
Caryl and Erald


Knock knock

"Who's there?" I heard Miranda's voice from behind the door.

"It's me randa, open up." I answered her struggling to speak.

She opened the door and graced me with her beautiful brown eyes and her wavy brown hair. But, she opened her eyes surprised and concern wash all over her face.

"What happened Caryl, why are you like this, you look so pale and weak you're even finding it difficult to breath?" She asked me with worries in her eyes and voice.

"Randa, let's go in first, I'll explain everything." I said as I called out to her.

"But ca...." she started speaking, before she could complete her words I stopped her mid way.

"It's okay Randa, I'll tell you everything, let's go in first." I said.

She grabbed my arm and put it on her neck to help me walk because I could no longer stand up straight, all my energy had gotten drained due to the fact I used it to walk over to her place.

When we got in, I checked the clock and saw it's past 2am.

"I am so sorry randa, I came at such an odd hour, I had no where else to go. As you know, I have issues with my dad and brother so I can't go to them."

"It is okay, I do understand but what happened to you that you look so pale and you are short of breathe?" She asked with concern laced in her voice.

"My boss had me tortured given that I failed to get him the documents he had asked me to bring for him from my dad's place. I'd try to get it but Erald came in the way and just since I didn't get the documents he tortured me by electrocuting me. Randa this is the first time I couldn't fulfill boss's wish yet he couldn't forgive me. I have promised myself one thing, I would exact my revenge from him, I surely will exact my revenge from him." I explained to Miranda however she's looking at me with bewilderment.

"Wait, Caryl are you trying to say Arnoldo Fernandez that you worked for, almost your entire adulthood did what he did to you only owing to you failed to get a document?" She asked with her eyes widely open.

"Yes randa, I couldn't even believe that he could do something like this to me. If I were to be told by someone else, that he would do this to me I would never believe them." I answered her, with difficulty.

"What does the documents even contains, that he needs it so badly and why does he hates your dad so much?" She asked again with curiosity.

"Well randa that document contains dad's entire property, which contains properties such as his companies papers, his estates documents, documents to his business transactions both in the mafia world and in his legal business. All of dad's assets and the way to aquire those assets are in those documents which boss wants so badly for a reason I ain't told. And about his hatred for dad, I have no idea about it but one thing is for sure he despise dad to the core." I explained to her.

"Okay, nevertheless how did you get all these physical wounds on you?" She asked asked.

"I had followed the woods to get to this place, and due to the fact that it is late night I had fallen a few times." I said.

"But you have a tor...." she commenced, however before she could complete her words, I had to cut her.

"C'mon Randa, would you help me clean my wounds or would you just keep asking me questions." I said to her, feeling exhausted with her constant question after question.

"Sorry, let me go get the first aid kit." she stated, getting up.

She left immediately and went inside to get the first aid kit, few minutes later she came back with the first aid and she cleaned my wounds and dress them up.

"Right now, I need to sleep but I feel famished, could you make something quick for me so, before you could finish I would have been done cleaning myself up." I said to her with a pleading eyes.

"Yes sure, pre heat the water before you use it." She shouted through the door while she walked out.

"Yes randa, I will but can you not shout again it's almost 3am." I replied while smiling at myself.

"Okay baby." She shouted again, she's such a crazy bitch.

I got inside and pre heated the water before entering under the shower. I am so lucky to have got a girlfriend like Miranda even though she knew my truth. The truth about me, about me betraying dad and Erald, the truth about me killing my own mother who gave me life in spite of it, she still trusted me and never judged me. Talking about my mom, I really miss her so much but sadly I am her murderer.

Up till date I don't remember what happened that night, however it still haunts me till date, it haunts me all the time. I took the life of the woman that brought me into this earth all because of the influence of the drugs that bastard Tristan gave to me. I still regret why I did what I did, I wasn't in my right state of mind and now I have to bare this guilt my whole life for killing mom.

"Caryl, Caryl!!!"

I heard randa shouting out my name. Yet again after I told her not to shout.

"Yes babe, I'll be out in a minute." I said to her.

I came out, tying a towel in my waist. Thank goodness I left some of my spare clothes in randa's place some weeks back.

Thank God I did, if not I wouldn't have clothes to wear tonight and i definitely can't go back to my apartment because if I do, I would be dead.

"Here, I made ramen noodles for you." She told me with a smile that engulfed her whole face.

"Okay randa, keep it at the side table let me finish dressing up." I said with a bright smile even though my body still aches.

I went behind her and held her from the back to give her a back hug, i turned her so she could face me and I gave her a kiss.

"Thank you, randa." I kissed her again.

"You are welcome baby, when you done then we could go to sleep, so you could have a good rest." She said still having that beautiful smile of hers plastered on her lips.

I couldn't help but compliment her beauty.

"Babe you're really beautiful, you know that right." I said holding her by the waist.

"Yes baby I know that, you have told me that always." She said while kissing me.

"Okay randa, let me go eat now so we could sleep."


I got feasting on the noodles so fast due of how famished I am. When I finished eating randa took the plate back to the kitchen, and came back to the room so we could sleep.

I laid on the bed and wrapped randa with my arms as we got into the duvet and then in few minutes my eyes began closing and I went into the land of dreams forgetting all my problems.


Arriving at the school I immediately went to the garden to check for Jake but he is no where to be found. Therefore, I began walking down to his class to check if he is still in class but when I got to his class, the class is empty.

Just where could this idiot go, how the hell did we even became best friends because we are so different from each other and poles apart from each other. I was on my phone pressing it trying to call Jake when I bumped into some one. And then I heard a voice which sounded so familiar.

Saying "what the fuck was that weren't you looking?"

I couldn't be mistaken this is mela's voice, it has to be, it has to be hers. And I can't be mistaken because I have heard that voice a couple of times for me to know her voice.

Oh, hells why the fuck did I have to bump into this fucking crazy bitch. I just kept looking while she packed her stuffs.

She got up and then looked at me and saw my eyes, surprised flashed in her face which seldom happens. Then her emotions changed in a swift of time like light then she yelled at me with anger in her voice.

"Weirdo, weren't you watching were you were going?" She said with anger.

"I was busy on my phone and I didn't see you coming." I said to her with a straight face, without any care.

And then I added "thank you for getting me home the other day." I said to her with same features. But for some unknown reason her eyes flared open more that it was or rather more than usual and it was after I expressed my gratitude to her.

Well it's not as if I care anyways.

"Uhh.....you're welcome, anyways bye." She said and began walking pass me.

I began my walk to search for Jake but then i heard "hey wait up." Am sure it's her again.

She's really a bitch!

I turned and she said "what's your name I never got to ask."

"My name is Erald." I said motionlessly, that's the least I can do because she got me home.

"Okay then, bye Erald." She resumed her walk and after a while I lost sight of her, then I remembered she said something like weirdo when we started our conversation like what the hell did she mean by calling me a weirdo.

Fucking bitch.

Wait, what am I even thinking, I had come here in search of Jake. Removing my phone from my hoodie pocket I dialed Jakes number.

Ring Ring

"Jake what's up with you where are you I can't seem to find you, I have checked the school sport ground and also your class but you're no where to be found?" I asked Jake through the call annoyed at his stupid behavior.

"Dude, are you the one in a black hoodie covering your head?" Jake asked me.

"Yeah I am."

He came running over.

"C'mon Jake, you made me look for you in the sport ground whereas you weren't there. And you know I can't go everywhere in the school looking for you. Well, let's go now we need to move quickly, for the unfinished work I have to complete." I said to him.

"Am so sorry dude, I got caught up with some work." He said with a pleading eyes.

"We need to leave now but let me check if Josh has any info." I said.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hey Josh you got any info on what I asked of you?"

"Yes young boss, I kept some guards to keep an eye on the Santiago's residence and I was being informed that there were few people who came to vist him and they were literally men from a really high class or rather affluent people who seems to not be from LA but are more of Mexico's because their accent was that of the Mexico's. And they all came in unison to meet Lukas Santiago. The guards also said they saw a man who is among one of the Cosa nostra his name is Joseph Anthony, he had once betrayed don Valentino." Josh said with a firm voice.

Wait, Joseph Anthony the same guy dad told me about, if that asshole is trying to denounce dad again I'ma reap his soul out of his body.

"Okay josh, how about the children any info about them?" I asked Josh.

"Yes, one of the guard has been trailing the girl kira, he said she went to the hospital today and met a doctor but it wasn't for any medical purpose rather for something else. Young boss is seems as if Lukas daughter is also involve in all of these. And as for his son Grath, he isn't that type of business person, he's rather the club type and one night stand type. As it is right now he is in a club. Young boss I would advise we don't go for the boy but the girl because the boy is useless and the girl is going to be useful to us." Josh said with certainty.

"Okay josh I have heard you but you need to keep trailing the girl really well. And the boy should also be trailed, you shouldn't stop trailing the boy because we can't miss any thing in this mission." I said to josh.

"Okay young boss."

"Good." I said and ended the call.

"Okay then let's make a move." I told Jake as I got walking.

We left the school and went to the parking lot we entered the car and left the school ground heading to dad's place.

Knock knock

"Come in." I heard dad's voice from the other side.

I and Jake went inside.

"Good day uncle." Jake greeted dad.

"Jake, how are you?" Dad asked raising his head to see Jake.

"I'm fine."


"Erald, any new lead?" Dad asked facing me.

"No don Valentino, I'm still working on it, I came to ask you about the daughter of Lukas Santiago I need information about her." I said to dad.

"Erald, we got only limited information about her." Dad said coldly while he faced his laptop, to continue what his doing.

"Okay I need them."

"Okay then, let me get josh to bring them to you." Dad picked up his phone and called josh. Josh get me informations about kira Lukas Santiago now to my office." Dad said.

After some few minutes, josh walked in with a blue file.

"Here it is don." Josh said.

"Give it to Erald." Dad said.

I opened the file and saw the informations on kira. Kira isn't a teenager like I had thought, she's a lady in her mid 20s she owns a company that produces chemicals and also concurrently owns an illegal business which involves the making of a new hard drugs, maybe this is the reason she went to the hospital which wasn't for medical purposes. It seems that the doctor is in cohort with her in making a new drugs and I don't think it's only one doctor there are perhaps many doctors who are also in cohort with her. I closed the file to face josh.

"Josh is that all the information you could get on her?" I asked.

"Youn...." he couldn't complete his statement because he got a call.

Ring Ring Ring

"I am sorry young boss, I really need to pick this." He said and left.

Few minutes later he came back.

"Young boss, I just got an information from one of the guards that the kira we all thought is Lukas daughter isn't his daughter." Josh explained, which made me shocked.

"What?" I and Jake said in unison.