

A man who gets scared easily is bound to die quickly, So they say. And it seemed to be the same, as fear rested in the hearts of all of the villagers of Lorwich.

Heartbeats thumped, as they went through the woods which led to the path of Cedric's kingdom in search of Food.

Leading them bravely, or so they thought, were the figures of Aiden, Pavlos, and surely accompanied by Bellona.

For hours, the crowd of people, went through those thick woods, going into villages and towns, all in search of a basket of meal which they hoped would have them lasting till the next sunrise, but despite all efforts put into the search, it all proved abortive.

The evening sun which was slowly playing its part in the dusk of day, was beginning to alert those figures, that it best be wise to turn back now.

They were losing daylight, and they knew that so well.

All of the villagers with keen eyes and perked up ears, pushed deeper into the landmark of Grirendra, hearts intent on prayers that they wouldn't run into any of Cedric's guards, for they sure knew it would be turmoil for them.

They were not far gone into the kingdom, when they were met with a dozen horses riding their way, blocking them from going any further.

The riders, all bearing weapons held at their sides, with those crests on their armor which foretold the lot what part they were from.

Those horses had taken a halt right before the villagers, while the very horse which led the rest, went hoofing and neighing just as its rider stepped down.

That figure advanced onwards with enough glory and grace to leave any man gaping.

He had on a helmet, one which had his face well hidden, leaving one jumbled on whatever that profile was like behind that steeled instrument of an helmet.

Gazes fixed his way, watching as he approached them, the villagers were left peering on, watching as he pried off the helmet worn on his head, profile finally coming into view.


One could hear the murmurs which came from the villagers, with confused gazes shifting through each other's, they stared on as the young man drew even nearer.

The lips of Bellona gave way, eyes centered on that young man, who remained stood feet away from her.

It was such a sunny day, yet the girl could feel the bumps which grazed every part of her skin, by just the arrival of that person.

She found her breaths hitched in throat, gaze keen on the figure of the young man.

How could it be?

The mind of the girl was found churned.

She was certain she had seen him in a dream. A dream that was of no meaning to her.

That darkness which his eyes bore, did every bit in boring into her, and with no expression whatsoever laid on his face, he remained accessing the crowd.

It was scary she wanted to run away, but was paralyzed with fear. Sickening fear.

She found herself looking at him, desperately longing for him to come towards her, but he did otherwise.

He turned his back to her, calling out to the rest of the men sat on the horses.

"What have we got here?" His voice was a hint at tranquility, much calming, so the young lady thought.

In a second, he began reaching towards them, eyes taking in the people.

"Please" The voice of Pavlos broke out.

"We do not want any trouble" His utterance had managed that lingering gaze of Orion.

"I also do not want any of that, believe me"

"My arrival here is to drop a message for you lot"

He pushed forward, stood directly before him.

"Stay away from my father's kingdom. We've been told countless times how the people of Lorwich have taken it their hobby to go stealing crops from us"

"We're not in your kingdom. We're not in Brilthor. We're in Grirendra" Came the voice of Pablo's

"Y'know, you're right. I wonder what Cedric would do if he finds out you're invading his kingdom"

Orion uttered in a calm voice.

"He invaded ours first" Pavlos let out.

Seeing what was happening, Bellona had stepped forward, take a stand right next to the form of her friend.

"We didn't cross your territory for just no reason. We were starving, children were dying" Her voice was low, eyes fixed on that figure away.

She could feel those eyes fixed her way, including the fierce ones belonging to Orion. He had pushed away from Pavlos in a second, soon coming closer so he would stand right before her.

And only then did the tensity strike her, gaze intent on her, the eyes of the young man never made leave off hers.

"We were only in search of food. We meant no harm" She uttered.

"I will say this one more time, and so help you it is the last—If I see any man from Lorwich stepping foot on the soil of MY kingdom—trust me, it best be left untold what I would do" His voice managed to remain calm.

"So you're gonna watch people starve all because of some reputation?" Came the voice of Bellona.

"Feeding them is not my responsibility" The tone of Orion had taken a raise, eyes fixed on the young lady.

"Please!..... All we ask is just little food for the time being, We'll bother you no more after that. I give you my word" She pleaded.

"DO NOT ENTER BRILTHOR AGAIN! And that's final. This is a warning from my Father, Lucas Brennan"

The anger which rested in the eyes of the young man was threatening and killing, yet Bellona chose it best to go on.

"People are gonna die" You could hear the falter in her voice.

"I've seen thousands die, why should a few more make any difference?"

The girl's heart went thumping, it seemed she would burst any moment.

Her eyes bore into him, hoping to see some sign of kindness, at least a smile, but there lingered none.

She heard Pavlos call her name, perhaps hoping to stop her from doing anything uncalled, but she was sure to act otherwise.

"Perhaps what people say about you is true" He heard her voice.

Bellona went matching the gaze of Orion, hers strong, his, coated with fury.

"You're a pig!.......just like your father, With no ounce of affection" She spat.

The eyes of the young man held onto hers, gaze dull.

It took a while for her voice to die down, and right then, he began advancing towards her, staring deep into that gaze.

"Do not test me" His voice was low.

"Whatever will you do?"

"Get your father to make us homeless? That's all you lot know how to do. Isn't it?

"You've got no affection whatsoever. And trust me when I say this, it only makes you helpless!" She retorted.

That silence which broke in, lasted for a long while, birds giving a call of warning from up the trees, staring down at the scene below, while the duo stood staring at each other, neither wanting to turn away.

And then came that light chuckle from Orion. That one which said he was amused at the whole situation.

But in a second, that smile which had managed to grace his face, had disappeared, jaw clenched tight.

What came next was the collective gasps of the people, as Orion had in a swift motion, had drawn his sword out, flipping it quickly, then thrusting it into the chest of the boy stood feet away, right next to Bellona.

A high pitched scream broke the silence of the woods, with an older lady running towards that boy, while he went spitting out blood, clutching his chest, and slumping to the grounds.

The world of Bellona came to a pause right before her, eyes grown in size at that figure stood away.

His eyes were dead, face dull, and while the shock made its arrival, he made sure to draw even closer to her, just a feet from her figure.

"Who's helpless now?" He whispered into her ears.

There came that grin tugging at his lips, eyes soulless, and having jumped on his horse, he went riding away with the train of soldiers tagging right behind him, not a bit fazed by the dying boy sprawled on the ground.

And while those men, rode far out of sight, the boy laid in his own blood, eyes widely opened and a deep cut on his chest, with skin slowly turning cold.