
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

10. Secrets of the Academy

After the entrance ceremony given by Victor and the head master, all the new students proceed to their assigned classes with Victor being in both a magical class and sword arts class. A senior student takes the new pupils on a tour of the academy showing them where all the training fields and amenities are situated.

"On your left is the magical spells and research rooms. This room is strictly for those who want to pursue a career in the creation and research of magic. You will only be allowed to choose two extra classes, so be careful because the ones you choose will be the ones you stay with until you graduate."

"Senior Bastian, would this school happen to have a class for those who want to fine tune their spells and arts?"

"Yes Benjamine, that would be the two styles class. They are the only one's in this whole academy who practice spells and arts together. They're definitely a..... unique group."

When Bastian finishes showing them around he bids them farewell and heads off to his class throwing a wave to them.

"Alright! I can't wait to see what academy life is like. How about the rest of you?"

"Hmph. I'd that's how you view this academy then you shouldn't even be here. This academy is reserved strictly for those who want to excel at being better than everyone so they have bragging rights."

The mysterious girl walks off without another word disappearing into a hallway. The other's just look at Victor and shake their heads before heading off to their classes leaving him alone.

During first class, Victor is amazed at how proficient the teachers are with their subjects, the tips and suggestions they give the students to go and practice catch his interest. When he moves to the sword arts class, the students greet him with confused faces.

"I thought he was in the magic classroom. What does he think he's doing here?"

The teacher introduces Benjamine Fellowing to the class and points out his seat. When he sits down the student on his left gives him a bombastic side eye.

"Don't think you can just waltz in here and be accepted. All of us dislike the magic students and you are no exception."

"Well, if you guys are so focused on stupid things like that, I'm amazed you have time for class."

The student throws a punch towards him but his hand is stopped and twisted, making him shout in pain. The teacher clears his throat to begin his lecture. Victor pays close attention to the teacher's explanation of using sword arts not just as a means of battle, but also to assist with developing farms and infrastructure. After the final bell, all the students proceed to the dining hall before heading to their dorms for the night.

Victor finds an empty table and eats his meal before others can join him. While on his way out, he overhears two students talking about a secret room where there is supposedly a trapped entity and nobody has been able to find it. If it's found the legend says it will form a pact and bestow great power upon the user.

Victor leaves the dining hall and proceeds to his dorm.

"What they speak of is not legend, it is truth."

"It's that same woman's voice I haven't heard for year's. Why is it starting up now."

"The entity they speak of goes by the name Shadow and he will be vital in your journey to eradicate the gods themselves."

While Victor continues listening to the voice and talking back to it, he fails to notice he's taken the wrong turn and finds himself lost.

"This is your fault voice in my head. How the hell am I supposed to find my way back now huh?"

"Fear not young Paladin, for the path to the door will be revealed shortly."

"What door are you talking about? I don't see a single door. I'm goingto find my way back without you constantly talking in my head."

When he turns around to walk back he hears the faint drop of water and swiftly turns his head in that direction. After a while of silence he hears a second drop and moves towards it, total darkness consumes the surroundings that Victor can't even see his hand. A third drop is heard and he finds himself facing a big golden door with fine intricate engravings in an ancient language. Victor closely examines the writing and recognizes it to be origin language, as he reads it he discovers a riddle that must be spoken in origin language.

"Tantum electi ianuam ad potentiam ignotam ab hominibus aperiant. Paladinus electus est."

He places his hands on the door after speaking the words and a bright light envelopes him. When he opens his eye's, he finds himself in a ritualistic alter surrounded by pillars and statues of unknown entities. At it's center is a dark figure chained up by his arms.

"Who dares disturb my eternal slumber? Come forward that I may see you."

Victor approaches the strange figure cautiously, hands at the ready for anything to happen.

"Fear not, for I am the only living being who inhabits this place. There are no traps here you may safely approach."

When Victor is face to face with the entity, he realizes that it is not human but has an aura of pure darkness surrounding it.

"Who or what are you?"