
Oracle of Possibilities

The Hidden Oracle of Possibilities" is tale that follows the journey of a priest who possesses extraordinary abilities over the domain of fate. This priest, named Noah, discovers that he has the unique power to travel across various universes, exploring the vast multiverse. The story delves into the inner conflicts and personal growth of our protagonist as he grapples with the immense responsibility and consequences that come with his newfound abilities. The priest's unwavering belief in fate guides his actions, leading him to encounter different civilizations, cultures, and beings across the multiverse. As he explores these diverse universes, the priest encounters a multitude of challenges and obstacles that test his faith and understanding of the nature of fate itself. Along the way, he interacts with a variety of captivating characters, each with their own stories, beliefs, and perspectives on the concept of destiny. Throughout the book, the priest's relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth intertwines with his personal journey, as he seeks to uncover the secrets of the multiverse and the hidden forces that govern it. The story explores themes of identity, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things in the grand tapestry of existence ______________________________________ This is my first book and I was not very positive about this but a kind reader gave me some advice(May god bless him) and I am going try my best even if it does not become popular. Edit:Please ignore the cover it is the only fanart in my gallery which met the webnovels requirements it is not mine if you want me to take it down I will gladly do so.

Law_of_fortune · Filmes
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23 Chs

Two brothers

I remember it was spring of the past year or Was it the year before the past I don't know Time seems pretty hazy ever since that incident

I don't know why I am remembering this now after so many years I guess it must be the cooping mechanism of my mind

I am laying in a grassy field that has been dyed red by my blood

I didn't see what hit me but I guess it must be a heavy vehicle

"Was it a truck?heh, I will be gratefull if it was a truck"

Just as my mind started to become hazy and my eyes started to shut I forced them to open

"I guess I have to move"

I force my broken left hand or was it right?I don't know did it really matter?I did my best trying to stand up but I fell right down nonetheless

My breath came in short bursts like a deflating balloon I stayed there for short while before trying to get up again I don't remember how many times it took but I stood up

"Haah ...ha.ha"

I leaned against the wall and gasped for breath for some time I think it was around 5 minutes or was it 10?

After catching my breath for some time I start to wonder the streets when half the world was sleeping

The streets in the night had a certain noble feeling to it that brought peace to my mind even in this dire situation

I don't know where I was going I am just following the lights to get back to civilization

"What was I doing in the abandoned woods in the first place?Was it a bet or..."

Ahh...I don't know my mind is getting drowsy and memories don't come to mind but I remembered seeing a Red Plus

I remembered that my mind shut down at that only my body didn't stop walking towards it

My body moved even without the mind is it the basic survival instinct?To make the most laziest sloths work hard if it is for their life?

Just as I entered the hospital I collapsed just before losing my conscience I remember seeing hazy pictures or film of doctors moving urgently and a news anchor reporting something about the success of a rescue mission


"I won!"

The voice of a child reverabated through the empty house

His exclamation was directed at a young boy around 15 years old The young boy has frown on his face but was smiling as if he was troubled by something , directly opposite to him there was a young child around 9 whose face was beaming as if he couldn't contain his excitement

"Now you will take me to the Old Forge pub for Christmas like you promised!!"

The young man's eyebrow twitched and he spoke in light voice like he was trying to sooth a wild animal

"Child you shouldn't go to pub at this age how about I take you to church this Christmas there are going to be tons of presents there"

"But all people of inverie village are going there!I heard they are going to host the biggest party in past 5 years!!!"

"Jasper if others are going towards hell we shouldn't follow them"

"But you promised!!"

The child has a heart broken expression on his face as if he lost his only family relative

The Young man's face softened and fell into brief contemplation before he spoke

"Then should we come to a compromise"


"Yeah if you go to Sunday school and do all the assignments then I will take you to the party"

The child,Jasper Rhodes,stared at his big brother and pastor of inverie village,Noah Rhodes.He stared at him for a few seconds without saying anything like he was suspicious

He hesitantly stretched his pinky finger towards him and said


The pastor's face lit up and he eagerly stretched his pinky finger and tangled it with the child

"Of Course!"


The child face was filled with surprise like he could not believe it Of course how could he his brother was a devout believer of the church and would likely jump of a cliff then go around bars,arcades and other modern things

"Of course if you complete your 'Assignment'"

Noah wore an evil smile that was not fit for a priest and stretched the word 'assignment' but the pure mind of a child could not comprehend his vile ideas Jasper was just happy about conformation and was hopping around in excitement
