
Paradise Pokeball System

[WARNING: This contains smut with humans and Pokemon, but in humanoid forms. There will also be all sorts of other kinks and strange things! You have been warned!] {Also check out my OC: 500th Time Reborn!} Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6 Landon was born forty years before the events in Sun and Moon in a slightly alternate timeline that takes place in the Alola region on the island of Melemele. His parents were both scientists studying the native Pokemon of the islands. When Landon was five, his parents took him on a trip to Aether Paradise, where he met Cosmog and bonded with it immediately. From then on, he always wanted to become a Pokemon trainer like his idol, Professor Kukui. When he turned ten, Landon finally got his chance to become a trainer, but in a freak accident, Landon was caught in a rock fall. For the next 10 years, Landon would be trapped inside a coma, but there was more to the story then that. The location that Landon had been in turned out to be a top secret base for a special organization that has no name. The rock fall was caused by a tremor caused by temporal Gate being force shut after a strange metallic Pokemon tried to crawl though, but was pushed back. Before it was, it had scanned the area, and found Landon about to be killed, and sent a Nano Drone to deliver a special AI that what merge with the boy, and heal his body. This would take time, and it had taken ten years of Landon laying in bed, but the Pokemon knew that this Trainer would one day be able to find it and free it. The AI would also give him special powers called a System that would be good for this boy because he was special, and he would be able to travel wormholes. And so, when Landon woke up from his coma, he had no idea what had happened, but he knew that he was changed. Extra chapters @ Patreon.com/magic_ Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6

Magic_ · Anime e quadrinhos
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107 Chs


"Quick Attack!" I shouted, and Popsicle darted at the Dunsparce, headbutting it with her horn.

The Dunsparce stumbled back before quickly recovering and retaliating with a Mud Slap. Popsicle took the hit and skidded back, but she quickly recovered!

"Thunder Shock!" I called out, and my Pawmi started to crackle with electricity before releasing a powerful shock that sent the Dunsparce flying.

"Ha! That was amazing, Popsicle!" I exclaimed as my Pawmi puffed her chest out in pride, but then she limped over, and I rushed to her. The Mud slap had done a lot of damage, but we had found two potions on the ground and a revival crystal.

"I think that is enough for me, but I did good, right?" Popsicle asked, and I nodded, giving her a hug.

"You did amazing. Let me get out one of the potions, and I can heal you before you go back," I said, but my Pawmi shook her head.

"Save it for when we need it. I will heal up at home in the pond in my ball. It isn't very big, but the water is warm! You will have to come and try it sometime!" Popsicle laughed, and I nodded.

"That sounds like fun," I said and kissed the top of her head.

Popsicle burst into light and then disappeared back into Prisma, but then I turned to the sound of footsteps running toward me. There was a guy in a school outfit, but he looked oddly familiar and much too old to be wearing a school uniform.

"Hey, there, dude! I see you have some pretty groovy-looking Pokémon there! What do you say to a battle?" The man asked, but I narrowed my eyes at him, and then it hit me, but I wasn't entirely sure.

"Are you the old director? Mr. Clavell?" I asked, and he winced back from me but then put a finger to his lips.

"I am incognito! I was about to head out to check on the Star Training Bases over the next few days. I normally take my time, but then I saw you and that remarkable Pawmi of yours! I was wondering if you might want to have a quick battle with me, and then we can take an air cab close to the base. This is also a good chance for you to make some new friends and get some serious training! we will only have time to go to one today, but if you are willing, I would love to have you accompany me on my inspection!" Mr. Clavell said, and I nodded.

"Sure, that sounds like it would be a great experience that I wouldn't want to pass up on! Thank you, Mr. Clavell!" I said, but he put a finger up to his lips.

"Just call me Clive, so you don't give my disguise away!" Clive said as he smoothed his hair over to one side.

"Sure, Clive. My Pokémon are still pretty low-level, but I do have one that I wanted to try out that I just caught yesterday," I said, summoning my Charcadet's pink Paradise Ball into my hand.

"Oh! That is wonderful! I only have this level 15 Luxio with me, but I heard that you're pretty strong, so I think that it will be fine, right?" Clive asked, and I nodded but put up a hand.

"Sure, just give me a second," I said, and Clive nodded.

I closed my eyes and opened them with Knighty standing in front of me in the Pawmi Paw Print dress.

"Are you ready for your first battle?" I asked, and my Charcadet nodded her head.

"Yes, master! I am ready to show you how capable I am!" Knighty said excitedly, and I rubbed my hand on her cheek.

She smiled brightly, and I nodded as I closed and opened my eyes to find Clive lying on the ground. He was smoking and twitching while opening and closing his mouth without saying a word.

[Clive tried to touch Knighty's Paradise Ball while you were inside, activating a self-defense Lightning Bolt. There are numerous types of defenses that I can deploy, but this will cause the least long-term damage and get the point across the best. The safety of you and your Pokémon is one of the greatest missions, even if it might make things inconvenient for you. To prevent this in the future, always return all things to your inventory before heading to Prisma. This prevents anyone from stealing or tampering with your balls and from me having to assault them.]

"Clive! I am so sorry!" I said as I reached down to the groaning man.

It took a moment before Clive pulled himself together, but when he did, the previous Director smiled up at me.

"No, this is clearly my fault for being nosey! Amazing that it is defended even after you disappear; that alone was a feat worth seeing! Your abilities seem to become more remarkable each time I see them!" Clive said and accepted my hand to help him up.

"Just refrain from touching the balls in the future, and you will be fine. The people inside of these balls are really important to me, so I have to protect them," I said, and Clive nodded.

"I get that, homie! Now let's get this battle going! I want to see this cool and awesome new Pokémon you are so hyped about!" Clive said, throwing up some strange hand signs, and I just shook my head.

"Why are you dressed up like that? I think people will respect you more if you just go as the previous Director on an inspection, right?" I suggested, but Clive just smiled at me.

"I have my reasons, and you will understand when you get to the Star Training Bases. I want to see what kind of trainer you are before introducing you to them," Clive said, and then he tossed his Luxio's ball out onto the field.

{Want more? Look up Magic_ on pat reon! Up to chapter 93 there!}