
Oracle of Possibilities

The Hidden Oracle of Possibilities" is tale that follows the journey of a priest who possesses extraordinary abilities over the domain of fate. This priest, named Noah, discovers that he has the unique power to travel across various universes, exploring the vast multiverse. The story delves into the inner conflicts and personal growth of our protagonist as he grapples with the immense responsibility and consequences that come with his newfound abilities. The priest's unwavering belief in fate guides his actions, leading him to encounter different civilizations, cultures, and beings across the multiverse. As he explores these diverse universes, the priest encounters a multitude of challenges and obstacles that test his faith and understanding of the nature of fate itself. Along the way, he interacts with a variety of captivating characters, each with their own stories, beliefs, and perspectives on the concept of destiny. Throughout the book, the priest's relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth intertwines with his personal journey, as he seeks to uncover the secrets of the multiverse and the hidden forces that govern it. The story explores themes of identity, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things in the grand tapestry of existence ______________________________________ This is my first book and I was not very positive about this but a kind reader gave me some advice(May god bless him) and I am going try my best even if it does not become popular. Edit:Please ignore the cover it is the only fanart in my gallery which met the webnovels requirements it is not mine if you want me to take it down I will gladly do so.

Law_of_fortune · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


Noah prostated on a circular raised platform holding both of his hands together with closed eyes and a devout expression on his face.

In front of him was a ivory statue made of entirely marble. The statue wore priestly robes and it's eyes were covered by a blindfold and his mouth was sealed by metal mask. He has long hair but his face is blurry. His both hands are chained to the ground. The statue from the first glance looked helpless and immobilized but whoever saw it from close would get the feeling that the statue is not helpless instead it is trying to not succumb to it's own powers and maintain rationality.

This was the statue of the Ivory God Noah has requested after the cathedral was built. Noah didn't mind bowing to a god he build because he had already believed in a god for his entire life knowing it was fake.

For Noah, religion wasn't about what are you believing is real but it being a pillar that will support the human through various tribulations.

Noah believed for his entire life and even now that even if he died there will be a higher power that will keep the world balanced. No matter if it is cruel or heartless or doesn't exist just believing that there is meaning to all his actions bring him comfort.

It would be accurate to say that Noah believes in fate not a god but a heartless power that will sacrifice millions to keep the balance. It is the rational thing to do even if millions died wouldn't it save more than it sacrificed? Then what's the problem?

While Noah was lost in his thoughts Phil and Clint came inside the cathedral with Sharron following behind both and they quickly spotted Noah prostating.

Noah noticing them stood up and walked towards the party.

Noah stared at Clint with a serious gaze,"Remember these instructions when you are inside the fallen realm. Although you are skilled but still try not to be greedy it will not be the last time we will enter. There is no hurry. Prioritize your safety"

Clint nodded and asked curiously,"What do I have to hunt anyway". Noah guided the trio to the raised platform in front of the statue and explained on the way,"A loss of control beyonders."

Noah paused before continuing,"Try to stay hidden and only hunt the most humanoid creatures".

Clint frowned,"Why is that?". Noah looked at him,"Although beyonder powers may look like a grace it is also a curse especially for beings like us who have emotions"

"With each sequence a part of our humanity will change into that of a mythological creature. That's why when a human rejects his humanity and embrace his godhood, a dual personality is the most favourable and turning into half mythological creature like abomination is the worst."

Phil seemed to realize something and connected the dots,"Loss of control monsters".

Noah nodded,"That's why most of humanoid monsters are S.9 or 8 while those more devolped ones can't be used by us."

Sharron looked at Clint and asked worried,"isn't there a way to solve it."

Noah looked back at her,"There is. You see every pathway represents a different mythological creature like giants or dragons and they all have different personalities if you could find a pathway that matches perfectly with your personality then the effects from the pathway are mostly mitigated".

"That's why you have to bring the characteristics to this side and not consume them directly. There are plenty of pathways that directly cut of person emotions or make them do horrible things". Noah said seriously.

Clint also nodded seriously understanding the gravity of the matter.

Noah said after some thinking,"Keep these three rules to mind. First,Don't hunt beings that look similar to animals they are called beyonder creatures and their characteristics is diluted. They are useless to us without the correct combination of beyonder creatures"

"Second,Stay in the outer rims and never get close to the tower it is dangerous it is best that you camp where you have been summoned or stay hidden"

"Third, never and I mean never gaze at beings that does not look like animals but also doesn't look human. They are most likely demigods or angels"

Clint didn't seem concerned,"Don't worry, I am not that foolish to do something when an expert has told me dozen of times to not do it".He spoke accusingly.

But Noah didn't bother to pay any heed to his sarcasm. Actually,this time Noah really did overdid this. He has been nagging at Clint from the morning.

Although they didn't meet for long their relationship has strengthened after facing some horrifying situations together. He wouldn't admit but he really is worried for Clint and Clint know this that's why there is a little smile on his face as he looked amusingly at Noah.

Noah didn't bother to warn him again and stepped on the platform in front of the Statue. Suddenly, his whole aura changed his face becoming calm and relaxed like a baby in a mother's embrace.

Sunlight dropped on Noah from the glass on the ceiling and gathered in his palm turning white from the previous yellow and condensing into a sleek saber.

Noah started to dance with a sword. The dance was bizarre if it was seen step to step but together it fitted perfectly. Noah's hands and feet turned in unnatural directions that doesn't seem possible for a human with bones.

The light surrounding the platform seem to dance in his rythm. The three other people were both confused at the bizarreness of the dance but also awed by it's majesty.

As light danced around the alter the space started to crack and an unknown melody seem to resonate around the surroundings.

A white illusory tower, appeared behind the statue. Clint,who could see it,looking at it didn't hesitate and stepped forth.

"Be careful,Clint".Hearing the voice behind him. A small smile appeared on his face,"You better hope I didn't return because if I return you will have someone mocking you as a street dancer for the rest of your life"

A genioune smile appeared on his face and the sword in his hand dissolved and the portal retreated itself into the space.

Everything,returned to normal.

Noah didn't move and got on his knees and started praying.
