
Our world has become a show for entertaining the "gods"

Celestial beings are now in possession of earth, and humans are their slaves. The story will have multiple MCs since it won't be the story/legend of one just one person but the story of the creation of a new era. There will be times when two different MCs will fight each other and even kill cause, like I said, not a single dude's story. NO HAREM, NO R-18 & SHITTY ROMANCE cause I am not good at relationships and I do not intend to fuck with your minds with my useless skills.

guy_9999 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

How speech marks will be used:

In this segment, I shall explain how I will use speech marks.

1. 'Something' - thoughts of a character.

2. "Something" - spoken out aloud by character.

3. [Something] - conveyed by system A.I.

4. {Something} - conveyed using some device.

5. <Something> - conveyed by the Narrator when the story shifts its principal focus, timeline, or location.

Apart from this, capital letters will describe shouting as regular. If I come up with something else, I'll update this page.