Percy held the water structure in his hand like a real trident and then looked at everyone with his sea green eyes, "my name is Perseus Jackson. I am the son of Poseidon."

The entire camp was silent as a grave as jaws started to drop. Percy grinned, "what happened? Son of Poseidon got your tongue?" And suddenly a green trident apeard over Percy's head, 'well at least dad is paying attention to what I'm doing.'

The Next Day,


You have slept in you own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy woke up in his bed and stretched. He looked around Poseidon cabin and sighed. He didn't have any room mates, that was good, but he also didn't like the fact that he was so alone. Percy then got up and quickly got ready for the first of camp. He put of an orange shirt which said Camp Half-Blood on the front with a picture of a Pegasus on the back.

Percy then went out of his cabin and began making way towards the Mess Hall for a quick bite to eat. On the way there Percy opened his status page and checked his skill list making a mental list of what to train first.

First thing's first, he needed to train Str, Dex and Vit. They were the most lacking and they would be easy to train. As for his skill a few caught his attention,

· ID Create, Lv-1 (0%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

Empty Dungeon- no monsters.

· ID Escape, Lv-1 (0%)

Used to escape from Instant Dungeons

These were skills he didn't remember he had. He didn't even know what he could do, did this mean he could make his own dungeons? This was definitely curious and needed his attention. Percy then went into the mess hall and quickly pilled up his food. But before he ate he walked to the flames in the center of the hall and put some in, 'for Poseidon sorry for being a pain sometimes.'

Percy then walked to his cabin's seat and quickly ate his breakfast. It was very early in the morning and only a few campers were up but they were still only looking at Percy with curiosity and a sense of fear in their eyes.

Percy shook his head and then quickly finished off his food. He then went back for seconds but when no one was looking he shoved most of the food into his inventory. After that was done Percy began to walk around camp trying to find the perfect place to train in private.






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