
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

3. Arrival in Dragaldin

As the Bloodgraves pack their horses for the challenging journey to the city of Dragaldin, young Victor is shaking nervously for what might happen on their journey. A hand suddenly land on his shoulder and as if lightning hit him, he leaped back with incredible speed even his dad couldn't believe it.

"That's some speed you got there kiddo, is my training finally paying off? Don't worry, so long as we're together nothing bad will happen I can promise that. So try and be a big boy for your parents ok."

Victor regains his composure and mounts the horse with ease. When everyone is ready, they move as one unit towards Dragaldin.

After five day's of travel, the Bloodgraves are only a half-days ride from the city. When they reach the final stretch of road that leads to the city Riventer immediately puts his hand up to stop them.

"What is it dad?"

Victor notices both his parents are alert.

"Whatever you do Victor, do not run or panic. We are being watched by a powerful monster that's getting ready to attack."

"Remember that spell I taught you to cast a shield? Make it a third tier spell and only concentrate on protecting yourself. Understand?"

"Yes mom, I will cast it right now. Contego."

As he chants it, a thick, sturdy, see-through ball forms around him. No sooner as he'd finished, the creature bursts out of the woods with blood lust filling it's eye's.

"Dammit, it's a berserker Chimera. Rebekah, you're up."

"Heed my call spirit's of the wind and create a wind that cuts everything in it's path, Typhon Vitrum!"

A mighty twisting wind forms around her hands and she fires it at the Chimera causing deep wide cuts into it's body, causing a rainstorm of blood as the creature makes a deafening roar.

"You're up dear."

"Certainly love. May the power of the ancients flow through my blade giving it the ability to cut even the strongest armor. Sonic Vulnus!"

As he makes an arc with his sword, a powerful wave of energy is released and directed towards the Chimera. Before it can even react, the wave passes right through it, causing the Chimera to stop then split in half. A river of blood gushes out of both halves with the innards falling out and landing on the ground.

Young Victor stands there amazed after witnessing his parents fight and kill the Chimera, a beast said to be so deadly that a party of the highest ranking adventurers would struggle to scratch it's body. He sees his parents return full of blood and a bit exhausted, then cancels the shield and runs over to them, tears welling up in his eye's.

"I'm so happy both of you made it. Please try not to do it again."

His parents look at each other and reply;

"We'll do our best, but no promises on that one. Haha it's been a while since we last used that level of power during a fight. Isn't that right my love?"

"Ha, speak for yourself. I barely broke a sweat casting that sixth tier spell. If anything, you're the one who's being found wanting around here darling. By the way Victor that was a perfect third tier protective spell you cast, I couldn't find anything wrong with the formation of the triangle. I'm very proud of you my son."

Tears of happiness well up in Victor's eye's and he embraces his mom in a tight hug, making sure not to let go quickly. His mom casts a spell that cleans all the clothing making it look like nothing bad happened while holding him.

After a bit longer than a half-day, they arrived in the city of Dragaldin and find lodging for the night, where young Victor will discover how great or how insignificant his aptitude is and what path will he best be suited to follow.