
Otherworldly Warrior Farm Land , Vol. 1 EARTH AND BHOLA EMERGING

VOL 1. For starting a normal journey of Bhole in the earth. A normal Boy starts to establish himself. Bhola is an innocent Boy but gets a debt of 20 million Because of the planning of their MNC seniors, with such a hard lesson and getting blacklisted from another company. Disappointed, Frustrated, and Broken returns to his parents who live their life by farming. Having a debt of 20 million, shouldered with tension he still keeps going it may be his suffering brings him luck, A ordinary looking Bead changes his life. what is that Bead? what happens to Bhola's life? Is he able to pay the debt or take revenge on his senior? Did he change after Bead or continue his innocence? Give your curiosity a boost and come watch Bhola's journey with me.

shubhamshiv · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Bhola quickly stops by a nearby shop to get a new phone number for his business. He realizes that his previous set of visiting cards has run out, and he figures it's a good opportunity to get some extras printed this time. Still, he lets it go for next time.


Bhola comes outside from the shops and decides to activate No. immediately, so he punches the card into his empty SIM slot. 


When Bhola was driving his phone, he saw the caller's name; it was Vaibhau, the events manager. 


He picked up the call and said, "Hello Vaibhau, there are still a few days left for my previous delivery order's promised date."


Vaibhaui laughed and said, "No, no, I call you for other things. If possible, can you come to my office now? Actually, Mr. Ratani, come here personally."


When Bhola hears that Mr. Ratani has come there personally, he can guess maybe he is happy about events or the success of events, maybe making him come there, and Vaibhau wants to introduce Mr. Ratani to him. 


He said after thinking, "Of course, I can come; just wait for 20 minutes and I will reach them." 

After that, he cut the call and drove a small truck slightly fast, and then after 20 minutes, he reached outside the building. this building office of Vaibhau. 

As he braked the truck and came out of it. 

He saw Vaibhau waiting at the door and waving at him. 

Vaibhau comes with a big smile and a hug. Bhola says, "Bhola, let's go inside the office immediately. Mr. Ratani comes personally for you."


Bhola gets slightly shocked but nods her head, and both start to walk toward the vaibahu's office.


Vaibhau said, "Mr. Ratani is impressed by your orchid, so maybe he wants more; he didn't give me full details; he just requested that I call you and ask that I call you here if possible."


Bhola now knows the reason for Mr. Ratani's presence. 

As they reached Vaibhau's office,

Bhola saw a middle-aged man. 

He remembers what he knows about Mr. Ratan, as he is known as "a well-respected businessman in the local community who exudes an aura of professionalism and integrity.

He is known for his courteous demeanor and approachable nature, always greeting others with a warm smile and a firm handshake.

Despite his success and stature in the business world, he remains humble and down-to-earth, treating everyone with respect and kindness.


This businessman is not only admired for his financial achievements but also for his philanthropic endeavors.

He actively participates in community initiatives and charitable projects, demonstrating his commitment to giving back to society.


His astute business acumen and visionary leadership have earned him a reputation as a big shot in the local business scene.

He is known for his ability to make strategic decisions and his knack for turning challenges into opportunities. People often seek his advice and guidance, recognizing him as a mentor and role model in the community. "


As Bhola was thinking about everything, Vaibhau patted his shoulder and remarked, "This is not time lost in thought; see, Mr. Ratani extended his hand for a few seconds, and you were still lost in thought."

 Bhola immediately extended his hand and shook " Hello Mr. Ratani "

Mr. Ratani observed Bhola from the start,, he was still keeping a smile. "Hello, Sorry for abruptly calling you here.

Actually, Events organized by Mr. Vaibhau were so successful that I decided to come here personally.

When I asked him for orchids, he told me that he would deliver them to you. Thank you for your orchid. My every guest mesmerized by your orchids." 

Bhola, even though he is a newbie in this business, at least has experience with MNCs and dealings and knows very well how to communicate. " 

Bhola smiled and said " Sorry for my late response, I feel really surprised by your presence sir. "

Mr. Ratani's demeanor becomes calm and composed after hearing the reply from Bhola. He nods thoughtfully, appreciating the respectful tone and content of Bhola's response. 

With a slight smile, Mr. Ratani acknowledges Bhola's professionalism and values his polite communication style.

Mr. Ratani loudly laughed and said " Well, I have a request, I need a few orchids above the quality that you provide to Vaibhau, I need 100 such higher-quality premium Orchids. "

Mr. Ratani maintains his composed demeanor, demonstrating his seasoned approach to business dealings. 

he waits for Bhola's reply. 

Bhola experiences a moment of surprise upon hearing Mr. Ratani's response, but he quickly composes himself, reflecting on the significance of the interaction. He realizes that Mr. Ratani's calm demeanor and thoughtful response signify a deeper level of respect and consideration.

Despite the initial shock, he sees this encounter as an opportunity for growth and strives to emulate Mr. Ratani's composed demeanor in future interactions

Bhola: "I can try, but I can't be completely confident about it."

Mr. Ratani: "Alright, why not try something then? If you succeed in providing me with some good orchids within a week, I'm willing to pay up to 10,000 for each higher-quality premium orchid."

Upon hearing Mr. Ratani's proposal, Bhola feels a sudden rush of optimism. He nods in agreement and extends his hand for a firm handshake, indicating his willingness to take on the challenge.

Bhola's mentality calculates that if he is able to produce such an orchid, he will have approximately 1 million.

He doesn't want to let go of this opportunity, but the problem is that he also needs to rearrange his crop near the water source to increase the quality.

As per the results of the experiments, of the experiments, he needs to first soak the seeds in water and then farm them near the water source.

Suddenly he remembered he had few orchids of this process in BEADLAND at present, but if he suddenly took out such orchids, maybe some suspicion arose in Mr. Ratani. 

Bhola said, "Mr. Ratani, I have a few orchids that I hope will satisfy you, so I can send some here tomorrow. I will present the orchid if it meets your standards. I'll make a promise.

Mr. Ratani is shocked because he only offers Bhola one week, but he is willing to show him orchids tomorrow to see if he truly has such high-quality orchids or if he is simply trying his luck. "

Mr. Ratani did not reveal any expressions or changes on the outside. Keep the clams and indicate that he is thinking.

Mr. Ratani responded, "I will return tomorrow; there is no need for others. If your orchid reaches my required level, I will instantly pay half of the deposit.

After some more discussion, Bhola takes his leave with a promise to return tomorrow.