
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Identity Crisis

The villagers went to the Safe Zone to say that they can come up now, as usual when the last person comes in, some kind of mechanism actuvates after making a sound, bur this time in the secret room there are a library and a room next to it with a sign on top saying "Magical Shower", don't ask me what that means because i don't know either.

Since we cleared the Trial so fast this time we were still pretty energetic so i went into the library to see what kind of books it had. The library was so huge it even had signs near them saying the category of the books on the shelves. There were books for normal reading with each genre there was, but there was a section called "Magic", so i immediately went there because magic would be a huge upgrade right now.

After i read some books i found out that i couldn't use magic because i didn't have my "Mana Circulatory System" connected to my normal circulatory system. Basically it's a circulatory system that instead of blood, pumps mana, and by connecting your normal heart to the Mana Circulatory System your heart beomes a "Mana Heart" wich pumps at double the strenght but doesn't have any after effects so you could pump both mana and blood and then use magic. To connect the Mana Circulatory System with my heart i have to come into contact with mana somehow and, after 1 minute of doing so, try to feel the feeling of pumping mana through my heart.

After all of that is done, you have to try circulating mana mostly towards your hands and draw a circle in the air, the shapes in the circle determine the spell and the effects. This one is the "Sorcerer Method" where you use mana circles and such.

There are other more versatile types, but i couldn't finish reading how to perform them because i was too tired. I went to lay down on the floor, as usual, and after some minutes i fell asleep.

"Yuu, come down the cookies are ready, call Yue as well". I'm getting used to this at this point. "Yuee, open the door , mom said the cookies are ready". seems like i'm that kid "Yuu" from the first dream and my sister is called Yue. "Yay, cookies!" Responds the little Yue.


It's all black. Again.

"Yue, are you ready yet??" This time i'm in front of her door, and i am a teenager now, "Yea, wait just a minute" says Yue from behind the door, "Come on, we're gonna be late again!", The door opens, "No, we can still make it in time if we run!" Says Yue dashing through the door.


"Breaking News! In the streets of *bzzz* the famous serial killer has killed two more people this evening, the victims were a married couple, their names were Koriuki Akira and Sato Hinata, the police is currently...", I am watching the tv it seems. "What...? It can't be... It's just a coincidence right...?", Suddently an ocean of sadness strikes me... Are these actually my memories? But if they are then why did i have a dream about the Amond family...? "*The number you called is currently...* No... No no no no no...".

Then i suddently wake up.

"Ray, what happened? Did you have a nightmare?" Says baldie as soon as he sees me, i wonder why he said that for a moment, but i immediately notice that tears are coming down my eyes, i was crying. "Actually, it's strange enough that i didn't have any after seeing that eyeball monster thing... Ugh..." Says baldie while recalling some bad memories. "Anyway, i found out that there is a coffe machine in the library for some reason, you want some coffe?" Continues baldie while trying to change the topic. "What kind of nightmare was it?" Asks Mia after suddently appearing from behind, "It was... A bad dream" i say, trying to dodge the question, Mia understood it and went away.

Just who am I? Koriuki Yuu? Or Ray Amond?

Chapter 12-End.