
Otherworldly Hero With A Group Chat

----------------------------------------------- this fan fiction is made purely out of boredom, the updates will be all over the place. It depends on my mood. The characters and worlds used in this fanfiction don’t belong to me, I don’t make anything off of this, and is purely for entertainment the cover also doesn't belong to me. In short nothing belongs to me except my original characters.

Crims0n · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Troubled child

Boros's Pov:

As I walked into the sketchy alley, I stored my snacks and all in the inventory, and cracked my knuckles, who knows? I might need to resort to violence, or I could be totally wrong, I sure hope it's the latter.

Getting closer to the sound, I noticed a couple of dudes surrounding a kid, he was covering his face with his hands and silently crying, and his arms were bruised,

The other two, we're laughing at him,

"Hey, you freak, maybe you really should kill yourself, the world has no need for disgusting monsters like you." one of them suddenly stopped laughing and insulted him harshly.

"W-w-why? Why are you doing this? What did I do wrong?" the kid started crying harder, at this point I was done with listening, action first, consequences later.

"What you did wrong?! Being born is what you did wrong! You damn monster."

Yeah, i'm not listening to these two anymore.

I started approaching the two, they glanced towards me before smirking,

"Hey, Ryu look another monster appeared."

"Yeah, I see him, looks like he's here to have him, Hahaha!"

The two walked up to me, as we stood face to face, the person named, Ryu started seating a bit, looks like he felt slightly intimidated,

"Well, look what we have here, a damn cyclops, you lost? Perhaps we could-" he was about to finish, but I didn't let him, I punched him right in the face and knocked him down on the ground, his face all bloodied up and caved in, he'd live but he'd probably have some issues.

The other guy was spacing out before finally coming to, and he punched me in the jaw while screaming,


I took the punch, without so much as flinching not making an effort to dodge, this guy's quirk was probably something like an enhancement quirk, not that it mattered.

"Look at you, such a scumbag, bullying a kid... You two are the lowest of the low." I spoke to him before grabbing his faced and slamming him Into the ground next to his friend.

All this took no effort, this body, continues to impress me more and more.

Enough about admiring myself, I have to take a look at the kiddo.

"Hey kid, you alright? It's safe now, no need to cry." I consoled the kiddo while squatting in front of him, he slowly stopped crying and looked at me, and boy was I not expecting that.

He had razor-sharp teeth, and no lips, do his teeth were on full display, the kid's teeth looked like the ones you'd see on sharks, which was an interesting sight.

The boy was equally as surprised as I was, he trembled for a bit, and asked "u-u-um are you a bad guy, uncle?"

"Bad guy? Uncle? Kiddo i'm only 15, what do you mean uncle? Also no, i'm not a bad guy, let's get you out of here." I said to him as I pulled out my phone and dialeda number,

"Aizawa speaking, who is this?" The familiar tired voice sounded from the phone,

"Aizawa-sensei, it's me Boros, the tall one-eyed student from your class."

"I know, no need for description, what is it?"

He got straight to the point without wasting time,

"So I may need your help, in the *insert street name or whatever* alley, it's rather important."

I heard a sigh from the phone as he spoke, "it better be, luckily I'm in the area, I'll be there soon."

With that, he hung up, and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"A hero will be coming soon, kiddo no need to worry about anything, we'll help you," I said comforting the child who smiled a bit,

"What's your name mister?" he spoke with sparkling eyes,

"Name's Boros, what about you?" I smiled a bit, he was an interesting child, having a mutated quirk... Must be hard on him.

"I'm Takumi, and mister, you have the same teeth as me!" the kid spoke happily while showing me his teeth,

"Oh? Do I? That's really cool, hey what exactly is your quirk?"

"Oh uh, my quirk is called Shred, I can shred through things like walls and anything with my teeth!" the kid excitedly spoke about his quirk,

"Wow! Really? That's an amazing quirk, are you planning to become a hero? You'd be an awesome hero." I told the kid, and I believe i'm right, the kid's quirk is phenomenal, practice here and there and he will make it.

Though the kid's shoulders slumped when I said that, feeling guilty I asked what was wrong,

"Nothing... No one thinks i'd be a good hero, they say i'm a monster and they call me a villain, only my mom and now you think i'll be a good hero..." the kid spoke with sadness.

This world is truly twisted, people with mutation quirks are scorned for no reason, and all, while i'm here... I'll change this world I guess, it doesn't feel right, to judge a person by his appearance, and it doesn't make sense either.

"Well, don't listen to them kid, you'll make a great hero if you practice hard enough, look at me! I look more like a monster than anyone else, and it doesn't bother me at all." that is a lie I'm quite bothered by the stares, but anything to cheer up the kid,

"...Thanks mister, I'll become a hero, remember me when I do!" the kid's enthusiasm was back again.

*Tap tap* I heard someone walking closer to us as I looked towards the entrance to the alley,

"Okay kid, this better be impo-" the someone now identified as Aizawa, looked towards the two bodies, with ones face bloodied up while the other was paved into the ground with his face, then towards me and the kid.

"Now I need a good explanation to what happened here, don't leave out anything." Aizawa spoke sternly as he crossed his arms, now fully serious.

I sighed and explained everything that led me to this point, me going to the store, the snacks, the yelling, and basically, everything that happened here, also I explained to him clearly as the reason why I didn't call the police instead of him and all the other jazz,

(Author's note: just in case you don't understand why he called Aizawais because our mc looks like boros, and the fact that Mutation quirks are discriminated against and the fact that some stupid cop may think he's a villain, will instead arrest him, and all the other trouble, let me know if I explained it poorly, explaining things is the one thing i've always been bad at.)

Aizawa sighed, "Alright, I get it now, I'll take care of this, I'm still on my shift, you're free to leave Boros i'll explain this to the police, so you don't worry you won't be in any trouble."

I smiled hearing that, I'm liking this teacher more and more.

"Hear that Takumi? Eraserhead is going to take care of this, you can trust him he's a great hero." I patted his head one last time before going out of the alley.

"Umm, Mister! Will I ever see you again?" Takumi asked me right away, I smiled and turned around to answer him,

"I don't know, maybe when you are a hero i'll see you on the TV."

With that I walked out and went straight home, today was one heck of a day, I need snacks, and sleep. Oh damn I gotta do homework... OH DAMN I GOTTA DO HOMEWORK!

Hope this is good enough,

Crims0ncreators' thoughts