
Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaires

A 21 year old used to be detective turned to paranormal investigator, helps a large corporation that is set to save humanity from paranormal and other worldly threats. Using his special talent of being able to see almost everything he wants he finds out quickly why things keep happening.

Decious13 · Ação
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4 Chs

The P.I.E Corporation

The world is full of strange and abnormal things, most people call the creatures on the paranormal spectrum. The creatures in question range from the harmless spirit of the dead, to a universal wide threat that can rip apart the fabric of reality in thrice whenever it pleases. A corporation labeled P.I.E was created with the sole goal of stopping any paranormal threat that poses any threat to humanity and the universe as a whole. The corporation enlisted the smartest people there are on our planet, and intend to get the strongest people there to help defend against said threats. However, a rival company by the name of ECA inc. has started to create problems.


I was only hired at the PIE corporation just recently for my excellent talent, or I guess it's a type of magic that allows me to see just about anything. From ghosts, to the presence of someone left behind 5 years ago. That's why I became a detective, I have solved numerous cases that were at one point unsolvable. I can also see all the information about a person, or I guess all that I need to know about a person. Prolonged usage of it will cause eyestrain on me so that sucks. But right now I should focus on what we do in the PIE corporation.


Recently, there have been a few cases that required my help with, mainly small ghosts and what not. However, one stuck out, a giant amalgamation of a creature that my boss simply labeled as "Entity". "Entity" was described as a large primordial creature that looks as if it absorbed numerous other in a nuclear powerplant. At the time I had no idea how that involved me but I learnt the hard way. I was to find it's weaknesses and where to strike the "Entity" to kill it. It turned for the worse and I nearly died if it weren't for my closest friend James 'Shotgrnaut' (pronounced shot-gre-not) Calvin.


James and I grew up together, in fact he is my older brother. Granted we found him beaten and looking as if he were already dead through slash, burn, explosion, and stab wounds all over him but he was walking around like nothing had happened to him. We took him in as our own and he became my older brother. He never spoke of his own family, we were afraid he didn't have one but he doesn't even remember them. James is extremely strong, pick up a building with one arm strong, and I'm not exaggerating. He has punched a guy so hard the man flew beyond the horizon. And I think he's immortal as well, when I used my vision on him his strength and speed were extremely high for just a human, and it stated that he is immortal to an extent. I never wanted to learn what that meant.


The P.E.C.A, the Paranormal Entity Creation Association, have been a problem for the P.I.E corporation for as long as I have been a part of the corporation. What they do is cause problems for almost everyone but themselves. Multiple times they've created planetary level threats that we have stopped numerous times. And here I wondered why our corporation was given a military grade budget for everything. But I now know why we are given that kind of a budget 'cause we are the first line of defence when it comes to paranormal or just non-human threats. We have scientists who created weapons that can cause the downfall of humanity itself but only use it for dealing with all sorts of godlike threats. Military doctors on standby in the case our field agents are ever injured in such a way that could lead to be fatal. We make the SCP Foundation look like a joke 'cause we destroy the entities instead of protecting them.