
Otherworldly Warrior Farm Land , Vol. 1 EARTH AND BHOLA EMERGING

VOL 1. For starting a normal journey of Bhole in the earth. A normal Boy starts to establish himself. Bhola is an innocent Boy but gets a debt of 20 million Because of the planning of their MNC seniors, with such a hard lesson and getting blacklisted from another company. Disappointed, Frustrated, and Broken returns to his parents who live their life by farming. Having a debt of 20 million, shouldered with tension he still keeps going it may be his suffering brings him luck, A ordinary looking Bead changes his life. what is that Bead? what happens to Bhola's life? Is he able to pay the debt or take revenge on his senior? Did he change after Bead or continue his innocence? Give your curiosity a boost and come watch Bhola's journey with me.

shubhamshiv · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

12. Changes in BEAD LAND

Bhola is resting in his room and analyzes his body changes. After checking his body he finds his body filled with more energy and not only body he feel his sense more tighten he can feel his sounding, his thought process more clearly and fastly. 

After his checking, he decided to go inside BEAD LAND, Bhola daily goes inside BEAD LAND for crops and also harvests fruits and vegetables for selling as he goes to local vendors daily so he had a very good idea about the BEAD LAND area. 

So Today just appeared inside BEAD LAND, and he was shocked because he always appeared near the water source, today that 20-meter hole seemed to appear 23-24 meters long, he also turned around and watched the area and found an approximate 50-meter area increase in land. 

He traveled all over again and gained now he confirmed the area is now bigger than the latter and also the area near the water source increased more.

He feels happy because Bhola has had headaches for a long time not being available to farm sufficient crops he delivers crops to local vendors on alternate days at present and his regular buyers are those 3 vendors who buy from the very first time from him. 

Bhola chooses to farm carrots, cucumbers, spinach, and tomatoes so that he can supply more frequently, but those increments are insufficient, so he decides to begin with tomatoes and carrots because he is already well-known for these two, particularly in the local market.

He earns well now, but he still has to pay 20 million, which has grown to 21 million due to rising interest rates over the last four and a half years. His family earns very little over those two and a half years, so paying out for a loan is not an option.

During the span of two and a half years, there were several instances where people faced distress due to loans.

Bhola's family was not exempt from these challenges. On multiple occasions, Bhola's father bore the brunt of the financial burden, causing significant distress to the entire family. 

There was one particularly difficult day when Bhola witnessed his father being reprimanded, and emotions overwhelmed him to the point of tears.

Instead of providing them with a better life, the situation seemed to spiral downward, leading to increased animosity towards three individuals in particular: the HR personnel, the Senior Developer, and the Team Leader.

Initially, they would come every six months to press for loan repayments, but after a year, they started showing up every three months.

This recurring cycle left Bhola feeling increasingly burdened.

Somewhere deep down, Bhola harbored the hope that this time, when they came, he would be able to send them back by handing over any money, thus avoiding further complications.

Currently, despite the expenses incurred so far, Bhola still has around 3 lakh rupees left in his business account.

Additionally, he has kept approximately 1 lakh rupees in cash at home. This cash reserve was mainly obtained by selling vegetables to local vendors every alternate day.

This time, when the creditors arrived, Bhola handed them around 50,000 rupees and sent them back.

The reason Bhola wants to expand his vegetable crop as soon as possible is to ensure that he can sell them daily without resorting to alternatives.

Additionally, Bhola has already received an advance payment for 200 orchids, which he needs to fulfill. However, the challenge lies in the fact that farming alone is consuming 14-16 hours of Bhola's day.

Moreover, he still needs to manage the crops on the home farm. Bhola has conducted the experiments he intended to do, and he is seeing results similar to what he achieved at the beginning.

Apart from Bhola, his father is also actively involved in farming on their home farm. Additionally, their domestic cow is also benefiting from the BEAD LAND water, which has contributed to their improved health.

As a result, the milk production from the cows has also increased significantly. Bhola is now considering selling the surplus milk to earn some extra income.

Bhola is contemplating hiring additional laborers, but he faces a dilemma. The rapid growth of his crops, which is occurring faster than usual, could raise suspicions among others. If questioned about the reason for this accelerated growth, Bhola needs to come up with a plausible explanation.


Moreover, he is mindful of not forgetting the deceitful practices of the MNC company that caused him significant losses. Despite his efforts, Bhola's financial wounds have yet to heal, and he is still burdened with a loan of 20 million rupees, compounded by accumulating interest due to his inability to repay any of it.

Bhola realizes that suddenly showcasing a significant amount of money could arouse suspicion. With crops growing at an unusually rapid pace, and that too within a short period, the situation could attract attention. Therefore, Bhola has refrained from hiring additional laborers so far.

Bhola considers that he might find something online that he could use as an excuse.

Bhola swiftly harvested the vegetables and fruits, loaded them onto his truck, and headed to the local market as usual.

There, like every day, he sold his produce to the vendors.

But today, one vendor said to Bhola, "Son, when you come here every other day to sell these vegetables and fruits, why don't you consider opening a small shop? We know your name, but others don't.

Many vendors around here have asked who you buy these from, but we have no answer to give them."

Bhola considers the vendor's suggestion thoughtfully. Indeed, opening a shop seems like a good idea.

However, even if the buyers move elsewhere eventually, for now, he relies on these vendors for his daily sales of vegetables and fruits.

As for increasing prices, that's not feasible either since Bhola has already doubled the prices before. So, for now...

Bhola gives the vendor a warm smile and explains that at the moment, he's not in a position to establish a separate business.

However, he assures the vendor that he'll soon provide them with his business details.

Bhola said " At present, I don't have extra time for those maybe in the future, and for the shop, I think I continue wholesale business. 

Vendors nodded their heads and said " If you have any such plan in future please tell us because there are many who want to buy from you.

So think of any way to increase your capacity if you want to increase the rate we can discuss it also but you need to provide vegetable constant not as currently we do alternatives and still your current quantity is not enough for us. 

He admits that he's currently unable to handle more vegetables or fruits beyond what he's already supplying. Therefore, he requests the vendor to keep his contact information for the future and, if possible, to pass it on to others after a few days.

please go and read my other novel

" WILL, The Crystal Soul's journey "


Don't forget to bookmark them, Because IT will help you know when I upload a new chapter as my uploading may not be consistent.

Why will it not be consistent, dude? I am 27 years old, still without a job, and unemployed. I tried to get a government job, which is a banking job. 

In an actual way, I should be paying attention to my exam insisting on giving my time here but I am fading up with my life so just for distraction I am here.

so please give me support like comments, reviews, and bookmarks. Thank

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