
Oracle of Possibilities

The Hidden Oracle of Possibilities" is tale that follows the journey of a priest who possesses extraordinary abilities over the domain of fate. This priest, named Noah, discovers that he has the unique power to travel across various universes, exploring the vast multiverse. The story delves into the inner conflicts and personal growth of our protagonist as he grapples with the immense responsibility and consequences that come with his newfound abilities. The priest's unwavering belief in fate guides his actions, leading him to encounter different civilizations, cultures, and beings across the multiverse. As he explores these diverse universes, the priest encounters a multitude of challenges and obstacles that test his faith and understanding of the nature of fate itself. Along the way, he interacts with a variety of captivating characters, each with their own stories, beliefs, and perspectives on the concept of destiny. Throughout the book, the priest's relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth intertwines with his personal journey, as he seeks to uncover the secrets of the multiverse and the hidden forces that govern it. The story explores themes of identity, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things in the grand tapestry of existence ______________________________________ This is my first book and I was not very positive about this but a kind reader gave me some advice(May god bless him) and I am going try my best even if it does not become popular. Edit:Please ignore the cover it is the only fanart in my gallery which met the webnovels requirements it is not mine if you want me to take it down I will gladly do so.

Law_of_fortune · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Time Stone

Noah stared at Yao cautiously as she smiled. "You don't have to be so guarded; we are on the same side," she reassured him.

"I'm sure you felt it didn't you?," she added.

Noah feigned confusion. "Which part are you referring to?"

Yao didn't mind the obvious suspicion in his voice and continued to maintain her smile. "That someone is watching you during the fight. You did feel it, right?"

Noah nodded, still wearing a frown. Yao didn't seem bothered and continued, "Noah, the so-called Oracle, I have been meaning to talk to you for some time. Unfortunately, our longstanding commitment to secrecy has shielded us for years, and I cannot risk endangering all sorcerers on account of you."

"This is why I've been observing you, to assess whether you pose any potential threats. I apologize for any perceived disrespect."


Yao was about to continue explaining, but she noticed the confused look on Noah's face and halted.

"Sorcerers?" Noah asked skeptically. Yao frowned, "Yes, sorcerers. I thought you would be familiar with our kind."

Noah smiled uneasily. "And why would you think that?"

"Because you have witnessed phenomena that defy logic, and your perception differs from that of others."

Noah chuckled awkwardly. "You hold me in high regard".

Yao was right, Noah has really contemplated the existence of magic. He even thought of the possibility that one of the superheroes could even be in magical powers but he thought of a more straight forward magician like conjuring weapons or being able to fly.

That was because to the wider range of public, magic was very confusing unless you're already familiar about it by reading novels or books that's why magic in tv shows or movies have lost their sense of mystery and become more flashy and straight forward.

Forget about being able to bend the laws if they could even bend the four basic elements even that would be impressive!

To some extent ,Noah was right. In his previous life the magic of this world was called the mystic arts and honestly it was pretty straightforward.

But what Noah did not know is that there is something called law of pausibility.

There was thousands of different worlds that corresponds to different fictions in Noah's old world but all of them are not 100 percent accurate.

These worlds may have been inspired from the works of humans but they shouldn't be treated as the same.These stories could only work as reference.

To gain popularity humans would write stories that couldn't be contained within reason and logic that's why to make worlds and laws within more logical and down to reason somethings are changed.

For example,how could the mystic art masters of kamar-taj,who had existed for centuries only be able to do three spells? Or how could a ship of advanced civilization that surpasses humanity in every way could easily be destroyed by a nuke?

Yao didn't seem to mind his ignorance and moved on,"Nonetheless,this doesn't change the task for which I come to you"

"Then before we talk could you please ah...". Noah pointed at his body and smiled awkwardly.

Yao looked thoughtfull for a second,"Ah..please don't mind it. It is a precaution in case you try to do something. You will be back in your body after we finish our talk."

Yao didn't wait for Noah's retort,"Anyway,I am unaware whether you really didn't have any information about sorcerers or are you just pretending but I will assume you didn't know"

"Our society, Kamar-taj, is a sacred place of learning in which you could learn anything if have talent and no knowledge is out of bounds".

"We only demand one payment out of disciples that is if ever earth is in any danger from other dimensions ever they should stand as it's last defense."

"The masters of Kunlun for centuries have been guiding and protecting humanity from extinction with the help of time stone"

Noah was about to ask what is time stone but quickly closed his mouth when he saw Yao's face turning gloomy. She looked towards Noah,"The apocalypse you call it. I have also seen it, Calamities both from this dimension and other dimensions falling like drops in the rain"

'See?Not heard or told. She saw the calamities with her own eyes. How?'. Noah frowned at the words used by the sorcerer and quickly figured out what the time stone is by her words,'A medium that could help them see in the past or future of anything. That's also explains why I didn't felt anything when she was watching me. She must have watched my past self from one minute in future or past.'

"At first it seemed doable hard but still doable". Noah woke up from his thoughts at Yao's voice and was puzzled,"Then why did you came to me?".

Yao face turned serious,"it seems I have underestimated the extent of difficulty of apocalypse"

"You should have already figured it out,Time stone,is the embodiment of one of the basic principles of universe and it could help it's user to control the time of this universe unconditionally,if the user doesn't turn to ashes from it's power"

"It has been an inheritance that was passed down to the leaders of the kamar-taj with the help of this stone we have prevented many calamities on the real world".Yao looked to be reminiscing and in admiration of the past leaders but quickly her mood turned down,"but it seems we have been relying on it too much. A week prior before your arrival in this world the time stone have stopped showing the future".

"But wasn't it the embodiment of time then how come it couldn't?".Noah looked confused.

"The problem isn't that it couldn't show the future but that the future it is showing is changing every few days in the past although it would change but not this rapidly".Yao looked gloomy.

"Without the time stone it looked like it would only be matter of time before we and this universe would be devoured by the dark dimension that is until a new variable showed up". Yao looked straight at Noah for some time before smiling,all the gloom dispairing. Although his face didn't change Noah felt a little guilty.

"Anyway, I have came to ask you for a favour and to give you a warning".Her face suddenly turned serious."Although the time stone doesn't show the future accurately now but it still shows something, that is true except for two people".

Noah's face started to crumble,"you mean..."

Yao nodded,"From my long life I can assure you that it has only happened two times"

Yao looked at Noah,"I suspect there is one other oracle or beyonder aside from you in this universe"
