

At room number 30 in woodpecker's inn, Neil could be seen in a meditative position as he looked at the book in front of him, it was a book on curses which was one if the major areas in dark magic.

He took a deep breath after looking at the book and closed his eyes to practicalize it. "It seems all I have to do is create the rune symbol with my mana to create the curse magic, I can barely release my mana let alone form such complex patterns with it." Neil thought to himself as he completed the circulation process which took about two minutes to complete.

"Now all I need to do is release my mana and form the rune symbol, how hard can it be?" Neil asked himself as he continued with the process.

[Two hours later]

"How can it be so hard, after two hours I can barely make a perfect circle!" Neil said to himself as he looked at the half complete rune in front of him which layer disappeared into thin air.

"It's night time but I don't seem to be getting tired maybe this is one of the advantages of being a darkmage, I'll just continue throughout the night."


The scene at the port was quite a fascinating one, from fishermen to sailors or even pirate mages, the scenery of the emerald ocean was one worth dieing for.

"I guess that must be the the gathering of new students!" Neil said as he saw the gathering of people around the age of sixteen to eighteen, Neil sat close to the crowd blending with them like a green snake on a green grass.

Ten minutes later a man walked towards them telling them to form a queue and walk into an extremely large and fancy ship hundred meters long and fifty meters wide.

"Everyone sit on any chair close to you and hold the hand bars, the journey could be extremely uncomfortable for most of you" A man with long white beards and white eyelashes reaching his chin said to the new students.

"Hey get up, I prefer this seat, it has a nicer view of the ocean!"one of the new male students with long blonde hair said to another student sitting close to the edge of the ship.

"Why wou....woul...would M.r Carna! I'm sorry I'll stand up immediately!" The student said in fear after seeing it was Carna Ackerman, second son of the Ackerman noble family, it's through that Winshley is a school of fairness, where the family background of a person isn't out into consideration, the only thing that matters is strength but the commoners won't be so stupid to think that their power would be on per with the nobles since they would have more access to materials and resources.

The Ackerman family is a highly esteemed family with the viscount tittle, they've continued to produce genius mages who fight in the frontline of the kingdom as well as mages who work as an official at the magic tower.

"That's not good enough, now you'll have to stand up then lick my boots"Carna said with a serious face as he intimidated the pitiful commoner, meanwhile Neil who was sitting right behind the commoner had sympathy for the Innocent feller.

The commoner quickly stood up from the seat and licked the boots of Carna who had a face of pride as he sat down with a face if disgust towards the commoner who finished licking his shoe.

The whole ship watched this scene with a popcorn in their hands as they didn't even blink nor move to help. "Hey, you boy, Come over here!" Neil said to the commoner boy In a light and gentle voice.

"Another noble calling me, I don't want trouble!" The boy thought to himself as he turned slightly to the direction of the voice while trying to avoid the gaze of Carna. "Ar..are yo-you talking-to to me?" the boy asked Neil in a low and stuttering voice.

"Yes, I'm talking to you,....What's your name?" Neil asked the boy who was now standing in front of him. "My name is Ricky" The boy said in a low voice as it wasn't worth mentioning his family's name.

"your full name!" Neil said in a curious voice staring right into his eyes while Ricky could only look at the floor.

"Ricky vinson!" Ricky replied this time with a little bit of confident as he managed to look at Neil in his eyes only for a second. "Oh! you're a merchant Family, how nice!!! come sit with me, we could be friends, don't let anyone intimidate you, you're all equals within your peers, someone once mighty could fall in a minute, and even the most esteemed name could be dragged into the mud, just have faith and stay true to your self you could become a strong man all on your own!" Neil said while adjusting to the right creating enough space for another to sit on.

"Thank you Mr, you have not only given me a seat but a conviction to go by, you will forever be my hero!" Ricky said while accepting the sit as he sat at the fre space that Neil provided."Mr please may I know your name?"Ricky asked Neil with a low voice.

"Be confident in your speech, it makes you bold!... My name is Neil Nava, still a lost soul like you!"

"You mean the genius merchant of the renowned noble merchant, the one eho elevated the Nava family from second rate to first rate merchant family, you're truly my hero, I have a lot to learn from you."