
The start

Today felt as if it was a fairy tail. I woke up feeling perfectly awake and alert. My body felt like it was riding in the clouds. The sun was beaming which I didn't really enjoy but there was a breeze outside that easily made up for the heat.

All of this started to make me feel sort of uneasy. Today was suppose to be a very stressful day for me. It was the first time I would help over see a meeting with a company we are collaborating with from korea. They ate huge in the entertainment business despite only have starting a few years ago. All their artists have made it huge and a good percent have debuted in America. Which made them easily able to move up to the spot of one of the BIG3. Which only put more pressure on us to convince them to work with us.

They should be arriving in china at around 9am and the meeting is at 12pm so I decided to get ready and walk around a bit before.

Because honestly even though everything seemed to be going well and perfect there was a bad feeling I had. And when that happened nature was usually a helpful stress reliever.

I put a dress on even though I very much hated them. They were often uncomfortable and honestly didn't look that great. But dad was forcing me to wear one for today. Since he said I needed to look some sort of "presentable". I had to admit this one didn't look that bad in my opinion.

I tucked my necklace under my dress. Not noticing the slight heat up in it as it touched my skin.

I walked around Beijing and into the back streets. I knew my way around really well because of how often I walk around aimlessly. Just trying to get away from everything.

As I was talking to a lovely lady that was offering me to buy some of the fruits she was selling me. My chest felt very warm which had never really happened to me before.

Then I remembered about how everything works and immediately grabbed my necklace hoping that the heat was coming from it.

And gladly it did!

But I didn't see anyone near by where could he be?

My head twisted every way and little did I know so did his.

??? POV -

My brother wanted to walk around before the meeting of our dads company and a huge business from China and other parts of the world.

Suddenly my chest had warmed and I felt my necklace anxiously.

Waiting for this to happen took forever. And now she was nearby?

My head was turning in every direction.

Which my brother immediately thought was weird. Because despite my bright personality in my head. I never did talk more than a few words.

"Hey! We have to go! We're gonna be late for the meeting!" my brother shouted and grabbed me and before I could process he threw me in his sports car.

It was hard to be near him for this long and now he's throwing me away from my soulmate? He only acted nice to me in public when in reality he hated me because I was winning in the war of taking over the company form our father. Which was both of our dreams.

My cold glare was immediately shot into his direction.

He just wanted to get to this meeting fast to win over the daughter of the company. So he could be the next successor. Even though they probably weren't even meant for each other.

Which immediately made me think of how my necklace heated up.

And I threw my head around to look behind me.

If I know she's here in Beijing i'll definitely find her!