

Sunset came faster than day, while cocks crowed and horses neighed, people made sure to pray, ensuring they stayed long to see the next sunrise, far out in the lone kingdom of Grirendra.

The shadow of the sun was cast on the fine walls of King Cedric's Palace, soldiers moving around, seeing to the safety of their King.

Over here in the massive throne room of the palace, dozens of soldiers were knelt down before the one person they feared.

The dark eyes of Cedric twitched, gaze intent of the figure knelt before him.

Low breaths escaped his lips, steps steady, as he drew even closer to the soldiers.

The sound of his boots clopping, was all to be heard, as he approached the men.

His incoming figure only having the lot of the men tremble on their knees.

"So you're telling me—stops abruptly to stare the commander square in the eye—that a few villagers overpowered my best warriors?" His voice was softly, head tilted to a side, while his face inched even closer to the Commander's.

The man refused meeting that gaze of Cedric, with head to the side, he only found interest on the walls of the room, while the fear clutched at him.

The fear of what could happen.

That Dark robe with touches of gold, which flowed gracefully on the figure of Cedric, was found swaying while he moved through every corner of the room.

There laid a dagger which was strapped to his boots, its golden coatings, found glistening.

That dagger which spoke of the man's power.Mainly used for his kills, alongside that caltrop, he never that was always to be found with him.

"My lord, they had magic" The voice of Zamarion broke out.

That utterance had snapped the gaze of Cedric his way, with eyes centered on him.

"What rubbish do I hear you say?" Despite the itch in his heart, the man managed to remain calm, gaze fixed on the form of Zamarion.

"We tried our best to outtake them, but that magic was too strong" The man's voice wavered, gaze averted.

"We even lost some of our best soldiers"

"All sorcerers and magicians work for me. There is not one in the lands that I do not know of" Cane the voice of Cedric.

"There were two, Sire—An old man and a girl"

"A witch, I presume. It was the most powerful sorcery I've ever beheld, my lord" Zamarion reported.

"I want them found immediately!" Followed the voice of Cedric, the sound of his voice blasting through the room.

Long platinum blonde hair which went past the shoulders of his tunic, swayed softly while his voice boomed.

The dark expression on his face had changed in a matter of second, while he gazed on at the commander.

"Zamarion, do not forget the plan you've got to execute" His voice was low.

"At once, my lord"

The man gave bow, joining the soldiers hurrying out of the room, while Cedric had turned around, advancing his throne.

The manner at which his mood switched was what scared a lot of people.

One minute he was found yelling, and the next, he was to show a smile. A smile that covered up his emotions, hiding the things he could do to you in a blink of an eye.

He soon brought his attention to the doors being pushed open, followed by the figure Kyle Brennan making way into the room.

"You sent for me, Cedric" The voice of the man broke out.


"You're the only one I trust, Kyle. Do have a seat" Came the response.

"There's something I would like you to do" Cedric spoke, watching as the figure sank into a seat, while one of those waiting maids had pulled forward, presenting onto Kyle, a goblet of wine.

"Whatever it is, my lord"

Cedric's fingers remained propping his chin, eyes squinted at Kyle, searching through that expression of the young man.

"I want you to set off to Zorllonah, to the King and Queen"

"Tell the king not to forget our bargain. As long as his people pay their respects and taxes to me, his kingdom remains safe"

"The soldiers sent a message to them already" Called Kyle.

"That, they did. But I would like you to go there and see to them yourself. He will understand how dead serious I am, once you get there"

"Also, my regards to his wife"

A shadow had crossed his face, accompanied with a grin tugging at his lips.

"Yes, my Lord"

Kyle gave a curt bow, soon walking out of the throne room the same time Zamarion had pulled in.

"You execute the plan once he leaves" Uttered Cedric, voice so low, with eyes intent in Zamarion's.

"This is a task that must be done carefully" Cedric warned, earning a nod from the soldier, who had soon turned to leave, but was halted in his tracks, by the voice of Cedric.

"Zamarion!" Came that voice.

"Yes, sure"

"Do not fail me"

Though that utterance was low, Zamarion could feel the pensiveness that came with it.

One mistake and he could be swept off the face of the earth.

The powers the King so happened to bear.

He could feel the sweat beneath the gloves he wore on his palms. The nervousness and silence that englobed everywhere made him hurry out of the throne room at once, right after giving a bow to the man sat on that throne.