
Our world has become a show for entertaining the "gods"

Celestial beings are now in possession of earth, and humans are their slaves. The story will have multiple MCs since it won't be the story/legend of one just one person but the story of the creation of a new era. There will be times when two different MCs will fight each other and even kill cause, like I said, not a single dude's story. NO HAREM, NO R-18 & SHITTY ROMANCE cause I am not good at relationships and I do not intend to fuck with your minds with my useless skills.

guy_9999 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

How stats work

I divided the stats into two major categories, 'Variable' & 'Invariable'. As their names suggest, the variable stats can change because of external or internal influences, but the invariable stats cannot change without the use of rare treasures that can bend the laws of the universe. Then there are variable stats which are calculable…

1. Strength [STR]: each point in STR represents the body's capability to carry 10kgs (or exert 98 N of force for all fellow nerds out there).

2. Speed [SPD]: each point in SPD represents the body's capability to move at the speed of 1 m/s and an acceleration of 0.1 m/s^2 (for all nerds out there who'll calculate the force and energy behind attacks).

3. Vitality [VIT]: each point in VIT represents a complicated number… and I cannot explain the logic behind it (). Every point in VIT grants 10 HP (health points) along with a recovery rate of 1hp/10 min.

4. Endurance [END]: The same is the case with END, but they represent the body's capability to take damage and perform (stamina). Each point in END grants 10 SP (stamina points) along with a recovery rate of 1sp/10 min.

As for invariable stats, they're complicated.

Then comes damage, which is not considered a stat, but every 100 N of force represents 1 hit point and every point in Endurance increases the body's hp to force ratio by 10 N.