
Paw Patrol: Final Wars

Warning: Contains Swearing, alcohol, blood and extreme action. When mining for a raw ore in space goes horribly wrong, Chase is suck in a alternate universe where his evil self, Chase 666, plans to conquer the multiverse and kill anyone that stands in his way. Now he must build an army of himself and his friends, along with some odd new friends, to stop Chase 666 from destroying all reality. A lot of people have help me to make this story, so I hope you enjoy.

Nothing2007 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Out of the frying pan part 1

Since there wasn't a lot of time left, base on what Chase said, they did a small funeral for Mecha Marshall before they took his body to be buried in the Prime Adventure Bay's graveyard, alone with the thousands of other bodies there.

"Another one to the slaughter," grumbled Chase as he storm to his tent to have some quiet time to think.

Once he entered his tent, he sat down to think about what Chase. Exe had said. It all meant something, but he couldn't piece it together.

Just then, though as he was about to give up, his head swarm with images. Fiery ruins and the city. He knew that city.

It was Adventure City.

However, it couldn't be in his dimension, he told himself. This was in another universe. And he needed to prepare for the upcoming battle.

He rush out of his tent, pass soldiers eating or training. And he didn't stop running until he reach Lady.

"Lady!" yelled Chase, panting. Lady was working on her motorcycle and turn to look to Chase, seeing his concern.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "I know where 666 is going to strike next," said Chase.

HQ TENT: A few minutes later:

"Adventure City," said Chase 3, looking more confuse then ever. "Why would he dare try to attack there?"

"It's not in this universe, but a different one," said Chase. "One that hasn't been a front in the fighting yet."

"Ok, so what's the big deal then," asked Chase 4, who was cleaning his sniper rifle. "It seems a little weird that he would want to got there."

"I don't know why, but it can't be anything good," said Chase. "We need to move our forces there now."

Once the order was out to get ready to leave, the companies of men and pups rush to fix and ready everything, from guns to planes to tanks.

Soon, within the hour, they had all the troops ready to fight. But Lady had one surprise for Chase.

"What is this thing you wanted to show me," ask Chase as he followed Lady.

"To show you this," said Lady as she flip a switch, showing Chase a beautiful floating in midair aircraft carrier, making his jaw drop.

"Where and how did you manage to get this beautiful machine?" ask Chase, staring at the sight.

"It took a while, but we manage to built it," said Lady. "Boys, fire it up!"

The crew on board heard her and listening to her orders, fired up the aircraft carrier as it powered up.

Soon, all of the troops had board the aircraft carrier and they flew through the portal into another world.

They soon appeared over a forest and to a mile away, was Adventure City, one that would become a dangerous battleground.

But unknown to them, one enemy Chase knew too well was in the city.

"Men, time to show that alliance of theirs how good we are with tech," said Silverclaw. "Hack Mecha Chase."

His best computer hackers got right to work and within a few minutes, they were in. "Get them," said Silverclaw, smiling.

Meanwhile on the aircraft carrier, Mecha Chase and Roader and Aid were walking together when Mecha Chase suddenly just stop, leaving the other two baffled.

"Um dude are you ok?" ask Roader. Mecha Chase didn't respond. He approach him, while Aid tried to talk him out of it.

"That is a terrible idea, stay back," yelled Aid. But Roader didn't listen.

"Mecha Chase?" ask Roader as he stood right in front of him. But what he didn't notice was him pulling a knife out. But before he could react, it was already in his back.

"Ahh!" cried Roader as he fell to the ground, he back bleeding badly as Mecha Chase took off. "I'll help you," said Aid as he ran over to his friend and preform first aid, while calling Chase 3 and telling him what happen.

Once he heard that, he order the ship into lockdown and have a special forces unit track Mecha Chase down.

They enter the 2nd floor down into the inter of the ship and started to get nervous.

"I have a bad idea about this," said one of the soldiers. They countied down the hall, watching every corner and hallway, unknowing of the threat at large.

Suddenly, they heard multiple shoots that sound like a minigun fire. They quickly turn around to found two of their men dead while Mecha Chase had two miniguns, one on each side.

The last thing they every did was scream as Mecha Chase let his guns rip, slaughtering all of the soldiers and ran upstairs. He was on a killing streak.

Chase had his troops on the flattop on high alert with guards surrounding the door as Lady approach him.

"What the hell is going on?" she ask, while Chase stared at the ground.

"Mecha Chase, something's causing him to attack and kill our members," said Chase. "Hackers," said Lady. "I think so," said Chase.

Suddenly, the door was blown off, sending the guards flying with it. Out came Mecha Chase, miniguns smoking and his robotic eye red.

He turn to the left towards the edge of the aircraft carrier and took off for it. Chase 3 went after him due to having better protection.

Mecha Chase jump off the aircraft carrier and Chase 3 fell off with him, as they fell towards the city below.

Chase 3 glide towards Mecha Chase as the two begin to fist over the city.

Meanwhile, for this universe's Paw Patrol, they had just stop Humdinger's failed attempt at building a loopy loop in the subway and Chase 6 and Ryder were in a argument.

This though, ended when the team notice the two fighting pups falling from the sky.

"Um Ryder," said Skye. "Two pups are falling from the sky, take a look."

Ryder pick up his googles and took a look and she was correct. Expect for one thing.

"Why does it look like the two are fighting?" he ask.

Meanwhile, Chase 3 and Mecha Chase countied to swing their fists at each other as they plug towards the ground. But Mecha Chase wasn't having any of it and release a rain of bullets.

These bullets end up flying into the glass of the nearby skyscrapers, killing a few people inside as the others ran for cover.

Soon though, Chase 3's rocket boots kick in and he manage to escape his grab, letting Mecha Chase smash into a familiar purple car.

"Ok, now what?!" yelled a angry Humdinger inside as he, his cats and his two bodyguards step out of the vehicle, only to stare in shock as a metal Chase sat up.

"Man, my head fucking hurts," said Mecha Chase, looking at his surroundings. "Ok, this is weird, last I knew, I was on the ship."

He jump off the smashed car and stretch his legs, for the locks had buckled up. He also grab his beer bottle and drunk that up. He was very thirsty for some reason.

But soon after he finish, he spotted Chase 3 approaching him. "Why are you down here and why am I down here," he ask.

"Dude, you killed 6 soldiers, stab another and punch me in the face!" shouted Chase 3, widening Mecha Chase's eyes.

"I did what?" ask Mecha Chase as Chase 3 got in his face. "You tried to kill me!" Chase 3 shouted in his face.

"Dude, that wasn't me..." said Mecha Chase. "Wait a minute." He soon pulled out a fried chip from his leg, which surprise Chase 3.

"Hackers," said Mecha Chase. "They hack my chip and corrupted me to kill you guys." He toss the chip in the nearest garbage can.

"Ok, but how can do that?" ask Chase 3, unaware of the multiple eyes that were staring at him.

"It's pretty easy, 666's goons," growled Mecha Chase. "And when I find them, there bodies are going to be full of lead!"

"Now hold your horses Mecha Chase," said Chase 3, putting his paw on his. "Calm down, we don't even know where they are."

Mecha Chase calm down. "Good point," he said.

Meanwhile, now everyone was staring at the two, including the Paw Patrol, Humdinger himself and a news crew, filming them.

"How are they? ask Marshall. "They look like two different versions of Chase." Ryder and Chase 6 agree with him.

"Well," said Chase 3. "What do we do now? You killed my rocket boots."

"How about we go to the nearest bar and have some beers," said Mecha Chase. "Drinks on me!"

He zoom away, with Chase 3 in hot pursuit. "Wait up!" cry Chase 3 as he chase after him, with him also being followed by the others.

Soon, the two reach the bar, but were stop by a angry looking guard Doberman. "You aren't allowed in there," he said, pulling out a combat knife as a show of force.

"We are allow to go anywhere we please," said Chase 3, getting into the Doberman's face. "Now you beat it!"

This surprise the Doberman and in relation he smack Chase 3, but this was a big mistake.

Chase 3 didn't even flinch. He just stood their, as he got more angrier. "You will let us in or I will smash your face in the pavement," he growled.

The Doberman wasn't having and attempt to tackle him down, thinking he was crazy. But that was the wrong move.

Chase 3 swung his metal charge fists, smashing it into the Doberman's head and send him flying, while Mecha Chase pulled out his axe to protect Chase 3.

But this made the Doberman MAD and he charge at them, only to get the fists of Mecha Chase and Chase 3 combined, sending him and staying into the next building.

The two just walk inside the bar to fill themselves up, while the others outside back away, both humans and pups alike.

The two were in there for the next few hours, until they walk out, very drunk and had gotten themselves into more then a few bar fights.

Soon after they left the bar though, they got a call from Chase. "We need you back on the ship now!" he yelled before handing up.

"Captain Chase needs us," said Chase 3 sleepy as Mecha Chase grab onto him and they flew up to the aircraft carrier, trying not to hit anything on the way up.

Soon, they manage to arrive and get to the command room without breaking anything, but it was pretty knowing to the others that had a few drinks too much.

"They had a lot of beers down there," mumble one of the soldiers. "They sure did," mumble another.

Soon, Chase appeared in front of them and was very mad for a strange reason. They knew something went down in the city.

"Attention men, we have a code 9 problem down in Adventure City," said Chase as he activate a hologram of the city.

"This world's Chase has been kidnap by Humdinger's goons and taken to this place where he is housing other dogs, he said, pointing to a large building near a subway line.

"Are job is to strike the building, free the hostages and take down any targets we see," said Chase. "Do I make myself clear?"

The soldiers shouted YES SIR really loud as they ran towards their helicopters. Lucky for Chase 3 and Mecha Chase, the alcohol effects had were off.

"Let's go!" shouted Chase as the last of the troops ran to the helicopters.

And once they had enter the helicopter, the squad took off for Adventure City, soon entering their airspace.

"Closing in at 9'o clock," shouted the pilot as they edge closer to their target,

"Get ready boys," said Chase as they loaded and check their guns, ready for their assault.

Meanwhile, inside, Liberty had just finish talking some sense into Chase 6 and was walking away while saying they are going to escape.

"Liberty," said Chase 6. "There's no way out, the only way is the door and that's always lock."

Suddenly, though, there was a loud, sawing like noise.

"What's that noise?" ask Delores as the roof exploded and pieces of concrete fell to the floor. Soon, the goons ran into the roof.

"What's going on here?!" they yelled as pups in body armor and carrying assault rifles jump down into the roof.

"Targets acquired," shouted one of the soldiers. "Light them up!" yelled Chase 3 as the pups open fire on the goons.

"Come you guys," said Mecha Chase as he grab Chase 6 and Liberty's paws. "We got to go!"

Soon, while some of the soldiers chase after the goons, the others freed the inmates and loaded them up in the helicopters.

"Come on!" yelled Chase as the firing squad rush inside. "What took you guys so long?" he ask as the helicopters took off.

"We left a surprise down their," said Mecha Tracker, who was part of the firing squad as he push a button, causing the whole building to explode.

The building was already old and weak from many years and it collapse, taking some of the subway line with it.

"Nice one," said Chase, grinning as the helicopters flied back to the carrier.

Once they arrived, and they unloaded the copters, Chase 6, Liberty and the others demanded some answers.

"Who the hell are you guys and why are there multiple ME's running around on this not even possible flying aircraft carrier!" yelled Chase 6 causing the whole crew to go silent.

"Follow me," said Chase as the hostages followed him inside the warship.

He leaded them to the command hub, where a map of the different worlds of the multiverse showed.

"We are a alliance of pups and humans from across the multiverse determine to stop Chase 666 and his alliance of evil from conquering the whole multiverse," said Chase as the others stared at the high tech the alliance had.

"Who's 666, though?" ask Delores. "A twisted evil me who wants to slaughter all Chase's," said Chase.

"So that's the reason why there is a flying aircraft carrier that is invisible to us and why you guys are here" said Liberty. "That's... AWESOME!"

She started to run around crazy in the command hub. Most of the officers founded it annoying, while Chase found it funny.

"I think we could use something with crazy energy," said Chase. "Liberty and Chase 6, follow me." The two followed Chase through the ship to the armory, filled with weapons.

"Help yourselves and get some body armor," said Chase. "You will need it."

While Chase 6 was a little hesitate at first, Liberty went all in and even tried using stuff too heavy for her size, like a 134 minigun.

Once they found their perfect gear, they followed Chase to the shooting range, where Chase 4 was.

"Chase 4 here will help you guys with your shooting skills," said Chase. "He is are best sniper on the team."

Chase left the room to take a nap, while Chase 4 got them started.

Once he got to his bunk, Chase collapse on it. He needed to rest for a hour or two. Fighting was hard work. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

He was well into his sleep when he was shaken awake by Chase 3, who was very concern.

"It's Silverclaw!" he yelled, shaking Chase. He was already at the command hub before you can say holy seahorse.

"Where is he?!" he yelled. Soon, a officer approached him.

"He's with Humdinger, they are going to show off a new building he made that are scanners pick up has a dangerous energy source," said the officer.

"Well then, all troops to battle stations now!" yelled Chase. "Tell Marshall to get his company ready."

Soon, in a matter of minutes, Bravo Company, leaded by Marshall, were ready to do some work as Chase's mustang roared into view.

"Ready to ride?" Chase ask Marshall, who was getting in his . "Yes I am," he said as the engine roared to life.

Soon, the cars drove right off the carrier and fell to the city below while the helicopters fly ready to strike.

Meanwhile, Humdinger was ready to present his new building, created by his scientist, Silverclaw.

"Now I will let Mr. Silverclaw talk about this great building," said Humdinger as he step aside for Silverclaw.

But just as he was about to speak, he was hit by a sniper bullet that got him in his eye. "Dam Fuck that bitch!" he yelled as he covered his bleeding eye.

In a nearby Building, Chase 4 was reloading his sniper rifle. "Take that you bitch," said Chase 4 as he countied to open fire.

Silverclaw, meanwhile pulled out the bullet that got his eye and put up a shield as the rest of the bullets bounce off.

But just as he put down his shield, he was smash by Chase 4, who was in his rage mode and sent him flying.

"This is for Chase 2," Chase 4 yelled as he impaled Silverclaw through his heart, killing him as the rest of the army arrived.

Chase approach Chase 4 and look at Silverclaw and smiled. "You did a number on him," said Chase grinning.

Just then, Silverclaw spoke. "This isn't over, it's just begun," said Silverclaw as he press a button and finally died from blood loss.

Suddenly, Humdinger's new building charged up with energy as a purple mist begin to form around the top of the building.

"Oh shit," yelled Chase as a massive portal formed and out of it came a fleet of flying airships, wielding Chase 666's curse flag.

"Boys, get ready for war," growled Chase as he pulled his weapons, ready to fight.