
Paw Patrol: Final Wars

Warning: Contains Swearing, alcohol, blood and extreme action. When mining for a raw ore in space goes horribly wrong, Chase is suck in a alternate universe where his evil self, Chase 666, plans to conquer the multiverse and kill anyone that stands in his way. Now he must build an army of himself and his friends, along with some odd new friends, to stop Chase 666 from destroying all reality. A lot of people have help me to make this story, so I hope you enjoy.

Nothing2007 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The Twisted Ones part 2

After the battle at the hospital, the police surrounded the place, getting the people out, but afraid to go inside.

Meanwhile, Ryder, Katie and Rocky were carrying the unconscious bodies of there saviors out. The six were done from there battle with the twisted ones. They were bandaged, covering most of there bodies.

The police watch as the three place Chase and Michael and the Mecha's into Katie's SUV. But before they could put Fang into the SUV, they realize Fang had move from Katie's arms and was staring into a alley with his eyes close.

Suddenly, Out of the darkness of the ally, came Chase. Exe.. or it somewhat looked like him.

He had obsidian spikes and tentacles running from every part of his body and that bloody smile. He was the monster they knew.

Some of the police tried to run away, but they were killed by the obsidian tentacles. Chase. Exe look at Fang, who still had his eyes close, like he was thinking about something.

"Only the traitor left standing," said Chase. Exe with a wicked smile, showing his sharp teeth. Fang just countied to stand there.

Chase. Exe walk towards Fang, ready to rip him to pieces. But stop short as Fang said something.

"You and me," said Fang, opening his eyes, revealing white glowing eyes. "Hanging from the widow tree." He sang as he walk towards Chase. Exe, who was startled.

"Quietly drifting in the open breeze. Suddenly the winds blows you away from me. Now I see we were never meant to be."

"If only we could travel back in time," sang Fang, pulling out a enchanted iron sword. "Right where we belong."

"Maybe we'll never need a reason why (whoa)."

"We danced until the dawn. If only we could travel back in time (whoa)," sang Fang as he charge at Chase. Exe, cutting off one of the tentacles like if it was butter.

"Right where we belong. Maybe we'll never need a reason why(whoa)."

"We dance until the dawn."

Fang stop and fought Chase. Exe tooth and nail, getting stab a couple of times and impaling Chase. Exe's left eye.

"You and me, born from the same branch and leaves. Wild and Free, living here in harmony," sang Fang as his sword charge in power.

" Don't see this is where you want to be. But when you leave the world is never what it seems."

"If only we could travel back in time (whoa)," Fang countied as he walk towards Chase. Exe, still startled and had some damage to him.

"Right where we belong. Maybe we'll never need a reason why(whoa). We dance until the dawn."

"If only we could travel back in time(whoa)," sang Fang and Chase, who had woken up and had join Fang's side, swords ready.

"Right where we belong," sang the two as they charge at Chase. Exe, slashing at his tentacles. "Maybe we'll never need a reason why(whoa)."

"We dance until the dawn."

The two superpower pups slash and fought Chase. Exe, who tried to use his tentacles, but they were getting slice up.

After a three minute fight between the two, Chase. Exe was bloody and barely standing at this point. His legs wobble under his body.

"You and me," sang the two. "Hanging from the Widow Tree."

"Quietly drifting in the open breeze. You and me, hanging from the widow tree."

"Quietly drifting in the open breeze."

Chase. Exe had enough at that point and teleport right out of there to fight another day. Chase and Fang look at each other before they too, disappeared from view.

After the three's battle, it was around 8:30 in the morning and the police tap of the scene while Katie and Ryder took the other four to the lookout.

Meanwhile, Fang and Chase were sitting on a hilltop, watching the sunrise.

"Hey Chase," ask Fang. Chase turn his head towards him. "This gem, pick me," said Fang, showing him one of the gems.

"It means you are a legend, one of else," said Chase, putting his paw on Fang's shoulder. "But we should go find the other four. We need to stop Chase. Exe's death squad once and for all."

Fang agree. "We'll stay together until the battle's done," Fang said to Chase and the two teleported from sight once again.

Meanwhile, the other four were waking up at the lookout and where surprise to find Rocky, Ryder and Katie looking over them.

"Should we do plan 605?" ask Mecha Chase as he pulled his axe out as a show of force. "Don't ask me," said Michael.

Mecha Marshall and Mecha Tracker also pulled out their weapons and were about to attack the three when Fang and Chase appeared in front of them.

"That will not be needed," said Fang, putting his paw on Mecha Marshall's shoulder, making him calm down.

"Can someone please explain what is going on?" ask Katie.


"So let me get this straight," said Rocky. "You are us from a another universe who came here to kill our Chase and his new death squad?"

"That is correct," said Chase, sharping his sword. "He has killed millions and is a enemy of The Great Alliance."

"Well, that does explain the crazy weapons you guys have," said Ryder, looking at Michael's assault plasma rifle.

"He can cause great harm and he must be stop," said Fang. "You won't want to know how many people he has killed."

Suddenly, the power went out inside the lookout.

"I must forgot to pay the electric bill," said Ryder, reaching for his flashlight, but Chase stop him. Him and the rest, expect for Michael, had glowing eyes.

"They are here," said Chase as they pull out their night vision equipment, to their scopes to their googles.

"I have movement near the slide," said Michael. "You and Mecha Marshall go check it out," said Chase as the others look around.

Michael and Mecha Marshall approach the slide, being careful not to show who was there they were coming.

They look inside the dark slide as Twisted Michael jump out of the tunnel. He was covered in obsidian.

Twisted Michael toss his counterpart aside and started to kill Mecha Marshall as he stab him with a spear made of obsidian.

What happen next as carnage and madness as Ryder turn the power back on and Mecha Chase screamed.

Twisted Michael was standing in front of Mecha Marshall, ribcage open and losing blood. "No!" scream Mecha Chase as he became angry and charge at Twisted Michael, who was off guard and was sent flying.

He ran to Mecha Marshall's side, who was losing it.

"Don't you dare die on me!" scream Mecha Chase. "I need a medic NOW!"

Katie rush over with some bandages to try to stop the blood, but it was no use.

Mecha Marshall died that day, but not before saying is final words.

"Give them hell," mutter Mecha Marshall before closing his eyes one last time.

But this just made Mecha Chase REALLY mad. "You will get hell for this!" he scream as he charge in headfirst at Twisted Michael, swinging his axe like he never had before.

After a few minutes, Twisted Michael was all but destroyed as Mecha Chase howled in victory. Then he collaspe to his knees and he cried for a very long time.

After a while, Chase got Mecha Chase to stop crying. But he was far from done.

"He will die," said Mecha Chase as he pulled some painkillers out of the cabinet to kill the pain for the upcoming battle. But he wasn't the only one who was angry. Everyone was.

"Let's go kill him and I know jut where to find him," growled Chase as he tighten his boots and loaded his gun. "Let's get him."

Meanwhile, Chase. Exe and his team were terrorizing the town when they saw the five standing in front of them on the street, pist.

"You will get for what you have down," Mecha Chase said in a really deep voice, as he toss to Chase. Exe Twisted Michael's head.

Reverse Everest couldn't take it and throw up on the car next to her, emptying out her stomach.

The five didn't even speak. They just leap at their foes and the battle begin.

Mecha Chase went straight for Chase. Exe and began to chop up his tentacles, while Fang and Chase took on Atomic Tuck and Reverse Skye.

Soon, though, Reverse Marshall and Ella came in and man she was BIG. She towered over all of them and took pride trying to stomp them to mush.

But she didn't take in that Mecha Tracker had a missile truck and he wasn't afraid to fire.

"Eat my dust!" he yelled as the rockets roared as they flew to the big target. The missiles hit their target with great power.

Reverse Ella fell to the ground, smashing a nearby building, and as the people scream and ran, the battle countied.

For Chase and Atomic Tuck, things were getting out of control as the two nuclear power pups started to heat up.

"I need something that could backfire on his nuclear energy," said Chase as he slide back from another punch from Tuck.

Then a idea came to him. "I got it!" yelled Chase as he charge at Atomic Tuck, headfirst.

Atomic Tuck raise his paws of fire to strike back, but out of nowhere, before Chase could collide with him, he teleported while throwing a knife with a bomb attach to it at his face.

The knife impaled Tuck's eye, causing him to scream in agony before the bomb exploded and Tuck laid in a crater, motionless.

Meanwhile, Mecha Tracker had run out of missiles for his launchers, but he didn't need to. Gigantipup or Reversed Ella had crash into a building and look dead from his view.

Chase. Exe and Reversed Skye and Combustion look around. They could stop them.

"Let's get out of here," said Combustion as the three disappear in a vortex. The group look around. They had left.

"Now what to do we do?" ask Mecha Chase. "We must return to HQ and give Mecha Marshall a burial," said Chase. "Then we'll plan our next moves."

The group went back to the lookout to grab Mecha Marshall's body and left after saying a final goodbye and good luck to the three.

After a few minutes of travel, they arrived back into the frame finding Lady to be waiting for them. All it took was the look of Mecha Marshall's dead body to tell it all.

"What happen?"