
Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaires

A 21 year old used to be detective turned to paranormal investigator, helps a large corporation that is set to save humanity from paranormal and other worldly threats. Using his special talent of being able to see almost everything he wants he finds out quickly why things keep happening.

Decious13 · Action
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4 Chs

P.I.E Employees

As of late there has been an influx of people applying to be apart of our corporation. I'm not sure what our boss did for advertising but it is working. Actually I've seen some of the new recruits reasons for joining. Some are ex- agents from the SCP foundation site near our area, others have a feeling of protecting our city. Some are purely in it for the money but I don't blame them for it. Many just have the urge to kill anything that moves which is probably not the best to employ unstable and unhinged people. Hell even some doctors just want to test hellish theories on our wounded members. Speaking of crazed doctors one of them in particular, actually i don't even think he's a doctor at all with doctorates, Doctor Chrono. He....doesn't actually make a whole lot of sense in general. On one hand he is the best scientist, weapon and gadget inventor, and entity researcher we have in the entire corporation and it's branches. But on the other hand he just exists. "You know, I'm actually the only one of me there is spanning the entire multiverse!" He said to me once before. I believe it to the fullest of his words. My sight never lies to me when it comes to facts about someone, but he has made it clear to me that he defies literally everything and does whatever he wants, he just doesn't. See what I mean by him making no sense?


There is a reason why I hired on the spot and given the nickname Coast. My name is Johnny Simmons but it seems like anyone named Johnny, which is surprisingly very very few, are hired and given a nickname that rhymes with ghost. Probably due to our boss wanting to replace the legendary paranormal investigators Johnny Ghost and Johnny Toast that have solved millions of cases and have suddenly disappeared as of recent. Did I mention that Toast has been rumoured to be extremely good looking? Anyway, Ghost was always the one to crack down and destroy whatever the entity was, which is probably why Spooker and Colin speak so highly of them before their disappearance. Many in the corporation believe they were taken by a particularly strong entity. But I have talked to Spooker and Colin, who are the closest to those two, and they said to me that two were suddenly taken to the 13th dimension. A place where no one has ever returned from, a place of pure terror and nothingness. Not even our strange Doctor Chrono or the SCP foundation has a clue on the 13th dimension.


There are some very interesting individuals within the corporation. One of which is my partner, Jonathan Rozo or just John. He a behemoth of a man standing at 7 feet tall, just 206lbs of muscle, and is actually a humanoid like red panda. I asked him one day in the field about him being a red panda, I don't think he was fully paying attention because he said "There are some rituals you just don't want to preform on you." I never brought it up again since that was a good enough reason for me to be satisfied. Another reason he was chosen to be my partner is because he is a genius inventor like Doctor Chrono, but he is a far more stable than him. He and Chrono are the inventors of the Impulse Reflection Cannon, or the IRC for short. The IRC is a cannon or rifle that uses the reflection of energy to shoot a large and very powerful shot of laser beam. Each reflection of energy allows the laser shot to become more powerful, the lower the setting, the lower power, charge time, and amount of reflections there are in the cannon. This "gun" is essentially on the planetary destruction level because of how many reflections it is capable of making. It can destroy entities beyond our comprehension and presumably every single anomaly inside the SCP foundation's walls and jurisdiction. This cannon can even presumably destroy gods in Chrono's words. Which is probably why there are only two people capable of wielding it properly, those being Shotgrnaut and John. But we've all been warned when using the gun to it's maximum potential to steer clear of a 120 mile radius of what we shot at. But most of the time it doesn't really matter cause the blast suddenly disappears once the entity is destroyed.


Our boss is shrouded in a lot of mystery. No one knows what he actually looks like, could he be an entity himself? No one really knows, cause he has made it clear in our interviews that his look was a facade for what he truly looks like. Hell even his voice could be a facade. No one knows except for maybe Chrono but that's Chrono he doesn't speak about our boss like that. Speaking of Chrono he is 6 feet and 3 inches tall, and 216lbs of.....I guess primordial mass. He was a human person but according to him he experimented with creatures long forgotten. Now several of those creatures are infused into his body and made him....well, him. To state ancient and long forgotten creatures I mean an alien like creature now taken over his own body and taken the form of strange tentacles protruding out of his back. His consciousness is in his plague doctor like mask. Maybe that's why he refers to himself as a doctor. He has created some of the most used gadgets of ours. Like for example our Electromagnetic Field of Transportation and Commerce, or just the first ever teleporters. Many of these gadgets are still in their testing phase or even in the brainstorming phase. Most of the research and development branch yearn to be as brilliant as he is, they only want the money they get for each of the things they can make with it.


Professor Jewel is another individual shrouded in all sorts of mystery. Some say he is a doctor, some say he is a field agent. No one knows about him except for our boss, probably Chrono, and John. They all refuse to tell anyone anything about. And the only thing I can gather through looking at him is that he is 6'7" (presumably able to be 17'4") and weighs about 236lbs of muscle (possibly 617lbs of muscle?). I can't get any other information about him other than that. Which is weird because I can gather all the information that I want about a person. Most of which are little things that are on someone's body or even weak points but for Prof. Jewel there's absolutely nothing, it's all a blur. Nothing usually ever is a blur unless it's masked by a certain energy wave or even magic, if any other is possible. I'm not sure what energy field it is that blocks my sight, but I'll find out when I run into.