
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 11

Yami walked out of the infirmary in the 4th Division before shaking his head. He hated the smell of medicine that the place exuded.

Yami was planning on heading right back to the 2nd Division but when he felt several presences following him, he changed his mind.

'Did the 6th Division figure out it was me? Doesn't matter. If it really comes to it, I can just go wild and the captain will clean up the mess later.'

Yami walked around aimlessly for nearly an hour, pretending that he was going on patrol. He planned out his path carefully so that when his 'patrol' was over, the fastest route back to the 2nd Division would be through a deserted location.

As he walked through a part of the Seireitei that was being repaired from the 10th Kenpachi got drunk and went wild with his subordinates.

After he walked into the middle of the area, Yami turned around as he drew the sword from his waist, and pointed it to the east.

"Come out, Byakuya Kuchiki."

Yami couldn't tell who the people accompanying Byakuya were exactly, but the child of the Kuchiki Family was someone he could recognize from the slightest release of his reiatsu. That was his duty as leader of the Executive Militia.

Byakuya walked out of the shadows carrying a sword that was emitting a dangerous aura. 3 Individuals were surrounding him, acting as his guards.

'No. They are not guarding him but the sword.'

Yami quickly thought through the data he had gathered on the Kuchiki Clan and realized what was going on.

"You stole the Muramasa Blade that is supposed to be the clan Zanpakuto. Won't Captain Kuchiki be upset with you? After all, the previous wielder of it just died today."

Byakuya glared at Yami, surprised he was able to tell that this was the clan's sword. Indeed, this was the Clan Zanpakuto of the Kuchiki Clan, Muramasa. It was an illusion-type zanpakuto that specialized in not using illusions on shinigami or hollows, but instead placed illusions on zanpakuto themselves and could even make the spirits of zanpakuto rebel against their owners/partners.

But in the hands of Byakuya...

Yami used shunpo to appear in front of Byakuya before punching him in the gut with his freehand, before delivering a kick to the side of his face, sending the young master of the Kuchiki Clan flying.

The guards around Byakuya were not expecting Yami to attack so suddenly. Before they knew it, Byakuya had already been given severe injuries.

The 3 men each placed a hand on their sheathed swords but before they could draw them, each of their hands was caught off. And just as each of them had their hands cut off, they all also received a deep cut on their bodies, forcing them to their knees.

Yami gave them each a kick to the gut knocking them all out and into the distance, just as he had done to Byakuya.

After taking them all out, Yami left without a word, leaving their unconscious bodies on the ground without informing anyone.

After Yami left, 2 individuals emerged from the shadows wearing white cloaks. They looked at unconscious Byakuya who held Muramasa.

"Let's take the blade and leave. We can place the blame on the 2nd Division and also take away a weapon that will be useful against the shinigami."

The other person nodded before walking forward. They then knelt down and reached out to take Muramasa from Byakuya's hands but before they could grab it, their arm was sent flying through the air. A stab wound appeared in the middle of the man's chest, partially cutting his heart.

Blood stained the perfectly white cloak as the figure tried to run away but the severe injury to his chest stopped him. Without being able to run away as fast as he wanted, the executioner's sword fell down from above and did its job.

The Quincy was beheaded without a chance to even draw his bow.

The other Quincy saw that the situation was going south so they hurried to summon their bow. He fired a few arrows at Yami but each one was knocked away with ease.

'Shit. I can't use the shadows. That would let them know about our abilities. I can only fight until I have a chance to escape.'

While the Quincy was thinking about how he would escape, he sensed several more shinigami had appeared all around. He looked around to see the corps commanders of the Onmitsukido had surrounded him.

"Looks like Kisuke was right. The Quincies have truly infiltrated Soul Society."

Kukaku felt a headache coming on. They originally thought that it was going to be an easy time when the other Divisions battled against the Quincies but they may have just gotten the most dangerous job of everyone.

"Doesn't matter. We will be interrogating him to figure out just how much he knows. I'll leave him in your hands for that, Kisuke."

"Aww, Yoruichi. Don't give me a hard job. Let the two kids take it on. They need practice."

Yoruichi's reply was a swift kick to Kisuke's butt, sending him flying through the air.

The Quincy saw that the shinigami before him were not taking him seriously, joking around and already discussing who would interrogate him.

'But they are right. I can't get captured. There is only one thing I can do.'

The man raised his right hand, revealing a white glove with several spikes around the wrist. The man ripped off one of the spikes. When he did, the glove disappeared as a large amount of reishi began flowing into the Quincy.

Soon, the man had a wing made of pure reishi and a bow that seemed much more corporal than the energy bow he had before, instead looking metallic.

"Quincy: Letzt Stil. Shit. Yoruichi, he is all yours."

"Yeah, yeah. You guys fall back and secure the perimeter. Kukaku, bring the two kids back to the 2nd Division. Get them set up to start the interrogation."

Kisuke and the others immediately backed away, Kukaku rushing over to grab Sui-Feng and Yami before falling back.

Quincy: Letzt Stil was a last resort Quincy technique that would vastly increase their powers to a level that could match and even surpass average captain-class shinigami using a bankai. Kisuke and Kukaku would need to use their bankai in order to match this level of power but Yoruichi was a monster that could handle it without her zanpakuto at all.

The last thing Yami saw was both combatants disappearing for a moment as the Quincy retreated to gain space but Yoruichi was still able to appear in front of him, landing a punch on his chest.

'That's the 'Flash Goddess' for you.'

Yami and the others returned to the 2nd Division without a worry in the world. They had complete faith in their captain, as well as Kisuke and Omaeda who were guarding the area.

But when the group returned 30 minutes after them without the Quincy and Omaeda having severe burns on the right side of his body, they knew that they had failed.

"What happened, Yoruichi?"

"Self-destructed right before he reached the time limit of his form."

"That means no more information. So the only info we have is that the Quincy have a way to enter Soul Society and they are not pushovers. They may also have more shinigami allies, like Koga Kuchiki," Yami concluded.

"We also know they have a power that could put someone Yami is capable of beating with ease on a level that makes Yoruichi-sama have to intervene," Sui-Feng added

"And these bastards are not afraid of death. He was willing to die before you could capture him. That means this new Quincy organization is filled with either zealot or military standards," Kukaku pointed out one of the most dangerous things about them. An enemy who was willing to fight to the death was one thing. One who was willing to abandon their life just to keep some information hidden was another.

"So we can conclude that this group is not working with the Quincy the other Divisions are attacking. Instead, they are most likely manipulating them from the shadows and most likely provoking them into going against us," Kisuke saw the big picture. They were not fighting one enemy but two.

Yoruichi sat in her seat and felt that she should have just agreed to go attack the Quincy stronghold with the others.