
Class shuffling

A few hours later, at a remote island occupied only by one thing, The Winshley Academy, an academy, known for its high standards and history of producing talented and powerful darkmage.

At the entrance of the academy, the almost infinite line of students stretched out to the very end of the island. "Now if you hear your name, walk towards the gate, and go to the stand with the letter A written on it, you will be the first-year class A.

Williams Aeingsford" The first name that was called left most students in shock, as they looked at the figure who stood forward, he was the only son of the Aeingsford family, family of a noble bloodline with direct descendants to the king's grandfather, their presence in the kingdom is nearly as important as the royal family.

The blonde spiky hair of a predator male with blood red pupils, his figure seemed to be making even some nobles shake in their boots, as they knew the history of the Aeingsford family and their blood rituals which would make their offspring become even predators amongst their peers, he was probably going to become the number one genius in class A.

"Chloe Rynords!" It was as if Neil was dreaming at the sight of Chloe, she had a totally different air around her, her eyes carried the definition of pride as she looked as everything else as inferior.

"Chloe this the Chloe I know, could I be dreaming, she looks nothing like before, I doubt of someone like her would had spared me a glance." Neil Nava said to himself as he stared blankly at her until it finally came to Ricky's attention.

"It Seems you already have a crush on someone, how interesting!" Ricky said in a teasing manner as he noticed how Neil stared at the Chloe. "Me!! No we're just friends, or so I thought, She looks different!" Neil said in a low voice as he switched his attention back to the person calling the names.

"Ricky vinson!"

"me, I'm in the same class as those freakish monsters!!? They'll tear me apart, I won't survive!! why me!"

"It seems you're forgetting your confident, don't worry you'll survive!"Neil Nava said patting Ricky's shoulder.

Unlike the rest names, Ricky was probably a nobody in the eyes of most students well some do remember him as the boot licker.






"And finally Neil Nava!"

"It seems I'm also on class A, nice!" Neil thought to myself as he walked towards the gate.

He received a more interesting attention from the crowd, well only few recognized him as noble, others has pink heart as pupils.

"oh my gosh, he's so cute, look at those cute eyes, his silky silver hair, I think I'm in love!" Similar comments echoed all over the line of students while some high ranking female nobles could only act uninterested, why the males could only get even more jealous.

"I knew I had the charm but never knew I was this handsome!" Neil said to himself as he stroke his silver hair gently to the side to act even more handsome, just like he predicted the echoes became even more louder.

Beyond the gates of Winshley academy, Neil could be seen talking to a middle aged man standing behind a post as he handed him over a badge.

"Awesome, you're also in class A!!" A Familiar voice called out to Neil with a friendly smile on his face. "Yeah, it's pretty awesome, now where the hell is class A, were supposed to be there for our orientation!" Neil said to Ricky who was walking towards him.

"Well, I brought a map!" Ricky said with a weird smile as he brought out a map of Winshley academy first-year ground.






"Now listen up, I know some of you have heard pretty nasty rumors about the academy, like how many people don't survive, or the harsh tactics or strict rules, some of you probably heard rumors about people dying in the school, well I'm honoured to tell you that those rumors are fucking TRUTH, if you have a weak mindset or just hoping you come in ad out of Winshley without breaking or changing completely you're wrong, you can leave right now if you don't have the ego of a real mage, of you can't survive in this school there's no place for you on earth. Now from today you're certified students of Winshley academy and as such act like one, be punctual, and follow the rules also... try not to die on your first week, is that clear?" A Male teacher with jet dark coily hair said in a calm but domineering voice.

"Yes sir!" The students echoed in unison.

"What the heck, that speech wasn't really encouraging, is this how my life would be?" Ricky said to himself but his voice was loud enough for Neil to hear. "Honestly, I agree with you on that one!"

"Now as we move on we'll all get to know each other but first we must know our three special admission. Special admission 3, from the magic tower, Chloe Rynords!" just as the teacher called the name, all eyes shifted to the female who stood up, Chloe Rynords o the famous Rynords family, her beauty made even noble men drool in lust.

"Step forward!" The teacher said as she walked with a face of pride not paying attention to anyone else, but just then a small red blush could be seen on her face as everyone looked at the direction she was looking at.

"Isn't that Neil, the boy from the shop, oh my god, he's so cute, in the school uniform." Chloe said as she finally stood beside the teacher.

"Special admission number 2, also from the magic tower, Iliana Reize!"