
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

4. Path of a Paladin (pt 1)

After entering Dragaldin, Victor and his parents book their lodgings before heading out to see the town. Young Victor is in awe of the tall buildings around him, and the busy streets where vendors and other merchants try and sell their goods.

"Dad, why is this city so big, and why are there so many people?"

"Dragaldin is well known as a merchant town. It is said that a weary merchant came across the carcass of a dragon and found many a treasure. One such item caught his attention and it was a piece of dragon scale that shined a myriad of colours. When he came to sell it, even a king wanted to buy it. Eventually he sold it and started the merchant city of Dragaldin."

As they continue walking through the city, they pass the stand of a seer and stop, when the seer looks up at them her eyes instantly land on young Victor.

"You there, young boy. You have the mark of prophecy on you. Your path will be wrought with dangers and loss before your life ends. The path of destiny set before you is covered in shadow so your fate is unknown to my me. Heed my warning, powerful beings are searching for a child of prophecy and will kill him when they find him. Go now and speak not a word to anyone."

Riventer immediately grabs his son's hand and along with Rebekah he moves away from the seer with a brisk pace.

"Never listen to the words of a seer my son, they only speak in tales and hearsay. Believe only what you can see and what has happened."

"Your father speaks the truth Victor, a seer is like an empty jar that can only catch a small amount of wind before it disappears. A jar like that is no good to anyone. Ah here is the aptitude center darling."

Victor gawks at the site of a building so big, it covers an area of six house lengths and four across. The courtyard is full with children around his age, talking among themselves and separating into their own groups. Each of them eager to know what path will be revealed in the aptitude test. After taking in the sites, Victor follows his parents to the application desk and he hears a lot of whispering between the other's with judgmental eye's towards him and his parents.

"Mom, why are they being ugly towards us?"

"Because we are a family of outcasts, forced to live in the forest because our powers were deemed a threat to society."

"What is the most difficult path one can be given that not everyone has the requirements to take?"

"That would have to be the Paladin, they only appear once every thousand year's or more. They are skilled with the sword and magic, but it makes them dangerous because the strongest Paladins can destroy entire cities with one spell. One who is given the path of a Paladin will endure many trials and hardships, but they are normally responsible for changing the balance of power and history."

After saying their goodbyes, his parents leave to fund seating in the arena. Victor is taking in the beautiful architecture and colorful paintings of the arena when he gets shoved out of the way.

"Better watch where you're going there filth, this is place is only reserved for the elite of society not common scum like you who struggle to use 2nd tier magic."

"I see your ego is just as big as your mouth pansy. Couldn't your parents afford a teacher so you could learn manners?"

The unknown boy, clearly infuriated goes to punch Victor but misses and punches the column Victor was standing in front off.

"It would seem after all your self praise you can't even punch properly. I hope we face each other in the arena because I really want to show you how scum can outclass elites."

Before he can punch him again the intercom sounds asking all applicants to prepare for the tests. The first one up is magic spell control, Victor stands and watches as the other children take turns showing their magic control. As he observes, the boy who tried to punch him takes his position and prepares to show his magic control. As he enchants the spell, Victor notices a 2nd tier spell circle form then a bright red flame dances around him. Everyone starts clapping and congratulating him on a fine display of spell control. After a few more take the test it is finally Victor's turn.