
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Magic And Tragedy

I get up and go to the First Floor to eat something, but notice that most of the food is almost gone. If we run out of food and water, it's gonna be a huge problem...

After i ate i go back up to the Third Floor. I remember about that "Magical Shower" and want to go there and see what it is. I open the door under the sign, but the moment i enter i'm teleported somewhere.

What?! What is this place? It's so similar to the place i was in before being teleported into The Tower... But this time instead of blue stars, there are purple stars and a planet underneath me.

"The sight of that planet isn't familiar at all so it's probably got nothing to do with my memories..."

As i take a better look at the planet, i notice that part of it is grey, almost as if that part was completely made of ashes. All of a sudden i start moving at an unbelievable speed towards the planet, but the moment i was entering its atmosphere it felt really hot for an instant the then i immediately teleported back after that.

"Huff... Huff..." I'm panting and sweating while holding my chest with my hand. It felt like i was dead... After a couple of seconds i go back to normal and start looking around the room i was in. The walls and floor were made of white concrete and there was nothing except for a small pillar with a button on top. On top of the button was written "Magical Shower".

I clicked it. The second i did that, my body started emitting a strange aura, then, after 3 seconds, it stopped and everything was back to normal, except for the fact that i could move much better than before for some reason.

Wait. If that's a "Magical" shower then... "UGH-" it felt really painful, well, it's kinda obvious if you think about it, i was literally making my heart pump 2 different things in two different systems, at the same time... But after a while of trying i succeded! It feels no longer painful and i can see the mana in the air if i concentrate well enough!

Now i only have to learn the other methods of channeling mana and creating magic, then i can finally use magic in combat. By the way the shower really worked, i was clean as... I don't know, something clean, and it even cleaned the impurities in my body! That was why i could move much better huh.

I go back to the library and see Mia reading a book, i didn't know she liked reading, wait no, that's not a normal book, it's the magic book i was reading! So she found it too... I go look for another book in the magic section but find a strange book... This one had mana in it! And not normal mana at that... It was more like... An evil mana? I was curious so i took it.

"Prepare your weapons, we're gonna go for the Fourth Floor today!" Says baldie while dashing into the library, "Shut up. I'm reading" responds Mia while reading the book, "Eh... But the food is almost gone, if we don't conquer other floors we can't get anything to eat. It's a serious problem!!" Responds baldie, "Then we'll just have to go after i finish reading the book" responds Mia while still reading the book, "Sigh... Fine, but if you don't finish it in 3 hours i'm going to force you to go anyway, got it?" Says baldie, "Do you think you can force just because you're bald?" Says Mia, "BEING BALD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS THOUGH???", Responds baldie with an irritated and slightly confused face "Shhh, we're in a library" responds Mia. This feels like it could go on for days so i'm just gonna go into the armory to read the book for now.

I head towards the armory on the Second Floor. Alright, let's read the book now.

"First day writing in the diary, the people of the orphanage gifted me this diary! I'm so happy"

Hm? A child's diary? Why would it contain evil mana though...

"Second day of writing in the diary, the people here are really kind! There are six other kids with me here- wait no, it's seven. For some reason i keep forgetting about him... Anyway, with me there are 4 boys and 4 girls and the owner of the orphanage here! I hope these days will last forever!"


"Third day of writing in the diary, today something wierd happened! Everyone except me and that kid i keep forgetting about awakened magic of each different attribute! The girls awakened: Light, Darkness, Water and the last one awakened Wind, while the other two boys awakened Earth and Fire. I can't wait for the moment i'll be able to use magic like them!"

Hm? The girls have an element each except for fire and earth wich were awakened by the boys? Aren't the Gods of this words the same? (Those 4 attributes represent the Godesses and the other two the Gods)

"Fourth day of writing in the diary, today something wierd happened again, but this time it's even more wierd! I awakened an attribute never seen before! I can do things like create wings on my back to fly and use every type of magic! It's strange that except the kids in the orphanage the other people that were near were scared... Even the orphanage owner was..."

What? Each type?!

"Fifth day of writing in the diary, i'm so hungry... Today i didn't eat anything because the orphanage owner said that there wasn't any food left..."


"Sixth day of writing in the diary, since there was nothing to eat today too, i secretly hunted a wild boar! But when i took it back the orphanage owner was scared and said that it cannot be eaten..."


"Seveth day of writing in the diary, this is my last time writing in the diary... Since as i'm writing now, the kids that were in the orphanage with me, except the kid i keep forgetting about, are trying to kill me, but for some reason they're crying... I menaged to escape but they're gonna be here soon... Goodbye, my only friend, diary-"

What's this? A bloostain?! ...What a sad story...

I close the book thinking about the diary i just read.

Chapter 13-End.