
Oracle of Possibilities

The Hidden Oracle of Possibilities" is tale that follows the journey of a priest who possesses extraordinary abilities over the domain of fate. This priest, named Noah, discovers that he has the unique power to travel across various universes, exploring the vast multiverse. The story delves into the inner conflicts and personal growth of our protagonist as he grapples with the immense responsibility and consequences that come with his newfound abilities. The priest's unwavering belief in fate guides his actions, leading him to encounter different civilizations, cultures, and beings across the multiverse. As he explores these diverse universes, the priest encounters a multitude of challenges and obstacles that test his faith and understanding of the nature of fate itself. Along the way, he interacts with a variety of captivating characters, each with their own stories, beliefs, and perspectives on the concept of destiny. Throughout the book, the priest's relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth intertwines with his personal journey, as he seeks to uncover the secrets of the multiverse and the hidden forces that govern it. The story explores themes of identity, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things in the grand tapestry of existence ______________________________________ This is my first book and I was not very positive about this but a kind reader gave me some advice(May god bless him) and I am going try my best even if it does not become popular. Edit:Please ignore the cover it is the only fanart in my gallery which met the webnovels requirements it is not mine if you want me to take it down I will gladly do so.

Law_of_fortune · Filmes
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23 Chs


After calming Fury and Clint and explaining that the angel's appearance was accidental, Noah was allowed to leave. On his way back to his tent, he couldn't stop thinking about the angel from the ritual. After a whole sleepless night, he had a thought: What if the symbol wasn't meant to summon him, but was actually a seal that accidentally summoned him while trying to contain the Twilight Giant?

This idea made him want to cry, as he realized that there might be another powerful entity out there, similar to the giant, but still active

As for why he, a sequence 8, could break a seal placed by an entity of that level, it's not that complicated when you think about it.

The seal on the giant was probably placed with help of the key inside him, which is why Noah could easily break it. This also explains the appearance of the tower.

With this realization, Noah gained a deeper understanding of his situation and had to reevaluate some of his previous conclusions, such as the key being connected to his pathway.

The basis for this conclusion is that when Noah broke the seal, he clearly felt his powers strengthen. He gained endurance in extreme situations, his premonitions became stronger, and his connection with fate increased.

Now, he can perform spirit medium rituals through dances, and his premonitions give him a special intuition about others' fortunes. But that's not important for now. What's important is that before, due to his premonition, he instinctively knew his Beyonder characteristics occupied most of his body. But now, with the strengthening of his powers, he could clearly feel that in addition to his characteristics, there is also another... divine power? Noah didn't know what to call the extra power in his body. It is similar to his characteristics, clearly different, but seems to complement the other

It is likely that the key is a special item from a specific pathway that can grant Beyonder powers from its pathway to its owner, or so Noah thought.

Thinking this way, Noah's head began to hurt from considering all the terrible possibilities it could bring if found by another. He knew that a Beyonder could only choose one pathway, and only specific pathways could mimic abilities. Even then, they don't truly have these powers; instead, they use them through gaining control of a third person. But Noah could instinctively feel that the powers given by the key were a genuine part of him.

"Hmm... I am probably overthinking this. How can a person have two pathways?" After calming down, Noah understood how absurd the possibility of this is and laughed at himself. He thought that there must be some special conditions he unknowingly fulfilled that's why the key worked for him; otherwise, it would be too strong.

Just thinking of a dual pathway angel of monster and warrior or hunter, Noah could feel a chill down his back.

Even though Noah has been lost in thought for some time, not much time has passed in the real world. It is only now that Noah has arrived at his tent.

Upon entering his tent, Noah's tense smile, which was always on his face, faded. Even though he is a robot, it is still not healthy for muscles to always be tense. That's why Noah has set a rule to always relax whenever he enters his tent or if no one else is around.

While sitting on his bed, feeling relaxed, Noah thought about what had happened after the sealing of the giant.


After the sealing of the giant in the key of light, Noah received the potion of S.9 Sleepless. At that time, he was in a panic and didn't know what to do if the potion bottle absorbed the potion and became a Beyonder artifact.

Although Noah cannot use it, it would still be a waste. It is much better to make someone reliable a Sleepless instead of a Beyonder item with severe negative effects.

The first person that came to his mind was Clint, who had fainted to the side, but Noah was clearly reluctant. Although he didn't hate him, they had only known each other for a week, and he didn't have a supply of Beyonder potions for now.

While struggling internally, Noah got a brilliant idea. He remembered how all the sacrifices in the surrounding symbols had vanished when Clint prayed.

Noah, with his reluctance to part with his only potion, refused to lose hope and instead turned his attention to experimenting with the key.

The results of these experiments exceeded his expectations. As he delved into the workings of the key, Noah discovered that it resided in his memory palace, closest to his soul.

During his attempts to interact with the key, Noah stumbled upon a unique white void within the key, where various ingredients floated, frozen in space and time. Above this void, a small light blue star hovered. Upon focusing on this star, Noah's vision suddenly shifted, revealing a scene of a ruined, withered forest where two priests knelt. One appeared to have passed out while praying, and the other seemed absent-minded.

To Noah's surprise, the priests were none other than himself and Clint. It became clear that the blue star was connected to Clint and had the remarkable ability to hold and store various items without them spoiling.

As Noah contemplated the various uses of the key, he couldn't shake off the fear of potential retaliation from its previous owner. He couldn't help but wonder if the previous owner would be willing to part with such an overpowered item. Hastily, Noah utilized the items stored in the void to prepare a sacrifice ritual and send the potion into the void. Fortunately, the Quinjets were absent because they had gone to pick up the shield agents, which is why he could perform the ritual without interruption and fear of being spyed.

During his experiments with the key, Noah noticed that the spirituality around him moved in unique and chaotic rhythm, indicating that the key's remnant power still permeated the surroundings. Intrigued, he began to manipulate the spirituality through the key, initially he was just little interested because of the rythm.

As a dual pathway beyonder, Noah recognized that his monster pathway lacked proficiency in rituals, whereas his second pathway showed remarkable aptitude in rituals, spirit dances, and was sensitive to spirituality.

Pondering over the significance of rhythms and spirit dances, Noah considered the potential relation of his second pathway to dance or rhythm. He realized that he had become acutely sensitive to even minor changes in spirituality, akin to listening to music. Through his experiments, Noah gradually discerned a pattern in the seemingly random and chaotic spiritual rhythm, familiar to him from his past.

Being a monster,He quickly recalled the spirituality around the symbol, Noah connected the dots. The symbol's activation had also set his spirituality in this specific rhythm. Noah began to suspect that the symbol's creator, possibly an angel of the dancer pathway, could conduct rituals through constructing and using specific rhythms and dances.

Noah's thoughts then turned to the symbol's purpose. He questioned why the angel had to create such a large symbol and whether it was to maintain the seal, and if so, how. Contemplating its symbolism, Noah remembered the twin snakes biting their own tails, representing the connectivity of fate or something infinite.

He speculated that the symbol might have been absorbing spirituality from nearby living things and manipulating it into a specific rhythm to perpetually seal the giant. This self-sustaining ritual, if true, would only grow stronger over time, potentially trapping the giant for eternity. Noah was impressed by the complexity of this self-sustaining ritual but also deeply disturbed by the power it implied.

That night, the weight of these revelations kept Noah from sleeping well.


Noah's eyelids fluttered open, and he looked around to found himself in the tent, disoriented.

he tried to look at the clock to find the time but could only see faint outlines in the dimly lit space, illuminated by a slender ray of moonlight.

Yawning and feeling his parched throat, Noah rose from the bed and made his way to the water jug at the side of the room. After quenching his thirst, he turned to return to bed and attempt to sleep once more. However, a sudden feeling that his surroundings had changed caught his attention, albeit fleetingly, before everything returned to normal.

Although Noah's expression remained unchanged, someone observant like Natasha would have noticed that his eyes were now fully awake, devoid of the earlier daze and unfocused look. Sensing this subtle shift, he couldn't dismiss the feeling. As a monster, it would be a failure on his part not to grasp these hints, especially given his ongoing struggle with sleeplessness.

Noah recognized that it was unusual for him to wake in the middle of the night, and coupled with the strange sensation, it seemed like a clear hint from fate. Not grasping the hint after waking up was already disgraceful!

If he dismiss even this straight forward hint he could not live with his head held high as a monster anymore!

Noah groggily turned his body towards bed,in the process clearly scanning the whole tent

'Nobody that is visible to the naked eye atleast'.He thought in his heart increasing the possibility of someone being skilled like Clint or having superpowers

Noah continued to feign sleepiness as he made his way back to the bed, all the while opening his spirit vision.

For a monster,being the most talented pathway in mysticism,they don't have to learn it they can do it instinctively!

And as expected there was a person on the side of his bed!

Noah maintained calm, concealing his excitement as he approached the figure. As he stepped closer to the shadow, moonlight condensed in his hand, taking the form of an elegant and sleek rapier.

Without warning, he swiftly slashed the shadow separating her from shoulder to waist but instead of feeling resistance like he expected, it felt like cutting through liquid.

Sensing danger, Noah rolled backward just in time to evade a spike of darkness shooting up from the ground where he had stood moments before.

As he stood up, Noah held his sword at the ready, prepared for whatever attack the intruder do next.

The two separated parts of the intruder's body melted and transformed into dark liquid, merging back together to reform the female super human.

Now fully visible, Noah realized that she wasn't just appearing as a shadow due to darkness – she was a shadow herself!

Without waiting for the woman to make a move, Noah rushed towards her, slashing diagonally upwards. She leaned sideways and retreated, effortlessly dodging his attacks as he pursued her.

After blocking a dozen of Noah's slashes, the woman conjured two dark traditional Chinese fans with spikes at the front.

Noah, aware of his inexperience in combat despite his skill with the sword due to being a robot, pressed on with his relentless attacks. However, the woman effectively blocked his strikes by crossing both closed fans and pushing him back with force.

As the night pressed on, the sound of their clashing weapons echoed through the darkness as they exchanged a flurry of moves. Eventually, Noah, feeling the strain of the intense exchange, distanced himself from the woman, who remained relaxed and composed.

He frowned, sensing that something was amiss during his fight with the woman.

Noah's premonitions and visions had proven reliable in his recent adventures, and he couldn't shake the feeling that everything was playing into the intruder's plan, with someone watching him.

Realizing he couldn't afford to waste any more time, Noah steeled his resolve and gripped his sword with both hands. As he did, the moonlight in the room seemed to stir and moved towards his sword, transforming the thin, elegant rapier into a bulky two-handed sword.

As the transformation of his sword began, the woman didn't wait and rushed towards him. Noah also advanced, keeping the sword close to his hip, prepared to execute a close-range horizontal slash. In response, the woman closed both of her fans and hurled them towards him. To Noah's surprise, the fans transformed into arrows and flew towards him at high speeds.

Remaining composed, Noah stood his ground. Just as the arrows were about to reach his face and heart, they were repelled as if an invisible armor shielded him, leaving him unscathed. The woman appeared taken aback, but before she could react, Noah swung his sword horizontally, intent on separating her upper and lower body.

The sword of light cut through the darkness with a menacing swoop as Noah advanced, while the woman, her calm gaze fixed on her opponent, slid forward on her knees, a portrait of unwavering calm even in face of danger.

Noah poised to strike a backward slash in pursuit of the woman, only to find himself ensnared as the surrounding darkness stirred to life, coiling around him and solidifying into chains.

As the woman rose and pivoted, she launched a seemingly mundane attack on Noah with just two fingers. However, despite its ordinary appearance, Noah's premonition surged with an overwhelming sense of danger.

As the woman approached, Noah bellowed with all his strength, 'Hurricane!' In response, the sword of light in his hand fragmented into radiant shards that swirled around him like a tornado, purging the encroaching darkness in the dead of night and demolishing the tent and all within its reach.

After the light hurricane, the entire camp and construction site were illuminated in the dead of night. It seemed as if the hurricane had caused ripples in space, like cracks in a mirror. Reality itself appeared to fracture, resembling a broken mirror. Noah opened his eyes and looked around, but found that nothing had changed.

it became clear that everything that had transpired was merely an illusion! From Noah's earlier premonition of a change in his surroundings, nothing seemed different.

"Not bad, you surpassed my imagination," a woman's relaxed voice remarked from behind him. Before Noah could react, he felt two delicate fingers on his spine. Noah felt his body going limp,His soul separated from his body, leaving his physical form unconscious.

Noah's spirit floated in the middle of the restored tent, observing the woman who now appeared entirely different from the shadow he had recently faced. Despite her altered appearance, he recognized her, noticing the shadowy tendrils within her astral body, indicating corruption by an external force.

The woman, Yao, also gazed at Noah, thinking about their recent confrontation. She found his attacks to be mediocre, lacking finesse and skill, yet acknowledging his talent and precise movements. While his physical strikes seemed simplistic and amateurish.

'but that move...'. Thinking about the devastating tornado of light he unleashed, Yao could feel a shiver down her spine. She realized that despite being able to mimick the attack's physical range, the spiritual damage it inflicted posed a greater threat, capable of bypassing defenses and mystical constructs.

'More ever,it broke the mirror realm".

Yao thanked her past self for not underestimating this lad, thankfully she had only dispatched a constructed astral body to confront him.

She had been observing him for some time, choosing to strike when he was still unfamiliar with his powers. Acknowledging the destructive potential of Noah's abilities, she was relieved to not underestimate him and dying shamefully.

She could not die now,Not until strange was ready.
