

Olive is a cheerleader, popular, and a nice girl, she is everything everyone wants to be, when things get out of hand and a virus spreads around the world Olive finds herself lost and scared, but in the middle of chaos, she will also find unexpected love, new adventures and things she never experienced before. Will Olive survive this new world that is everything but perfect? Will she be able to protect the ones she loves the most while trying to keep herself out of trouble? Get ready to go through a rollercoaster of emotions while trying to figure out Olive's next move.

megui2121 · Urbano
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8 Chs

No way out

And just like that we were trapped, they were coming from all sides, both doors were filled with what we were calling zombies, crazy right, you read about it you watch the movies but you don't think you are going to live it.

They were discusting how can we turn into such things.

Hurry give me that table we need to keep them away I shouted at Mackenzie but she was frozen. Fuck we are going to die here I shouted again, all of us were trying to keep them away but they were to strong.

Tyler and half of the class were pushing a table against one of the doors while me and the other half of the class were doing the same thing with the other door, we could finally secure our door and rushed to help the other ones secure the other door, we were getting tired but never stopped pushing, one of the zombies almost got in but tyler pushed him out and finally shut the door.

I thought everything was okay for a few seconds but then tyler started to act weird and walking towards me.

Tyler stoppp i shouted as he got closer to me, stop!!!

2 weeks before

Hey Liv how are you I heard your father had a work accident yesterday is he okay?

HI Heather, thank you he is feeling better, he got shot in the chest yesterday morning the doctor said that it passed only a few inches from his heart, a miracle she said, I'm just glad I still have my dad with me.

God that could have turned out very bad imagine if he died so close to the home coming dance that would have been tragic, you would have to change your dress to black, oh the horror!!

Yah that would be the worst of course, not the fact that I would have lost my father, I looked at Tyler he looked as stunned as I, Heather could be very inconvenient sometimes but I think she doesn't even notices.

So are we going shopping after school? I still need my shoes and you need to by a new suit for you boyfriend.

I can't today, I am visiting my father at the hospital with my mom, can we go tomorrow?

Or tyler could come with me, I can help him choose his suit.

Sure you two go have fun!

No I rather go with you and your mom visit your father, I can drive you both there. Sorry Heather maybe next time.

You two are boring, I'm leaving bye bye.

Heather you are going in the wrong direction the school is over there I pointed at the opposite side she was going.

First class is math I can't stand Miss Andrews she talks like she is better than everyone else.

Kinda of remindes me of someone, I said it very low but tyler could hear me he laughed.

Okay Heather see you after math class then, don't get lost.

I held Tyler's hand and went inside the school. We have been dating since we were 15 years old, for two years, he is a nice guy and he makes me feel like a princess but sometimes I feel like something is missing, my thoughts were interrupted by the bell.

Math class, it's a good thing I don't want to be like my mother, i am so proud of her she is really trying to change the world back at her lab they have been trying to find a cure for cancer, that would save so many lives it would be a great achievement and she is doing her very best.

But I know what I want for my future I want to be like my father, there was something quite fascinating about finding the people who think they can do whatever they want and get away with it, I want to be a detective I want to help and bring piece into the world and save as many people as I can save, every time I turn on the TV I get sick to my stomach with everything that is going on around the world.

I got inside the classroom and went to my sit next to Tyler, everyone said hi to me and tried to get my attention as I was getting in, turnes out that everyone had heard about my father and wanted to know how he was.

So my dad is good, he is still recovering but not in danger anymore he was very lucky, I spoke to all of the eyes gazing at me and then I sat down. I could hear everyone relieved, my dad was like the town super hero.

Math class was to long but not as sufferable as it use to be, maybe I am starting to understand a few things, the bell rang and we all got out, that was only the first class, there was still a full day to come.

When was finally lunch time Heather showed up.

So you also don't like science class?

I don't mind science class but I had better things to do.

I don't even want to know, the less I know the better, I laughed and went to get my food.

Spaghetti and meatballs, good one of my favorite.

Tyler go get us a table please I think it will take us sometime until we are served, we had 10 people in front if us.

We had lunch and went to the school bar, a few of our friends were wating for us, we sat down and talked, they were all excited with the fact that homecoming was 2 weeks away from happening and me and tyler were for sure being named prom king and queen, their words not mine, I just run for prom queen because Heather almost threatened my live if I didn't, but couldn't possible care less.

By the corner of my eye I could see Mackenzie sitting by herself, she was very awkward and I never understood why she didn't try to get along with everyone, I think her mom works with mine at least I think that was what my mother told me.

Anyways some of our friends were making plans for the weekend, Tyler's best friend, Mike was going to throw a party this weekend and invited at least half of the school, he has a pretty big house so he could fit all of the people that goes to our school. My line of thought was soon interrupted by Mike.

You are coming to the party right! He asked but it kinda felt like an obligation and not an invitation

Sure, I will be there bro you are my best friend of course I am going to your party.

And you? He pointed at me

Yes I'll be there but you know I can't stay until too late

Of course only until midnight. Mike and Tyler said at the same time.

I laughed, good!

Just like Cinderella Mike joked.

Ahah very funny, I have to go to class the bell just ring and I like the next class, I got up gave Tyler a kiss and went to class, we didn't had the next class together.

English class, I really love it it's where I get my best grades, I payed attention the all time and it was over before I noticed. It was the last class of the day, I went to find Tyler so we could go get my mother at work and go see my dad,

I had texted her in the morning letting her know we would pick her up after school.

Goodbye guys see you tomorrow, bye Heather try to behave in my absence, I laughed and got in Jason's car

I always behave! Heather said winking at me before Tyler started the car.

As Tyler was driving my mind went somewhere else, I guess sometimes I feel out of place, not that I can complain, I have a good life, good grades, a good family a cute boyfriend but sometimes I just feel weird I can't even explain it.

What are you thinking?

Nothing love I was just enjoying the ride. I couldn't tell him the nonsense going through my mind.

We got there pretty quickly, I texted my mom.

- Come down we are here.

- 5 minutes and I'll be there!

Mom said 5 more minutes.

whenever she is working she can't focus on anything else, I remember when I was younger I used to come with her to work, she was so involved in what she was doing that sometimes she forgot I was there.

I guess we wait, come here give me a kiss. He pulled me towards him, but we got interrupted.

I'm here let's go!

Yes I really want to see dad!

Thank you for driving us Tyler, my car is getting fixed.

You are welcome Miss O'Brien.

Come on you know you can call me Cassie.

I know but I like Miss O'Brien he laughed.

As we were getting in the car we heard a voice calling for my mom.

Cassie, Cassie you forgot your phone.

A women that looked like it just came out of a Victoria secret runaway came out of the laboratory, gosh she was really pretty.

Oh Thank you Katherine, I forget that everywhere my mom reached for the phone.

You are welcome I thought I was not going to get to you on time, good thing I came wearing snickers today and not hills, she laughed.

My mom laughed and introduced me. So this is my daughter Olivia.

You can call me Liv, all my friends call me Liv, I mean we are not friends, but you are a friend of my mom, and we can be friends, I just meant like you can call me Liv if you want. What the fuck was that is my brain working?

Sure Liv, nice to meet you, and she lean to kiss me on the cheek.

She smelled really nice. Nice to meet you too.

And this is Liv's boyfriend Tyler.

Hi nice to meet you Katherine he shook her hand.

We have to go, we are going to see my husband and only have a few hours before visit time ends. Thank you for bringing me the phone, see you tomorrow, my mom said going in the car direction.

Sure no problem, see you tomorrow, nice to meet you, she said looking at me, both of you she finished.

Bye I waved at her.

It took us 10 minutes from the laboratory to the hospital. Tyler parked the car and we went inside.

We went looking for the room, the nurse said he was in the room number 211. After five minutes we found it and got inside.

Dad how are you feeling, I rushed to hug Jim, he looked terrible very pale and with big dark circles around his eyes.

Ouch he said as I hugged him. Sorry honey is still to sore, but I am feeling better.

Oh I'm sorry dad I let go of him so I wouldn't hurt him but my wish was to hold him very close to me, I was so scared I was going to lose him.

Hey baby, I missed you my mom got close to him and gave him a kiss.

Missed you too honey, how are you my girls?

We are good dad, just really wishing for you to get back home, did the doctors said when can you leave the hospital?

No, they just said it would be a few more days to fully recover and than a lot of follow-ups

Well as long as you are okay that's what matters baby, me and Liv will take care of everything at home, and we will be here everyday to visit you, she got close to him and gave him a forehead kiss, my father smiled, I just love too see how in love they are even after all this years.

We stayed there as long as they let us, but soon was time to go, we said our goodbyes and headed back home.

This is our new story, hope you enjoy it!



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