
Paradise Lost: War for the Crowns of Calamity

Varjo is a young boy who is abandoned in a strange forest and taken in by one of its inhabitants. Despite facing discrimination for his unique appearance and lack of horns, Varjo becomes a skilled hunter, bringing game to his caretaker. As he grows older, he begins to wonder about his past and where he comes from. One day, he is finally given the opportunity to leave the forest and discover the truth about his parents. Along the way, he encounters challenges and makes new friends, ultimately learning to embrace his true identity and place in the world.

AllenWisse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Knights of the Fading Flowers

"Off we go" his voice shimmered as their surroundings faded away, with the feel of the wet forest floor now felt warm and firm to the touch as the butterflies scattered in a swarm that wrapped itself around the King who was standing before him.

Now clothed in the form of a flowing robe that resembled what he had worn on his arrival.

"All right, we're back and this time you did it without so much as a scratch" Anu announced after they found themselves in the main hall of the Lodge.

"Oh, it seems you are back"

"Yes, and I believe that there's a breakfast feast being prepared?" He answered, thinking the young hunter was still awestruck by his talents.

"Oh, you must have worked up quite the appetite?"

"What can I say, hunting is a sport that really asks a lot of its participants"

"I see, so my husband, snuck off this morning to go hunting with some child?"

"When you say it like that you almost sound mad…" his voice trailed off only to turn back finding Varjo silently pointing at his Queen, standing with arms crossed as though she had her conversation with her companions interrupted by their arrival.

"Well if isn't my lovely wife" willing as much charm as he could muster as he approached her.

"Away with you" she sent Varjo a look that was enough to scare him off.

"And you, explain yourself and while you're at it remind me why I decided to bring such a hedonistic and impulsive frustration along with me?"

"Because I am all of those things and more, dear," he said, holding his pouting spouse, as loving as he could wrap himself around her cross-armed figure.

"...Honestly. Can you go and meet with the Regent, he has been expecting you and he seemed rather excited about it, we shall speak during the feast. I still need to meet with Lady Siwan to finalize the preparations for the ceremony. That means no more trouble"

"Absolutely dear" giving her a kiss before walking off.

"But if I find out that you've been gallivanting again, so help me" though the Queen's warning did nothing to stay the passion in his steps.

The ceremony in question would take place two days after the initial arrival of the King and Queen, as their presence alone within the Lakewoods is a necessary condition for the practice.

Once the First Rains had passed, to ensure that Fis and all that was connected to the Lakewoods remained fruitful under the blessings of the gods, they would voyage to the Jewelled Cove to commune with the Seers present and return with the waters of the realm.

An act that strengthens both the blessings and the connection of all the Faelands, not just those of Fis.

With there being quite sometime before the path to the Jewelled Cove presents itself, the King and Queen are granted a chance to interact with their people and even celebrate this incredible time.

This meant that the moment Varjo returned to Lodge with the Sol'ruaig stag in hand, all who were there to greet him had the same expression frozen across their faces.

"He found one, and before the ceremony"

"It's an omen, no, no this is a sign from the very gods themselves."

"But he is only a child, such a beast wouldn't reveal itself to the likes of him, especially him"

The gossip was more enthralling today considering how early in the day this had happened, anyone with lips loose enough and ears willing enough could be found retelling the news at any moment there were no expectant eyes beset on them.

Though Nia would make short work of any distractions as she worked throughout the Lodge before finally finding the young hunter who was assisting the butcher.

Arriving at the slaughterhouse, she found him waiting as the gentle and stout-looking lady was working.

"If your mother is here it must mean you're in trouble, V. If you're looking to escape you can use the backdoor" the lady teased as she wiped down the blade before setting it down to greet her customer.

"Evaline, I've told you before not to coddle him"

"Hmph, coddle him. From the moment he could hold a knife you sent him into my care. You can't be surprised if he likes it here"

"Well it was either this place or placing him in the Regents serfdom, and I doubt the latter would have made a dear friend of mine all too pleased to hear" sharing a hug between them before she took a seat beside Varjo.

"You hear that, your mother feels I'm more reliable than our dear old Regent" she joked as she tugged at his cheeks.

"All right, something tells me you didn't come here to do any shopping, so out with it?"

"Ehem. I've been hearing pretty interesting rumours going around the Lodge and I wanted to hear the truth from the source" looking over at the young boy with a shared look between them.


"Yes. Now after I told you to stay out of trouble, what happened?"

"I did just that. I did my duty and returned to the Lodge before coming to Ms Evaline's store."

"Oh, I'll tell you what happened' Evaline jumped in with a massive smile, straining the look of concern on Nia's face.

Retelling the entire morning as Varjo had informed her, with some liberties taken here and there.

"So when I told you to stay out of trouble, what part of that was I not clear on" struggling to hide her frustration the closer she got to him.

"I don't know why he was there, and I didn't know what I'd find when I was hunting…everything just kind of happened"

"Yeah you see, it all just happened so give the kid a break, especially after he brought that stag home with him. You know what that means right?"

"Sigh. You can have the antlers sent to the Lodge, and I'll let the lady of the house know. As for you young man, I want you home and ready for the feast, that means taking a bath you're still covered in filth"

"Can't I stay with Ms Evaline?"

"That's going to be hard since Ms Evaline is coming along as well"

"I am?"

As though looking into the eyes of a viper that had gotten too close, the butcher felt her stomach drop.

"...you heard your mother, running along now, we'll have plenty of time to chat later" lifting Varjo up and ushering him through the door in a huff.


"I know what you're going to say, but you know that I have to do it"

"Do you really think any will notice if it were to disappear, were news of this to reach the Regent after everything, he may…"

"...It doesn't matter how that fool feels, you know the rules. The boy found one, it's a good thing, and he shouldn't be punished for it. The whole city will just have to bite their tongue."

"It wasn't long ago when he was clutching at my breast hoping to feel more of my warmth and now, he may not see fit to be near me at all."

"Friend, growing up won't make him any less of your child, and it won't make you any less of his mother. Now, I am supposed to attend a celebration and I cannot do it in these bloody clothes"


"Enough, he's not going to leave you. You have no idea how much that boy adores you" patting her friend on the back with a fierce hand.

"Now, let's get going. You're dragging me to this thing after all" the pair shared an expression after she noticed Nia's gentle smile return.

Upon their return to the Lodge, the life brought about by the rising number of onlookers making their way from every corner of the city to the feast was enough to raise Evaline's spirits with the thought of all the drinking she could get away with.

"As long as you don't embarrass yourself like the last time," Nia said while making sure to prissy up her friend's more rugged appearance.

"It's a sad day for one to think of our wonderful city's future when its noblemen can't even cut think their own food"

"Well…yes that may be true, but there was no need for you to throw the table at him"

"He shouldn't have ordered me to serve him his food…by WHISTLING AT ME!"

"As I said, behave. You're coming to this event as a lady, you must act like one" placing the finishing touches on Evaline's dress

Games, theatrics and all manner of performances lit up the main hall treating all who walked past the Lodge's door to an experience for the senses.

Even from outside, stalls and booths lined up to offer patrons a taste of the best treats Fis had to offer, with Snowcherries Tea Cakes, Fawnfall Puddings and Triskelia Cookies.

Of the plays being showcased once again, the depictions audiences were granted surrounding the creation myths of the Lakewoods, the Arrival of the Lunahoi and Frunora, their conflicts and finally their alliance under the gods.

Children took up masks of the most intriguing figures while they danced and chased one another about, while performers entertained with the next of their play.

While the preparations may have been intended for the breakfast feast, such a gathering was only meant for the most prestigious figures of the Lakewoods, attending to all the matters previously spoken of over the richest drinks.

Tonight, the festivities once again welcomed the entire city to dine and celebrate among the royalty and nobility alike.

As the night continued, Regent Niall called for everyone's attention, wanting to dazzle the royal couple with the talents the Fis had to offer.

And none would be more impressive than a true display of magic. The celebration was halted as the mages, scholars, and practitioners of the magical arts lined up to showcase their skills.

Fionn stood among them, dressed like the other nobility, but with the crest of the Ember-Tailed Hawk woven into his coat.

The burning wings of the hawk stood as a mark that had held the family's renown for many summers.

As the performers and musicians set the stage, each of the mages took their place after the other, showcasing what they were capable of.

One mage demonstrated their understanding of nature when he turned a leaf to stone, burned it, turned it into a puddle, and then disappeared in a bright flash of smoke.

Others showed their connection to the Lakewoods by willing the birth of all manner of plants within the Lodge, hoisting them during acrobatics that drew louder and louder cheers of wonder.

When it was Fionn's turn, the Regent worked to ensure none would take away from his time.

With the young lad standing towards the King and Queen, he needed only a moment to compose himself before getting ready. Stretching out his palms to face them, the sight of a few blue sparks burst forth.

"Oh, what's this?" the audience leaned in to garner a better look.

When the sparks began dying down despite the increasing whining noise that was growing in its place, Fionn made his way to a sturdy-looking tree summoned during one of the earlier displays as the onlookers tried to piece together what was happening

Laying his hand on the trunk of the tree, the knights standing beside the royal couple brandished their glaives within a split second and lept over the banquet tables.

At that same moment, the boy's touch ended the piercing noise, with the entirety of the tree shattering into a splintering mound.

The force was enough to rip out the very roots, leaving the smouldering trunk in front of him.

The knights standing at the helm had hardly moved from their place, but the observant among the audience could see the heaps of charred remains at their feet.

With the Queen having followed the display from beginning to end, the guard's intervention took nothing away from what her keen senses witnessed, while the King's eyes were drawn to a more curious figure.

Starring with an unshakeable drive, Anu watched the child, not taken in by Fionn, rather his eyes were fixed on the guards themselves.

"How interesting, I wonder what he must have seen," Anu thought to himself, while the crowd cheered to no end after seeing the young Fionn's skill.

Queen Aisly was impressed and considered returning for any one of them as she stood to give her applause to all those participants.

Pleasing Niall, but he couldn't shake the frustration of seeing the King's disinterest, prompting him to push his display even further by having a live demonstration between Fionn and any willing volunteer.

However, after seeing Fionn's skills, the room full of guests became hesitant to make fools of themselves in front of the King and Queen.

At this point, Niall volunteered Varjo, who, despite Nia's refusal, understood that he must obey the Regent.

"That's insane, you saw what he just did do you really think Varjo has a chance" Nia spoke out, with Evaline being the only one to hold her back.

"Nia, watch what you say. Besides like it or not, we're in the presence of the King and Queen. You have to show some restraint" Evaline tried to console her, with a fist balled up in frustration.

"You can still run away, it's not like anyone expects much from you," said Fionn.

"..." the young boy said nothing, simply watching Fionn, with nothing to arm himself, he raised his fists.

"Does he intend to fight him bare-handed?"

"So he has lost his mind"

"The little outsider was never as sharp as the rest of the children, it's a shame really"

"Hmmm. Varjo was it, I look forward to seeing what you've got" Anu's words caught his spouse by surprise as waited for them to begin.

The two duelled, with Fionn showing impressive skills, forcing Varjo into the tables. Using the furniture to avoid the thunderbolts crackling over him while carving into the surroundings.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Fionn's approached with the sparks bursting forth, with his attention suddenly drawn away by having several plates thrown at him.

That were easily blown away along with his cover.

With one last assault, Varjo threw what he could get his hands on while slipping around the cover of the table, Fionn, waved his hand to create a sweeping arc of his thunder.

But the young hunter was prepared, ducking beneath the arc in less of a moment than Fionn could follow.

With his bow in hand, he used it to snare his foot before sending him into the ground, as he pinned his other leg with his knee.

One of the knights' had their gaze drawn to the display for a moment before returning all his focus to his duty.

The expression on the Regent's face was shared among the noble crowd, who would have ruined all the cutlery they were using from the shock.

"That… that's not possible, how…"

"If you're pinned, you cannot fight. Do you yield" Varjo said, keeping his pressure against Fionn's struggle.

"Absolutely not! Don't start thinking that you've already won" he answered through grit teeth

But he was unable to best Varjo until he tried to go too far…

With an attack that would have most certainly fatally wounded him had there not been a burst of energy.

Reacting to the burst of lightning that erupted from Fionn's body, some strange kind of energy bled from wounds the thunderous arcs tore through him.

Akin to an azure and violet flame that consumed Varjo and warded off Fionn, who appeared to have been scarred several times in that instance that he made contact with the odd flames

With his rage bottling, Fionn moved to strike at the boy's heart, only for the battle to be ended when they were both subdued by the pair of knights.

At the order of the king, he asked for their assessment of the battle, to which they spoke honestly.

The crowd was left stunned, as the King declared himself impressed and satisfied, allaying the fears the Regent had.

Awaking in his room again, the boy found his burns were healed and at the foot of his bed were several guests.

The King approached Varjo with his knights and explained to him that he would be leaving as soon as the ceremony was completed, and he hoped to take him along.

He wanted his ilk to fill his order, despite having lost the battle.

The same offer was made to Fionn, whose family urged him immediately to join while Varjo was hesitant to join and possibly upset Nia.

Varjo felt torn. He had long dreamt of leaving the Lakewoods and seeing the world, but he did not want to leave Nia behind. He looked at her, but she would not meet his eyes.

At that moment, he knew that he could not bear to be away from her, even if it meant missing out on his dreams.

Fionn, on the other hand, was excited at the prospect of joining the King's order. He had always been fascinated by magic and the idea of using it to serve the greater good.

He looked to his family for support, and they encouraged him to go, wholeheartedly.