

Immediately I drove off, to begin my journey to ira's place we began chatting on the way. All of a she became suddenly quiet which made me feel awkward.

"Ira is never quiet like this." My inner voice muttered.

"I think something is bothering her." I replied back.

"Let's ask her?" The voice asked.

"Nah, if she's ready to tell me, she will." I said not wanting to stick my nose where it doesn't belong.

"Mela, do you think Erald would ever love me." She asked randomly and sounded a little worried taking me out of my thoughts.

"C'mon Ira, you so pretty and your heart is as good and pure as crystal, who wouldn't fall in love with you and by the way even if he doesn't it's his loss, so don't worry okay?" I ensured her, turning over to her and flashed her my smile.

"Ira seems to be so into that weirdo." The voice said.

"But ira don't you think you're becoming obsess with this Erald guy, you barely even know him." I said taking my eyes back to the road.

"No Mel, am not obsessed about him okay!!" She said giving me a look by the corner of her eyes.

"Okay if you say so." I replied back not believing any word she said, because I can clearly see it.

"She's damn obsess, crazy girl." The voice said.

"I don't know how Ira fell for that weirdo guy, and h......."

"Let's go have some fun." She said interrupting my thoughts, turning over I saw her smiling.

"No way, am not having any fun, am going to read because I didn't read the whole day." I said with a serious voice taking my eyes back to the road.

"C'mon mel why are you so boring, you're such a joy killer Mel. How the heck did we even become best friends?" She said, whining like a kid that she's not.

"I am not boring and ain't a joy killer either, if you want to go have fun you can I'm not stopping you, and as for us becoming best friends I don't know how comes either. And by the way I just love my space and privacy."

"Whatever." She said as I noticed from the corner of my eyes that she got looking out of the window.

"But I'm going to a party." She said without looking in my direction.

"Whose party are you going to?" I asked like a mom who is interrogating her daughter.

"Am going to Louisa's party." She answered.

"Which Louisa are you talking about?" I asked.

"That same one." My inner voice said.

"Just shut up!" I mentally screamed at the voice.

"The arrogant one, that has lots of pride because she has a big butt right?" I asked wanting to be sure it's the Louisa I'm thinking about.

"Yes she's the one, she invited me to her party today so you can come along if you want to." She said.

"I knew it." The voice said mockingly.

"I am definitely not going to that arrogant girl's party, because we might end up having a fight." I said with a serious tone, as I had my fist tightened against the starring wheel.

"Angry tigress."

"Shut the fuck up." I yelled at the voice again.

"Please mela just tag along for my sake please, I wouldn't let you guy's cross each other's path not at all, just follow me, just this one time and I wouldn't ask again." She said as I took my eyes off the road and saw her with a pleading eyes.

"Ira that was what you said the last time you took me to a party, you said that would be the last time you asked me to go out to a party with you." I said with my voice sounding agitated looking forward.

"She's your fucking best friend, won't you do that for her." The voice said but, I just ignored the voice.

"I know Mel, but this is the last one, please." She said trying to convince me.

"Okay I have heard you, we would go but we wouldn't stay long. Agreed?" I said.

"Yes agreed."

"Okay then let's go dress up." I said smiling to myself.

This best friend of mine knows just how to convince me so well or perhaps it's just me who doesn't want to hurt her.

"Now this is how a best friend should be, not a cold hearted bitch like you." The voice said.

"You're just fucking stupid and useless." I said irritated at the voice.



"We are here ira, get down let's go in."


"But wait what time is this party?" I asked.

"Its by 9pm." She stated with a smile.

"Okay then, there's still a little time." I said coming down from the car, is uncle at home?" I asked ira.

"Well I guess he is at home, I don't know though." She said shrugging.

"Okay, let's go check." I said taking my bag.


Opening the door I saw Tessa their maid.

"Hi Tessa." I said smiling because it's been so long I saw her.

"How are you doing?" I added.

"I am fine Mela, how about you? How are you today?" She asked flashing me her beautiful smile.

"I am fine Tessa, thank you for asking."

"It's been so long you came and you are here with your bag, are you staying over for some days?" She asked with a surprised yet pleased look.

"Yes Tessa, I'm staying for a couple of days." I answered her.

"Oh, that nice."

"Are you done Mel, can I talk now?" Ira said with a sarcastic tone.

"Tessa is dad around?" Mira asked.

"No Ms. Mira, Mr Salvador went for a business trip this morning after you left." She said to Mira.

"Wait, dad went for a business trip and didn't care to inform me." She said looking and sounding annoyed.

"Now he would get a taste of my scoldings." She said. She brought out her phone from her pocket and started dialling uncle's number.

Ring Ring

"Dad how could you you do this? How could you leave for a business trip, without informing me?" She said yelling over the phone like a an angry bird.

They were still talking while I went to sit at the sitting room. She began to scold uncle talking to him as if she were his parent and not the other way round.

Oh, I so wish I and dad's relationship is like that of Mira and uncle's own. I sometimes get jealous of Mira because she and her dad have this special type of father daughter duo bounding which seems like they are both brother and sister that's if someone sees them for the first time. If dad didn't do what he did everything would have been fine, I would have been fine, heck we all would have been good.

"I know right, it hurts."

"So much." I said with a somewhat heavy heart.

I got up from the couch to head to ira's room, so I could go read and get lost in my own world. But, I mistakenly tripped over the bag I kept at my side not realizing that I kept my bag there.

I tried getting up but I couldn't. I think I've sprained my ankle.

"Ira come help me, I think I have sprained my ankle, I can't walk anymore." I said shouting so she could hear me.

"Please be quick ira." I added.

"Mel, how did you sprain your ankle just now." She said with a worried look running over to my place as she put her phone into her pocket.

"I mistakenly tripped over my bag and then this happened, now I can't even walk." I said almost crying because the pain's shooting up to my thigh. Mira picked me up and wrapped my arms around her neck taking me to her room.

"Tessa bring Mel's bag upstairs, now." She said with her tone high.

We reached ira's room and she dropped me on her bed, and went to her side table to pick out the spray bottle. She sprayed it on my ankle and massaged the foot a bit before she asked me to rest.

"Ira, please could you get me my bag, I need to take my books from inside please." I said with a pleading eyes.

"Book yet again, after you just sprained your ankle." The voice said in disbelief.

"We both know, that I can't sleep." I replied.

"Okay, let me get it." She said.

Just then Tessa knocked the door and brought the bag inside.

"Here's your bag Mela." She said, gave me the bag and left.

"Mela, Brayan is coming over today, dad just told me when we were speaking, he said Brayan is on his way and would arrive any minutes from now." Ira said.

"Are you serious!! Brayan is coming you say!" I said suddenly feeling excited.

"Fucking hells, Rayan is coming." The voice said excitedly.

"Yeah, that's what ira just said."

"It's been like ages since I last saw Brayan."

"Yeah I know right." She said.

"I really miss him though, even if he could be so annoying." She said zooming into space.

"I do miss him too."

Brayan is ira's cousin brother whose also been like my brother, elder brother to be precise. He's really so sweet yet could be naughty at times and he's the best brother any one could ever have.

"Wait, does that mean Brayan is done schooling?" I asked.

"Yes,that's what dad said." She said smiling.

"I can't really wait to see him honestly." I said sounding impatient, like an impatient dog who isn't ready to wait for the fattest bone, which is unlike me.

"Yeah, I know right." Mira said giggling.

"Are you still going for the party again? Because as you can see, I just sprained my ankle and I wouldn't be able to tag along."

"Yeah I know that's so sad, I would take Brayan with me." She said sounding happy at the thought.

"I can feel that." The voice said in a faint voice.

"Feel what?" I asked

"Your happiness."

"You're crazy." I said smiling a bit.

"That's crazy, two party freaks are going to a party." I said laughing hard.

"I am not a party freak Mel." Mira said sounding like a baby.

"Well I don't think so." I said still laughing.

"Stop laughing ."Mira said sounding pissed.

"Okay, okay you're not." I said sarcastically and giggled.

"When is uncle coming back?" I asked her.

"Dad said he would be coming back next week." She said with a sad voice.

"C'mon Ira, don't be like that, it's just a week not a month." I said trying to comfort her.

"It's not like that Mela, I don't know why am getting so emotional. It's just crazy. Anyways forget about this, let me go get something so we could eat and then I would go dress up before Brayan comes."

"Okay then, I am even very famished, be quick please." I said.

I dragged my bag to pick a book to read and then I took a book called the the MISTRESS OF NATURE, the name sounds so interesting I bet the book would also be interesting, I was about reading when I saw mom's call.

"Hey mom." I said.

"Hi Mela, how are you?" She asked.

"Am doing well mom, I just....."

"oh hells you can't tell mom you sprained your ankle or she might get worried." The voice said.


"You just what, Mel why are you quiet?" Mom asked.

"I just miss you guys mom."

"I miss you too, we all miss you." Mom said sounding emotional.

"Yeah so Mela, I'm thinking of giving your little sister a name and I thought maybe we should give her kaelyn, because we can't keep calling her Riddi till she grows up right?" Mom said.

"Yeah, you're right mom and kaelyn sounds good. Just imagine a beautiful name for a beautiful baby. I just can't wait for her to grow up so I tell her lots of things and I hope she doesn't irritates me too much because chubby babies bugs alot but are pretty cute and sweet." I said to mom smiling at myself.

"Yes you're right, Mel chubby babies are indeed cute."

"So, I am going to talk to your grandma about it and also your dad."

When mom mentioned about that man, I decided to change the topic.

"So how's grandma and Riddi's health?"

"Your grandma is already asleep, she said she was having a headache and as for Riddi she's feeling much better."

"Okay, that's great to hear."

"Yeah I know ri......" Mom got talking but stopped midway.

"Mom are you there, why are you quiet?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry baby I just I heard a car's horn, I guess your dad is back." Mom said sounding happy.

How I wish, she knew what sort of monster the man she loved so much is. A beast in a human form, a human clothing, I just couldn't stand hearing his voice so I hung up.

Immediately I hung up I heard Brayan's voice from the hall way. He's having an argument with Mira just as always and a smile hugged my lips.

I wanted getting up to go meet them but then I felt a sharp pain in my leg reminding me about my sprained ankle.

"Brayan!!!" I shouted.

"Yes Mela, here I am." He said opening the door, opening the door I saw a hazel eyes, with a his reddish brown hair that falls down to his face and a cute smile plastered on his cute face.

"Brayan looks so hot!" The voice said.

"Brayan!!!" I said elated while opening my arms for a hug.

He came running over to me to hug me. And he gave me a kiss at my temple.

"Mel, you are all grown up now and you look more beautiful and hot even." He said smiling as he released me from his tight grip.

"You don't look bad either Rayan and I bet you got girls going head over hills for you." I teased him with a grin.

"Yeah, they are absolutely going crazy." He said laughing.

"So what is the reason between you and ira's argument this time?" I asked him, with a crease between my brows as my left brown raised up.

"That crazy little bitch, said I should accompany her to a party and when I said I would but on one condition, she asked for the condition and I told her, she started getting hyper because of my condition." He said with a shrug as if what he said is just a petty stuff.

"I mean, I ain't forcing the bitch to take me along right, it's her choice after all, I ain't desperate to go for a party but she is. Anyways it ain't my problem, it's for her to accept my condition." He said with a mischievous grin as he sat properly on the bed.

"Wait Rayan, what's this condition you put forth that ira can't accept, huh?" I asked with a curious tone.

"Mel, the condition I had put forth was for her to let me bring a girl home so we could have some great sex but Mira said no to my condition. I mean, am not desperate for sex you know." He smirked, making the latter seem like a petty remark.

"Rayan that's crazy you know, If uncle Salvador was around you wouldn't dare bring any girl into his house because he is a really strict person and wouldn't take something like that, and Rayan you're all grown now, behave like an adult that you are." I said laughing.

"Yeah I know Mel, but he isn't around right, so am going have fun before he get's back from his business trip, and as for growing up, I won't at least not now, because if I don't have fun now, I won't do that later because I would have grown so old that no girl will wanna have fun with an oldie." He said laughing hard at the latter.

"Let's go down so we could go get something to eat, am really famished." He added

"Sorry, I can't come along, Mira would bring the meal here."

"Why can't you come along?" He asked with a curious voice.

"Uhh.......I tripped over my luggages downstairs, so my ankle got sprained. I can't walk right now but Mira has already massaged the foot."

"That crazy bitch I know she didn't do it well, let me get the spray again so I would massage it for you again, after all my magical hands can perform a great magic you know. You would be fine in a jiffy, wait and watch the magics in me unfold." He said proudly, as he got searching for the spray.

"You're crazy Rayan." I said chuckling.

"Yeah, I know I am." He said as he got his hands on the spray.

"So how's aunty doing? Mira told me she gave birth to a baby girl right?" Brayan spoke smiling, walking over to me.

"Yeah she did give birth to a baby girl, she's pretty cute too."

"So what's her name?" Brayan asked.

"Well she hasn't been giving an official name yet but mom just told me this evening that she's thinking of naming her kaelyn but as of now her pet name is Riddi." I replied.

"Kaelyn sounds gorgeous. I know she would be as beautiful as aunt and you, and also when she grows up she would be hot." Brayan said with a devilish smirk.

"Here we are with the, dirty yet hot Rayan." The voice said.


"Brayan, she's just a baby?" I said laughing.

"Yeah even though, don't underestimate babies growth." He said laughing briefly.

"So how about uncle, how's he?" Brayan asked he started massaging my feet.

"There we go again."

I didn't know what to say, thankfully Mira entered.

Mira entered with some meals in a tray for us. And it contains grilled cheese, tomato soup with some sweet potatoes. Then she kept some juice and water also.

"That looks yummy, Ira." I said with an impatient voice waiting to feast on the meal because I hadn't eaten all day long.

"Yes I bet so." She said with her beautiful smile.

"I need to eat quickly and dress up for my party. Brayan I really need you to tag along, please but, that condition of yours can't be accepted." Mira said pleading.

"Well, you have no choice or rather you do have a choice, either you accept my condition and we go together or you go without me or even you stay home without going to the party." He replied, as he got up to go wash his hands in the bathroom.

"Okay then, condition accepted." She sighed accepting defeat.

"That's more like it, sister." He said but sounded sarcastic at the last word SISTER.


Mira dressed up after we were done eating and she took Brayan with her, after she gave me a peck saying they wouldn't be staying for long. Well I don't really know if they would. I took the book I brought out to read before mom called, and I began to read it.

I read for so long that I lost track of time then I heard footsteps from the hall way, I guess the two devil's are back.

The door opened and I saw ira. "Hey what's up, where's Brayan?" I asked.

"Well he is in the next room, making out with the random girl he picked."

Then I began hearing some weird noise from the room on my left, oh well I guess the have started but couldn't they go to some other room.

"This dude is impossible."

"So impossible."

I heard a horn, but then I knew that uncle had went on a trip then who could it be?

Mira ran down to check. Few minutes later she came back to the room with some one who I least expected to be here.