
Pain_Nothing is that simple. / Danmachi

Reincarnation in Danmachi, another but possibly interesting. Check on your own.

Kriuswer · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 10

After eating a hearty meal that cost him 100 Valis. Which was 1/4 of his current wealth. However, despite the fact that such an amount was spent, despite the availability of much cheaper alternatives in the category of other food available in the Inn's menu. Viego himself noticed the fact that he had been injured since the moment he got to know the side effects of consuming the healing potion. He felt an involuntary compulsion to eat a hearty meal. Not only because there is a risk that he would have to consume a healing potion. But as if his psyche had set itself into preventive mode, thus eliminating thoughts related to a minimalist approach to meals.

Viego went to his room and took off his armor there. Completely naked, wrapped in a towel, he went to a nearby makeshift bathroom. In this room is a gigantic tub, made of stone and tiles. With mirrors and benches placed around the corners and, interestingly, bowls of hot water. Viego associated it with Japan. But he couldn't quite remember how or why.

Before Viego took advantage of the bathtub, which was magically ready to use, it was waiting for him. Viego pulled off the towel, enjoying a moment of privacy. And he stood in front of the nearest mirror to check the condition of his body after the fights and the recent wound.

Viego's yelow eyes move over his reflection in the mirror, focusing on his body. His body appears to be well built and athletic. His shoulders are muscular, and his chest is distinguished by a low groove between the muscles. His stomach is flat and his body looks like he takes care of his body and exercises regularly. However, the truth is that even before entering the Dungeon his body was slim, but he remembers perfectly well that his figure did not look like it was about to grow the silhouette of an Olympic champion.

His skin is smooth and dry, but with a few scars and one tattoo. The most prominent scar is definitely the one that resulted from being attacked by multiple Mummies. A scar that appears to be numerous subsurface marks from an attack by a clawed creature, in the shape of slightly curved lines. They don't look as cool as if it was just one single blitz from one particular attack. And it looks as if many similar scars have formed in the same place many times. On his right shoulder is a tattoo of a Raven landing with its wings spread, ready to land or grab something with its claws. His skin appears paler than normal, possibly due to Viego avoiding the sun in the past, not on purpose. But staying indoors most of the time.

His legs are in proportion to the above body parts, with the muscles starting to form well.

His penis seems to be really long and thick, reaching about 18 centimeters in length.

Overall, Vi's body is well built and attractive, and it's obvious to the naked eye that with each visit to the Dungeons, his physique will develop to the state Viego once dreamed of.

Viego's humor dropped as he stared at his face in the mirror.

His short bangs are let down in a messy style, like bits of grass in a meadow moving in the rhythm of the wind. The hair on the sides is shaved almost to the skin, looking like it was cut with scissors carelessly. On the top of the head, the middle is short, only a few centimeters long, creating a contrast to the longer strands of bangs.

The appearance of the hair was like a neglected garden where the grass grows wild and disorderly. Their unruly, unkempt appearance makes Viego appear to be forgetting basic aspects of personal hygiene. They are washed too rarely, which in turn contributes to their greasy and dull appearance. Thick feathers along the entire length of the hair only intensify the impression of neglect. And the slight greasiness of the hair, as well as Vi's hair itself, can be compared to Severus Snape. Which had similar problems, but for a completely different reason.

Vie's face that used to be was thin and bony, with sharp features. Now, despite gaining a bit more weight. They still haven't raised his "Handsome" level. The eyebrows above the eyes are messy, curled and uneven, but they give him a charm and mystery at the same time. The characteristic deep-set yellow eyes give the impression that they are slightly larger than standard. flame that gave it personality and individual style.

When talking to Viego, you will easily notice that he has a cut on his lower lip. This scar, small in size, resembled a delicate cut that naturally marks the contour of the mouth.

Vie's appearance appears unkempt and chaotic. His hair resembles a neglected garden, and his face has distinctive features such as scruffy eyebrows and yellow eyes. In addition, the cut on the lower lip adds a bit of individuality and attracts attention. However, in the opinion of people as well as his own. He looks like a somewhat mysterious suspicious person in the background. Or in a fantasy setting, a young leader of a little-known Bandit Group, whom the main character accidentally meets on the way to the princess's castle.

(Viego)-Probably still nasty, but fuck. I'm starting to gain weight. There is a profit. Only I wouldn't turn into the Hulk during the promotion...wait. Although character classes can affect silhouettes. After all, at the entrance to the Dungeon, people with Barbarian class are fucking 2-meter giants with muscle mass as hell. So it's best to choose a class that uses fencing...or now I'll get to work.

(Viego)-And not to wade into uncertain dreams .... Dreams. With more strength, silhouette. I'd probably fucking start hoping for a woman... Hehehe... Let's respect each other. Morons. There was a team on the street near the shop, they had armor and robes of the same color. Probably blue with a gold badger. Or something like that. A group of three attractive women and two men.

Viego said looking his reflection straight in the eye. With more and more aggression painted on his face. Keeping hands clenched into a fist on the frame of the mirror.

(Viego)-And you fucking saw it. The handsome swordsman was the center of attention, the women treated him as if he had eliminated most of the monsters. But considering how handsome he was talking to the other one with glasses. That if it wasn't for him with his level. So obviously the one with the glasses was stronger. Then they wouldn't be carrying such a big bag full of materials and cores. In fact, when they approached the counter ... If I remember correctly, this glasses man is level 4 ... And this busty brown-skinned elf with a bow is probably the second. I'm not sure. But it doesn't fucking matter. The fact is, even in this dawn, if you're not a motherfucker, you'll be like that loser with the glasses. You will achieve nothing. You are alone and one day we will become so powerful. That I don't know, we'll turn all the Goddesses into my women. Whether they want it or not. This is the goal. Fuck you All Might...I have a more interesting goal. Become the biggest Fucker in Orario. Or in the world. whore....

As Viego was motivating himself by the mirror, he seemed to be getting more and more emotional. Unfortunately, he stepped on a slippery surface and, losing control, he fell into the pool. Painfully hitting the bottom with your ass. Then he dragged himself painfully to the edge of the pool. And he leaned against the edge and sat there for a while, waiting for the pain to pass.

Then, without any strange monologues, he washed himself thoroughly and came back hurting more than when he had entered the bathroom earlier. Viego went to sleep without even putting on anything.

After firing the pistol crossbow, the bolt shot through the Dungeon's corridor at almost lightning speed, leaving a brief hum behind it. Its flight was uniform and stable, thanks to which it had perfect precision. As it moved through the air, it emitted a strange whistling sound, like the wind whistling in a long chimney.

As the bolt neared its target, it became more distinct and visible. Its surface reflected the light coming through the holes in the walls of the tomb, creating flickering reflections on its surface. Finally, with lightning-like speed, the bolt struck the back of Mumia's head, causing the flesh to break into tiny pieces.

(Viego)-That's how crazy, I'm scheming, figuring out, inventing strategies while watching the opponent. Like an altar boy priest, when one shot from a pistol crossbow is enough! Fuck...

(Viego)-Although loading this pistol crossbow takes time to reload. And for Mummy, the normal ones, that's enough. Yes, this weapon is ineffective against faster monsters. Only the elimination of a few individuals in order to reduce the number of opponents. Alright let's move on...

Over the next few days, Viego established a routine. Breakfast, Dungeon, Dinner. However, on the first day after getting the Pistol Crossbow. Viego sold all the loot to earn 4,500 Valis for spending the next few days. And for the next few days he was eliminating all the Mummies up to the Boss's chamber. But not going inside. Not by selling loot, but by collecting more of it. To start experimenting with your special ability at the end of the week.