
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

23. God of Manipulation

In a realm far beyond human perception, the gods are making their plans to bring an end to the threat of the prophesied paladin. A great council is gathered to discuss the most effective way to kill the paladin with the head of the pantheon sitting on his high chair.

"The council for dealing with the paladin threat is in session. All may be seated."

Silence falls over the pantheon. The fourteen chief gods begin the discussion. One of them, a tall muscular man built like a boar, stands up to speak his mind.

"I vote we take the information we've gathered and destroy the entire city until they show themselves."

Arguing fills the chamber, then another god stands up, a woman with long silver hair, piercing blue eyes, and a body shaped like an hourglass.

"I do not like that way of doing things. I propose we offer a special service to those who can provide information on anything outside the ordinary."

Arguing begins again, and this time, a short boney man with red hair and faded grey eyes stands up to voice his opinion.

"I propose we send a warning to the king stating that if he does not find the one we are looking for, his kingdom will be met with a plague of death."

The arguing continues, each god giving their own solutions to handling the problem. During all this arguing, one god had remained quiet, not saying a word, then he stood up and proposed his idea to the council.

"I've been listening to all of you going on about your way being better, this and that. But they will never work. I have information that states the whereabouts of a suspicious man who comes into the city ever so often. I propose you let me handle this one. Through my ability to manipulate, I will be able to turn the people against him, forcing him to come out into the open. When that happens, I will capture him and personally make a public example out of him in the worst ways possible."

The head god speaks.

"I have heard all your proposals, but I have to agree with Dolos' one. It will require careful manipulation of the masses to turn them against the human we are looking for."

A filthy looking being enters the chamber, and the gods immediately want to kill him, but Dolos speaks up.

"Do not raise your wrath. This is one of the many spies I sent out to gather information. I'm guessing for him to do this, he has very important information."

"Let him speak then, but make it quick."

The spy whispers in Dolos' ear, making his eyes widen with shock and anger.

"What is it, Dolos?"

The spy quickly leaves the room, and then Dolos turns to the other's.

"It would seem our target is decended from the bloodline of the soul killer's, and he is alone."

Gasps and murmurs fill the chamber. The first god who spoke stands up.

"That's impossible. There shouldn't be any of them left in this world. Are you sure your spy is not lying?"

"If he were lying, he would be screaming in pain because I place a truth mark on all my spies, making it impossible for them to lie."

The woman goddess stands up next.

"If this information is correct, he is much more dangerous than we first thought and should be dealt with quickly."

"That is why I want to take the lead for this one. My powers of manipulation far exceed the defenses of the human mind, making them easy to manipulate."

The short god stands up next.

"But wouldn't that cause a rebellion after you've killed him? And what would the king do about it?"

"Fear not, for I plan to manipulate the king through his advisors first and then let it trickle down into the entire population of the city."

The chief god clears his throat.

"This will not be done in a day. It will take many moons before you are ready."

"That is where you are wrong, my lord. I have already set my plan into motion, and by next year, everything will be ready."

Silence fills the chamber again while the chief god decides what to do. Hours pass, and eventually, he speaks up.

"After much thought, I have decided to go with Dolos' plan and use his powers of manipulation to turn the people against our target. This is my final judgment, and the council is adjourned. All the gods and goddesses make their way out of the chamber, one of them calls Dolos over.

"You have put a lot of effort into this plan already, but you will end up killing the wrong person, and the chain reaction will come about."

"Is that your future sight talking, Seer Druid? It's very seldom right and hardly anything to concern oneself over."

"Think what you like, Dolos, but this revelation is what will happen. If you go through with it and kill the wrong man, our path to destruction will begin."

"Forgive me if I don't believe you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have preparations to make."

Dolos walks back to his quarters and summons his spies.

"We can proceed with our plan in its entirety. Continue spreading rumors and lies about the one we're looking for. Make sure it reaches every single thing living in that city."

"As you command your excellence."

They disappear, leaving Dolos by himself. A look of confidence fills his face as he gazes over the vast space that is the High Celestial Kingdom.

"Once my plan succeeds, I will move to take full control of that kingdom and make it a personal foothold in the human world in order to achieve my greatest goal. To dethrone the chief god and take away all his power, not caring about who I have to step over to achieve it. The fun is just beginning, now then, when will you reveal yourself to me descendent of the soul killer's?"