
A soul-mate

Everyone knows of their 'soul-mate.'

The dictionary definition says that a soul-mate is "a person that is ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner."

Honestly it's almost to good to be true in my opinion. And if we didn't live in the world we did it's unlikely I would believe in such a crazy story.

But where I live it's true and the most important thing. You're given a necklace at birth. Any shape at all, it's usually pretty similar to your siblings but different in distinct ways.

Which I only say because people often get confused. Another thing that people don't understand is that people can love or be with someone who isn't their soul-mate. I don't see the reason for it since the necklaces are created so we won't have to go through that.

I mean the necklace is to help you find who you are meant to be with. It gets warmer when you become closer to the one you're meant to be with. And colder when your farther away. How could you want anything less than the one your meant to be with?

When my older sister found hers she said it was instant as soon as her eyes locked with his. She was in love.

Heathers* description of the feeling was that life was finally given to her, that cherry blossoms finally came to spring. There was no one else in the world she wanted. She could tell it was him.

From a young age I couldn't wait to find who I would end up with. My mom and dads story was perfect. The best I have ever heard.

My grandpa owned a huge company called Zhao enterprises. He built it up from nothing and it was his baby.

They have multiple branches all around the world. And they are in anything type of business you could think of food, shipping, entertainment. I mean you name it.

But my grandpa was starting to get older and older. He told my father that he could live out his dream of inheriting the company if he found who he was destined to be with.

So with the help of my grandpa he flew all the way to america saying it was the best place to start. Despite him and his carefree attitude. He was so excited to finally meet the women to help build his empire.

Along the way he made great connections and it's part of the reason why our company has never faltered.

The wonderful time came to an end when suddenly he was gazing at the gorgeous mountains of colorado and knew his soulmate was no where near where he was searching. Not only had his necklace stayed cold no matter where he went, there was a gut feeling that he had to go back to his city of birth to find his love.

He flew hours away to his town of Shanghai, China.

He searched all day and still had no luck. Surprisingly he still didn't give up. He left his search for the day and decided to eat street food which he had never done before.

They locked eyes and he could tell it was her. He told me it was a feeling of fire as if she made him feel like a whole other man. Like he was okay with being less than perfect around her. Which he had never thought about with anyone else.

She was the one who he had been waiting for. But it seemed that even though their necklaces matched she still tried hard to reject him.

See mom was so in love with a man and they stayed together for a long time despite the fact that their necklaces didn't match at all. Convinced the world had messed up they dated for years.

Until one day the man she loved left her for his soulmate. After all that was how it was suppose to work. He fell in love with her instead and left my mom in the dust.

She had just found out about her man leaving her when she ran into my dad. And therefore refused him.

Honestly to this day I don't know what my mom felt when she saw him.

Whenever any of us would ask she would always say "When your adventure starts i'll tell you the beginning of mine."

Sure it's different with everyone. Some go on a crazy adventures while others find their soulmate and live with them forever. But from what i've heard everyone has a crazy ride.

Soon I was to go on my journey too.

Out of all the stories i've heard, out of everything that everyone has been through. It was obvious that mine has been the craziest one yet.

* heather- my older sister


DISCLAIMER!!!- this idea is not entirely mine as I got the idea for the story line from something I read a while back. Despite that the story and everything written in it is my own ideas. I just wanted to point that out thank you!!!!

Excuse any mess ups! And I know I haven’t updated my other story for a while and i’m sorry for that but I just couldn’t think of something that I thought was good. And I can’t give my readers something bad so there is this instead I hope you enjoy!

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