
Overlord: Just a god having fun

Just a god having fun in the New World no harem, dark MC complete wish-fulfillment

DaoistDRZ · Urbano
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5 Chs

Preparing to recruit fanatics

Yeah, this is what writer's block feels like.

Also, I really wanna add eyes like this to my MC, but I don't want others to think he's a vampire.


P.O.V MC, home realm

Sitting in front of my pool enjoying some wine that's completely black with white dots resembling stars in the night sky, which I made with enough energy to create entire universes.

I was thinking about what I had done so far, as well as a little about my past life on earth.

I find it weird that I was trying to distance myself from the me that lived on Earth.

I wonder why?

I still have no idea where Arcadia is...

But I've been feeling a lot of Aether being used, probably her doing.

P.O.V MC, Re-Estize, a few days later

Looking at the city gates from atop a building, I saw Swords of Darkness entering. The look on their faces upon seeing the city was priceless. It seems like Brain would also be arriving the next day, I'm not sure nor do I care how he made it that fast. Important thing is that he will be here soon. The address I gave him was to a building I had purchased with a cellar that will be my cult's temporary headquarters. Why a cellar? You can't have a proper cult without a weird ass cellar and an altar.

Arriving at the hotel that Sebas and Solution stayed at, they proceeded to the rooms I had rented for them. The moment they entered the building they stood out like a sore thumb, due to their gear.

I was gonna send Arcadia to meet with them and give them their first assignment in a few hours and later meet Brain. Until then I will take a closer look at the cellar.

P.O.V Arcadia, Re-Estize,


2 hours later


My Lord told me to meet up with a group of adventurers called Swords of Darkness.

I was to take them to a warehouse that will have better gear for them. Not too much better but still better than this trash they are wearing right now. As I arrived before the receptionist I rented a room for the night. After paying I also slid her 3 gold coins and told her to have someone gather the Swords of Darkness in my room in 10 minutes.

While waiting I was served something they called tea. I quite liked the bitter taste.

P.O.V Peter Mauk, Re-Estize

To be honest I was rather surprised to be called so late at night. I thought we'd at least get a night's rest before being summoned and the looks we got were getting annoying. Arriving in front of the door we were told to come in, I hesitated for a moment before knocking. From inside I heard a woman's voice telling us to enter. Looking back towards my party members, I saw the hesitation in their eyes same as mine.

Afraid of angering whoever was inside I turned back and opened the door. What I saw inside the room can only be described as godly. A woman as beautiful as an angel drinking what I assumed was tea, from a porcelain cup. I never thought seeing someone drinking tea could be such a mesmerising sight. The only thing I could potentially see as a flaw in her would be the bandage covering her face and the yellow eye. The sound of the cup being placed on the table woke me up from my surprise. Taking a breath I took a step inside and introduced myself and my party members, who, from the looks on their faces were as stunned as me. Even Ninya, who usually didn't look at women was stunned. And here I was thinking he might prefer the male gender.

"So you are the adventurer's party that was chosen". After saying this, she took a look at us. I felt like she could see every single one of my secrets and thoughts. What felt like an eternity, but was probably less than a moment I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts. After that, she started running her fingers along the cup while looking at it.

"We will be taking a trip outside for an hour or two. With the armour you are wearing, I'm surprised you aren't dead yet."

Standing up she started walking towards us. As we made way for her, she went and opened the door. Looking at us she said.

"Chop chop, we don't have all night!"

And so we followed her outside, where I saw the largest carriage I had ever laid my eyes upon. There waiting for us was already a driver and horses attached to the carriage.

After an hour we arrived in front of a warehouse. When the driver opened the door, Lady... What the hell was her name, did she even tell us her name? Whatever her name she was the first one to exit.

Being led inside we saw 4 huge crates and nothing else. On the crates, there were all of our names written on them.

"Go on, open the crates and hurry up."

Opening the lid of the crate what greeted me was gear so much better than my current one. Even if I worked my whole life I probably couldn't buy even a part of it, and it was given to us? Just like that.

"The gear before you is all infused with magic that strengthens your pros and improves your weak points. Like improving the defence of the one wearing it, for the mage and ranger. Do hurry up I will wait inside the carriage, oh and you can just leave your old equipment here." Saying that she left.

Trying to suppress my amazement I hurriedly put the armour on and sheathed the sword. I almost cut myself twice looking at its blade.

What the hell have we gotten ourselves into?

P.O.V Arcadia, Re-Estize

After taking these country pumpkins back to the hotel, I told them to come to my room at 9 am sharp. Although I will leave before that time I will leave a letter for them with instructions and some money. During the day they can go sightseeing and use that money, but when the sun sets, that's when they start their first real assignment.

Now back to My Lord's realm. I have to finish My Lord's surprise. My Lord made it seem so easy, but that is to be expected. I hope he likes it.

P.O.V MC, the Baharuth Empire

Due to the executions of nobles, there were now a lot of empty mansions in the Empire. Using Fluders influence it wasn't really that hard to purchase one, and since Jircniv trusts Fluder he doesn't look too much into his business. He also arranged a group of guards, maids and hired a few tutors for the mansion. Since they are just mere pawns, who won't be of any importance in the long run, I didn't mind using mind control magic on them, to ensure they wouldn't speak a word about what happens there. Why did I have Fluder arrange this mansion for me and the servants? It should be quite obvious, as earlier today Arcadia had met with Arche, who had agreed to join us and take her sisters away from that house. They arrived just an hour ago, and are about to go to sleep. Arche is sleeping with them, since a change like that is a lot for them, and they are too young to understand why the need for it.

I couldn't help but think about a phrase I had seen somewhere.

"There is no curse more twisted than love"

That got me thinking about what I did after fighting Nigun. About me hugging her.

Who was Acardia to me? Was she simply my servant, saintess, companion or maybe something else? I did create her to look and act like someone I saw as a perfect woman for me. It wouldn't be weird for me to develop feelings for her, would it?

Forget it, there's a place and time for everything and this is not the place, nor the time.

After Brain entered Re-Estize, I had a demon already waiting to follow him. The more I think about it, the more curious I get, about how the hell he made it to the capital so fast.

When Ainz went to E-rantel he signed up as an adventurer, next day he met Swords of Darkness, the trip to Carne took about a week or so I think. Right now it's been 3 days. So I should have somewhere between 4-5 days? Until the ritual. Should I stop, wait until some damage has been done or not interfere at all? Unlike Nfirea, Clementine would be a lot better fit for my cult. I don't mind my followers being crazy or sadists. Just no harming of fellow cultists or betrayal.

Wait, but that's another female member. For the first time, I realised how many important female characters Overlord had. I wanna curse the author of Overlord a little, but I like Overlord too much.

What about Zurrernorn, that cult? No, they are death freaks. My goal isn't to cause destruction or to simply spread death. I just want to have fun. Creating a cult in the process and having a holy crusade in my name, now that sounds fun. Even if I don't interfere with what happens to E-Rantel, Khajiit must die, thinking himself to be some kind of lord of the dead. Blasphemy. Look at me being Ainz's fangirl.

Back to more important things. Like how to introduce Arche and Brain to my cult.

My dumbass forgot to name the cult...

P.O.V Arcadia, Re-Estize, the next day

Having left the hotel I was strolling through the town, I had used magic to change my appearance. Although I don't like changing the look My Lord blessed me with, after seeing Swords of Darkness's reaction last night, I realised it was something I had to do. What if due to my appearance, someone starts creating trouble that will interfere with My Lord's plans? Knowing the corruption in this shitty kingdom, it was completely possible. I wasn't just strolling through the town, wasting time. Instead, I was looking for something, or rather someone crucial to My Lord's plan. Going through numerous drug hideouts, slave houses and places where the nobles could just come and rape a girl of their choosing, as well as other businesses run by the 8 fingers. I finally found my target.

Yup, that's the target. With this, we can go forward with the plan. Start with some smaller places that just happen to have some clues hidden around towards the target, until Swords of Darkness finally reach the target. Like a treasure hunt. I wonder what plans My Lord has for Brain Unglaus.

Marking some places down, like creating a treasure map, I started walking back. Since I'm finished with my duties for now and Fluder is still cracking his mortal brain with the magic formulas I had given him and My Lord saying, he would take care of converting Arche. I found myself without anything to do, for now, giving me some hours of free time. Using the opportunity I went back to My Lord's realm and continued on my project.

P.O.V Brain Unglaus, Re-Estize

I thought I had become stronger. I thought no one could defeat my God flash zone. That I was finally ready to fight Gazef again.

But fighting HIM, made me realise how pathetically weak I still am. And what's up with this place? Mostly empty house except for a bed, table and a chair. Along with food for a day or two. There's also a way into the cellar, but that's locked. Pretty sure I heard a male laughing there during the night.

Barely got any sleep because of that.


A few hours later


While practising my swordsmanship like I did most of my time, I had hit one of the walls of this house, but instead of breaking it, the slash didn't even leave a dent on the wall. Wanting to confirm what I was seeing, I attacked the wall. The same result, no damage. Deciding on going full out, releasing all my strength, I did the same.

This time it will atleast leave a scratch, right?

Nope, not even a dent. What the hell is this house made of, it looks like normal wood, but later I discovered I couldn't even break the chair nor the table. Infused with magic maybe? If so, whoever created these protection spells is a pro, master of his field.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. I kept low profile while coming here, didn't I? No-one should know I'm here, except him.

Well even if it was him, it doesn't hurt to be cautious. So, walking with my sword in my hand, I approached the door.

I planned on listening to figure out how many people there were outside the door, but before I could do that I heard woman's voice.

"Open the door, I know you are there Brain Unglaus, I was sent by Akasha."

Slowly opening the door, I saw a woman there with both of her arms covered in bandages, as well as one bandage diagonally on her face covering 1 eye. Her other eye was yellow, maybe a curse?

Before I could say anything, the woman handed me a letter and turned around to leave. The letter was similar to the one Akasha had left me with. This only confirmed that the woman was either working with him or for him. Closing the door, and opening the letter I saw 3 lines.


1 hour

Adress: xxxxxx

Prepare for battle


Prepare for battle? I wonder who I have to fight. The location seems pretty close, maybe 5-10 minute walk, so I decided to rest a little to be at my best form.

P.O.V Arcadia, Re-Estize

First Brain will attack one of 8 fingers smaller businesses which will have 4 objectives as of now. First to draw some attention, not too much, due to it's small size. Second to pull away 8 finger's men from close proximity. Thirdly, once he realises that the enemy is 8 fingers it will leave a better image of My Lord, since there is no way for Brain not to know of that organisation, and lastly to slowly remove 8 finger's bases from safehouse's surroundings. About 30 or so minutes later Swords of Darkness will attack similar place, but due to some men being away investigating the attack, it will be alot easier for them. They can do the job safer and faster. Having enough time to look for clues I had set up for their next target. Since My Lord doesn't wanna waste too much time, this will also happen 3 to 5 times and after that, the information about the attacks will reach the higher-ups and it will be alot more dangerous. 1 or 2 attacks can stlll be contained, but 6 or 8. They might start suspecting that the blue rose might be behind it. Brain will get the job done cleanly, as for Swords of Darkness... They are used to fighting monster not humans, so it will be alot more sloppy. Due to the discrepancy of their fighting styles, we can't play it off as just some random group trying to be heroes or having some petty revenge that will ultimately lead to their deaths.

I can't wait for the day where masses scream My Lords name, like a holy prayer.

P.O.V MC, home realm, 2 days later

2-3 days until the ritual.

After the first raid. Arcadia left a letter saying 'Glory to Akasha!' and a potion for Brain, before he returned. A little cheap to just say 'glory', but we must start from somewhere.

That potion will increase Brain's overall strength, with every potion he drinks. Although this will only work in the short run, eventually, I plan to create something akin to a tower, that they have to climb. Every floor will have set amount of monsters, that get stronger with everyfloor. I say I would train him, not pump him full of potions. This is just to make him question, who I am and how something like that is possible? Once I send him to the tower, I can have Arcadia tell him about the cult. I have no doubt that, to get even stronger and improve his swordsmanship he will join.

Similar tactic can also be used on others. Currently the hardest one to convert might be Ninya.

I may have also found some use for Nfirea this way. As a god that they worship, I can't do everything for them. I'll teach Nfirea how to create the potion and start giving it to new members. First few will be free, while the rest they have to buy. There will ofcourse be a limit how many they can drink, before it stops having effect, if all they have is strength, but no idea how to use it, it'll just be meaningless. What should the limit be? Level 30? Level 40?

It took a little less time for 8 fingers to take notice of the attacks, so I told Arcadia to hasten up the plans and have them reach the target faster. Brain didn't take part in the latest attack, since they already knew it was gonna be another diversion attack and instead focused on bettering their defenses. And when Swords of Darkness did attack, no reinforcements came. Tonight Brain Unglaus and Swords of Darkness will work together. They will enter from different entrances, and once again Brain will go first. This time not to weaken the enemies, but to buy time for Swords of Darkness to find the target.

P.O.V Brain Unglaus, Re-Estize

Currently I'm moving towards another house, but this time i wasn't told to prepare for battle, just to be there. For the past few days, except for yesterday I've been raiding some smaller 8 finger's businesses and every time, once i return there's a letter along with a potion, that somehow has the ability to permanently increase my strength. I've become faster, stronger, my reflexes have improved and the speed at which I can think has also somehow become faster. How is something like that even possible, I've never heard of a potion like that. Ofcourse there are potions that have the similar effects, but none of them are permanent and usually have side effects once the effects wears off. And what the hell is up with this 'Glory to Akasha!'. What is this ment to mean, that he is some kind of god?

Yeah, right, I battled a god. Just the thought of it makes me laugh.

Arriving at the building, I was about to enter when I heard noises inside. With my improved hearing, I didn't even have to get close to the door to make out the sounds.

4 people. 2 lighter, 1 medium and 1 heavier.

A mage, a ranger, a tank and a damage dealer. Adventurers party maybe? Do they want me to party up with another group this time? Usually I would reject something like this, but knowing that Akasha, or rather that strange woman is definitely keeping and eye on me all the time, I didn't have much of a choice.

I knocked on the door twice and after that everything went silent. Waiting a little I really wasn't sure what to do. Enter? That might be taken as intruding, enough of a reason to attack. Just wait, that seems kinda pointless, since they are obliviously not gonna open the door. Thinking about the fact that this Akasha person wants me to party up with these guys I had a certain idea. A very stupid idea.

"Sigh, here goes nothing. Glory to Akasha."

The moment I uttered these words I instantly felt regret. But to my surprise the door opened and what greeted me was a male in his twenties with blond hair and carrying a sword. The damage dealer aka swordsman.

I was about to ask what is going on when he suddenly hushed me and pulled me inside, closing the door after taking a look outside.

Yeah, these guys are new to this.

Looking around, I also saw 3 other members.

The tank, who turns out to be a druid, I think.

The mage and the ranger. One thing I must say is, despite them being new to this, they have some pretty nice gear. Maybe their main focus is on monster hunting, would explain their party's build. I was about to introduce myself, but was stopped by the man from earlier speaking before me.

"Hey, sorry for earlier, we were told to keep quiet about all of this, so we are a bit on edge. Haha. Name's Peter by the way, your's?" "Brain Unglaus".

"Wait could it be that you are THAT Brain Unglaus. The one that almost defeated Gazef Stronoff on 1 on 1 fight?" "Yes". In the past being recognised like that would have made me happy, but now that I know there are people so much stronger than me, it doesn't feel so good anymore. "Where are my manners, my name is Lukrut. Coult it be poss..." Before he could keep talking we heard a cough from the corner or the room.

It didn't take even a second for all of them to take out their weapons or prepare spells and take battle stances. They are new to this, but not new to fighting atleast. I naturally did the same.

At the corner of the room I saw that strange woman again. When and how the fuck did she get there, she definitely wasn't there earlier. Upon seeing her, the others seemed to relax, and lowered their weapons. I did the same, but didn't put my sword away.

"Swords of Darkness, today will be your last assignment. Thanks to the information you have gathered we are 95% sure that the target will be at this location." saying this she took out a note with and address.

"Due to higher than usual security you will attack this place from 2 entrances, your party will enter from 1 side and Brain will use the second entrance. Any questions?" Raising my hand she looked at me. "Yes?" "If it isn't too rude, may ask, what is your name?"

"My... Name? That's the only question you have? Fine by me. You can call me Arcadia".

Saying that she walked out of the door and disappeared again.

P.O.V MC, home realm

"Have they started moving?" "Yes, they have, My Lord." "Good, things are finally moving. Okay with this you are free for the day, I'll take over from here." "As you say My Lord"

Is she becoming a 'Yes' girl. Yeah, we need to change that.

P.O.V Ninya, Re-Estize

We had just finished clearing the room. The new equipment has been of great help. It has improved the rate at which my mana recovers and the rate at which my mana pool increases. The fact that it also hastens my spell casting speed has been really useful.

After looking around the room, we found a way to the cellar. If these raids had shows us anything about these people, is that they like to lay traps. Opening the door to the cellar from behind, we saw a bolt hit the sealing. Looking at the entrance we saw a crossbow that was attached to the door. Not even surprised, we just went into the cellar. Walking along the bath we saw many doors on one side of the wall. Arriving at number 23, we heard some... Clapping from inside? Probably another sex slave being raped. Going inside we saw a fat man, with blonde hair and mustache, assaulting a woman that looked like she had been tortured. Lukrut using his sword, stabbed him in his chest, while I went to look at the poor woman. The moment I saw the woman's face, I wished I hadn't. That woman was my... Sister...

Alot of P.O.V change in this one. not sure if I like it or not.

please atleast criticize, so I know what to change.

close to 12000 words in 2 days lmao

I like how some things accidentally fall in place, like it did in Overlord

DaoistDRZcreators' thoughts