

A legend known in the Wispy Meadows tells: with heaving chests and panting breaths,

Pouring sweat, while noses flare,

a head would be slain, to see another dawn.


The figures of Pavlos, Bellona and Aiden were rested underneath a tree, with sticks in their hands poking the burning pile of woods which was stacked at the center of where they were.

The look of worry, laced with sadness and pain was the expression which they held on each of their faces.

Aiden dropped the stick in his hands, leaning back on the tree to sharpen the sword which he held with a filing stone.

They all watched the fire burn with keen eyes, listening to the crackling sound it made as if that was all there was to life.

The silence was soon broken by an agitated Pavlos.

"What happened today is just a view of what's yet to come. This is a warning that we need to be prepared for whatever battle comes our way, pray heavens we live to tell the tale" Pavlos spoke in a low voice, shifting his eyes from Bellona, back to Aiden.

"We're running low on food, Pavlos. Not to forget how sick people are becoming" There came the voice of Bellona.

"If we do not act fast, a famine will cross the lands, and we'll be struck hard" Aiden joined in.

Found silent, Pavlos had his eyes fixed low, numerous thoughts pulling in, all which threatened to run him mad.

"We could sneak into Grirendra and get some food"

That utterance of his, had snatched the gazes of Bellona and Aiden at once, eyes growing in size.

"Has insanity finally claimed you?!" Exclaimed Bellona.

"You're very much aware of what happened today" She let out.

"One step into Cedric's kingdom, and we'd be walking directly into our deaths" She called.

"It's either we starve, or we take our chances" Came that voice

"I'd reckon we go for the latter" Aiden pitched in, gaze shifting through the figures before him.

Their voices were immediately drowned by a noise coming from one of the trees, and how alarmed they had gotten over the past hours, Aiden and Pavlos both sprung to their feet, picking their swords up in defence, while Bellona remained stood by them.

"Who's there?" The voice of Aiden rang out.

The beats of Bellona's heart had gone on a sprint, mind found waddling in thoughts of whether it be another intrusion of Cedric's army.

Mouth agape, eyes stuck with fear, she drew even closer to Pavlos, gaze fixed on the area where the sound came from.

With the only thing to be heard, the sound of the crackling fire, the tensity had struck in amidst the trio, with their eyes shifting around in fear of what could spring out from behind those trees.

That fear was soon replaced with relief as they watched the figure of Elpida step out from the murk, her form advancing them at once.

"How are you feeling?" Bellona had rushed onto the girl, hands grabbing hers, pulling her to where the figures of Pavlos and Aiden were sat.

"I would only lie saying I'm fine" She called in a breath.

"My own parents believe I'm cursed. Everyone in the village now sees me as a monster" The tears threatened to pour out any minute.

"You're not a monster, Elpida"

"You're still the girl I've known since we were kids. The same sweet person I grew up with, and nothing can change that" Uttered Bellona.

If only she could rid off the pains her friend felt.

Sure, she had known Elpida all her life, from their toddling days till present,and how close they had grown at each passing day that came.

They sewed dresses together, pretending they lived in a castle, plucked fruits together, and even almost got caught one time stealing dolls from the market.

Both now grown into fine maidens with good etiquette, one could only hope it would be that way.

"What if Cedric comes to take me?"

"We won't let that happen" Sincerity rested in the eyes of Aiden, gaze focused on the girl.

Bringing her tender fingers to her face, Elpida went wiping her tears away, soon turning to Pavlos.

"Why is Cedric this way?" Her voice remained low.

"Who made him this way?"

One could detect the hesitation from Pavlos, but in a second, the words went pouring out his lips.

"It is known that Cedric was adopted by the greatest king Grirendra ever knew, Edgar

Found abandoned in the heart of the woods, left all alone in the wild on a cold stormy night, The king picked him up, took him home to his wife and kids.

As Cedric grew older, he made friends with a few people, one of them being, Lander.

According to the people who around, Lander poisoned the heart of Cedric, telling him that the King and Queen only used him.

How pure and mindless Cedric was, he had snapped at the boy countless times, telling him never such. But as years passed, he was found losing his morals.

He saw how the king's son would always talk about being the best king the kingdom would know, and how he would ensure happiness around the lands, being free to do whatever he wanted and having any girl as his bride.

Cedric eventually became jealous, realising he would never sit on the throne, and he would forever remain an adopted son of the king.

His desires to achieve greatness and acquire the throne made him journey out to the southlands in search for the most powerful sorcerer of the time, Costa.

He informed Costa of his plans to get rid of the entire royal family, not to forget acquiring the throne of Grirendra.

Costa, sure enough, was quick to agree, seeing as to how the king killed his lover, who was a sorceress in battle.

When Costa killed the king, Queen and the kids, Cedric tried in turn went after Costa, all to have the secret buried. But so happened to be that the sorcerer, smart enough, fled and never returned.

Till this day, no one knows where he is.

Cedric then took the throne.

The power he had on his side made people fear him more, even sorcerers were bow to him.

He had acquired powers great enough to command everyone"

"Who are the parents of Cedric?" Bellona let out "I mean the real parents.

"We were told that his mother was a young girl who got pregnant for a knight. A knight who had a family already.

She ran away with the baby after the knight threatened to kill her, right after asking him to step out and claim the baby, otherwise she would expose him to the entire kingdom, telling them, how he'd been having an affair outside his marital home, a disgrace to nobility and knighthood.

Even till now, no one knows if she was killed by the knight.

All we were told was that, Cedric was found in the woods, with a tiny book laid by his side. A book of magic and sorcery.

And found inside the book was a letter from his mother

'do all you must to survive, even if it means cutting the warm arms wrapped around you. For there is no good left in this cold world'

So, it said.

The king disposed the book immediately, raising Cedric in the best possible way he could, but it just wasn't enough for the greed of the man.

"What became of Costa?" The sorcerer who helped in killing the royal family" Came the voice of Aiden.

"He surprisingly left the face of the earth after what happened. No one knows his whereabouts"

A twitch had pulled at the corners at the corners of Palvlos' eyes, but was gone in a second.

"In all of the lands, only one man has dared to challenge Cedric, and that's Lucas Brennan, the king of Brilthor"

"It takes a strong man to stand his grounds against Cedric" Uttered Aiden.

"Not just the king, his son Orion, is not to be left out. With the guts of a lion and the prowess of a hunter, known to defy all"

That name.

It sounded so familiar to Bellona, she could swear to have a grasp of that name before, yet couldn't tell where.

And while her heartbeat had taken a race at the mention of that name, she could feel the walls of her chest, clutched tight.

"Let me get this straight" Aiden began.

"If King Lucas despises Cedric so much, why then does his son, Kyle, work with the one person his father hates?" The jumble could be detected in the man's tone

"Enough is never enough, people say"

"He denounced himself as son of King Brennan"

"For years he hasn't stepped foot on the soil of Brilthor"

"Perhaps the reason why Lucas hates Cedric, his because he, Cedric, turned his own son, Kyle against him"

"And what about the other son?" Came that voice.

"It is well known how much of a skilled warrior Orion is—One of the many, if not the best in the lands, greatly respected, but bears heart as cold as stone"

"How did you know all of this?" Questioned Eloisa eyes never leaving that figure.

"It's a known story"

"Now back to the issue at hand— Tomorrow, we all set off in search of food"

"Not you, Elpida. It's too dangerous" Pavlos reminded

The girl only gave a nod in agreement, listening to him go on.

And sat over by the fire, they went poking the woods, drawing figures with sticks, while basking in the only peace they'd found since the dawn of the day.