
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

9. The Selected Few

After the instructor starts the timer, most of the students fly into a panic trying to understand what the instructor has written on the board. Victor remains calm, closing his eye's as he performs the intricate design of the restoration spell unaware that everything in the class is being monitored by higher staff in another building.

"Why on earth would professor Gilgadad allow students a free pass to the finals if they finish in the given time frame?"

"Because professor Fingerdin, if some students restore that piece of paper, it would mean they have understanding of ancient magic. That is the basis of his tests, if the hopeful students can't perform some form of ancient magic they would have no chance in his final test not to mentionthis school. Ancientmagicplaysa vital role with the magicwe use today, and mastery of it will breed a powerful group of youngsters that will accomplish great thing's."

"Head master Hilterguard, you honor us with your presence. Do you think it's possible that we could have a select few who will be capable of great feats?"

"It's very.... no..... We definitely have a select few who are capable, especially that young boy Benjamine, just look at his mastery of the restoration skill and the intricacy he is weaving into it. You rarely see that level of detail in today's world."

"We shall keep a close eye on him then head master Hilterguard."

Back in the class, many of the students are struggling to create the foundation of the restoration spell while Victor and a few other's are nearly finished with theirs. With one minute to go, the capable students quickly finish up their work and wait. All their eye's are on Victor who is still taking his time finishing it off, he finishes it with fifteen seconds remaining. The alarm sounds and the students stop what they are doing. Professor Gilgadad walks around examining each students work, ignoring those that have barely started. After examining the other's he walks over to Victor and stops, tears begin to well up in his eye's.

"Is there something wrong with my spell Mr. Gilgadad?"

"This is the most beautiful design I have ever laid eye's on. Every detail has been carefully drawn to get maximum efficiency out of the spell. Today you have brought joy to an old man's very soul and I thank you for that."

When the first lesson is over, the professor asks the students who finished in the allocated time to go outside and wait for the final test to start. Ten students walk out of the classroom and wait outside. Victor stands by a window and looks out over the city, still trying to make sense of it all.

"Hey new guy, just what kind of scheme did you pull with the professor?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play stupid with me, I know you did something shady to make the professor cry. Someone who comes from the forest shouldn't have a single clue about ancient magic."

"Well if that offends you then it's a miracle you were able to finish your spell at all. Because only those who use their heads can make sense of ancient magic."

The student throws a magic spell at Victor out of rage, but it disappears before their eye's. Now in a state of confusion the student tries to use a bigger spell, but is immediately trapped inside a magical wall that dissipates any form of magic.

"Exhaurire Scutum. Now you won't be able to perform any attacks until I deactivate the shield so I'm giving you two options. One; Continue trying to attack and I'll keep you in there until the professor comes out or Two; Behave yourself and be set free. The choice I'd your's."

The student stops trying to attack and Victor deactivates the shield. He then extends out his hand.

"Benjamine Fellowing, nice to meet you."

The other student shakes his hand.

"Drainglo Syltio the fourth, nice to meet you, Benjamine."

After a while, professor Gilgadad walks out and calls them in for the final exam. Of the two hundred that started, only 20 remain. Once the remaining students sit down, professor Gilgadad begins to speak.

"Congratulations to those of you who passed, you have shown much potential and are ready to take my final test. I will be judging you on your practical use of magic and checking for efficiency. If you excel in this test your place will be guaranteed."

The students proceed to the final area. They're given turns to battle each other and the losers have to join to winners side until one has defeated all the other's. After a while Victor is the last one called up and he needs to face a crowd of nineteen students, he carefully observes the crowd to determine the best course of action.


All the students surge towards Victor ready to defeat him.


All the students get bound to the ground by chains then surges of intense shocks drain their defenses making them weak. With that, the test comes to an end and the results are announced immediately. Only ten students pass, making them the selected few that have the honor of joining the academy. Victor smiles brightly as he receives his uniform and is congratulated for passing top of the class with the other nine students. They are welcomed by a big round of applause after the ceremony.