
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

24. The Forbidden Forest

Back in the human world.

Victor is making his way through the tree tops looking for the forbidden forest. After hours of searching, he notices a distinct distortion between the trees and lands in front of it. He tries to touch it, but his hand goes into the distortion followed by his whole body, and he blacks out. When he wakes, he finds himself in a dark, misty, and sorrow filled forest that sends chills down his spine.

"Is this the forbidden forest?"

"It certainly is."

Victor jumps at the voice coming from the forest.

"Who said that?"

A dim light floats up to his face, and he sees a tiny creature with wings and the body of a human. Victor is surprised and proceeds to communicate with the creature.

"Are you a Fay by any chance?"

"Why yes, I am. I'm surprised a human knows what I am. Where did you hear about us."

"My mother used to tell me stories about the Fay and the power some of them possess. They are guardians of sacred dwellings and bestowed power by the earth mother."

"Wow! Your mother must be a seasoned adventurer?"

"She was. She passed away a long time ago."

"What was her name?"

"I don't know what her name was before she married my father, but her given name was Rebekah."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It must still be difficult for you."

"It is. There are day's where I'm fine and others where I cry by myself."

"What is a human doing 7n the forbidden forest?"

"I was instructed by the earth mother to journey into the forbidden forest. So, I may learn to control and master the nature magic spells. She said there is an abandoned shrine where I will gain the knowledge to master her spells."

"Ooooo... So you're the one she mentioned. Tee hee, welcome to the forbidden forest where all who dare to tread never return. I am Teia, the guardian Fay of this forest. I will guide you to the temple, but be warned, you will be tempted and tested for this forest, which has always hated creatures other than the Fay."

"Thanks for the warning. My name is."

Victor stops for a moment, deciding which name to give Teia. He clears his throat.

"My name is Victor Bloodgrave, and I leave myself in your capable hands."

"Yay! Ok, let's get this adventure started. Follow meeeeee."

Victor follows Teia through the forest, an intense feeling of being watched by someone or something. Teia flies along the path, not worried about a thing. Fearing something will attack them he places traps and alarms with his magic along the path, making sure Teia doesn't notice either.

"Just a left up this way, and we'll soon reach the ruines."

Teia stops by an arch that is covered in a colorful vine and shows Victor to proceed on.

"I am not allowed to go further than this because this is where you prove if you're worthy of receiving her precious gift."

"I understand. My mother also told me that while Fay are kind and loving, there is an evil side to them that they use when they want to get something. So if you try anything, I'll make sure to remove your wings slowly, understand??"

All Teia can do is float speechless until she collects herself.

"Seems your mother was very well informed about us. Yes, we do have an evil side when we see something we want, but I can assure you that while I live in this forest, I am forbidden from using that side by the earth mother. The penalty for disobeying her is death."

"We shall see."

Victor dissappears into the mist, and Teia sits on a rock and waits for him.

"It would seem he's outsmarted you, Teia. You're looking very upset."

"Of course I am. I can't have fun with him if he knows how Fay Act Silk."

A dim light floats next to Teia, and another Fay appears.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing if he makes it out of there alive."

"I'm sure he will, I have that feeling. When I met him, I could sense he was different from normal humans. He also treated me normally and was nice to me."

"Ohhh.... has someone taken a liking human?"

Teia jumps up, balls her fists, raises her shoulders, and pouts while blushing.

"Th-th-th that's not it. Yes, I find him mysterious, but it's not from a lover's view, ok?"

Silk just laughs and pats Teia on her head.

"Relax, I'm just teasing you."

Teia looks away in embarrassment, fidgeting with her hands. Victor makes his way through the fog and emerges into what looks like a courtyard. Majestically carved statues surround what looks like an entrance, and he proceeds towards it. When he gets to the door, a voice speaks that sends shivers down his spine.

"The one who stands at this door must answer two questions before it is opened. Do you accept?"

"I do."

"First question; Who were the ancient people that were hunted to extinction because others saw them as a threat?"

"Divine Mages."

"Very good, young one. Your second and last question. Who were considered abominations by the gods for the taboo power they were blessed with?"

"Soul Killer's."

"Congratulations, young one, you have answered the questions correctly and are worthy to pass through the door."

Victor places his hand on the door and opens it. Strong winds blow out from the opening, taking him by surprise, but he holds firm. When the wind has calmed, he walks through the door, and it closes behind him. Two rows of torches begin to light up, showing a pathway further into the building, and he continues.