

Diane got home that night and poured herself a glass of wine,she was on cloud nine and happiness was written all over her face.She finally got back at Diana and she let out a wicked laugh,she wondered what her organization would have done to her

That sly - Diana was never on the right path always moving with the wrong crowd and getting into trouble ever since they were little, she's been in and out of juveniles and prison and always very secretive. She doesn't even know what she's up to until she came across it by chance

Looking for something incriminating about Diana she accidentally stumbled on some papers in the drawers and she read them.Diana was in a secret group and she was their professional hacker and spy and also a programmer and was being paid hefty amounts monthly, she even killed people.

She knows the wages of sin to the group is death ,Diana should probably be dead by now somewhere and be buried in a place where no one would find her or left in the forest for wild animals to feast on her

The thought made her chuckle ,who cares of she does at least she would have also done the same thing with those smart brain , she went to the bathroom and filled up the bathtub to take a hot bath, that way she wasn't getting blood on her hands and her arch enemy is gone

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Diana woke up in a familiar place,she looked around but her vision was blurry, the pungent distinctive odour of disinfectant and antiseptic hit her nose and she knew immediately where she was. Wasn't she supposed to be dead?she asked herself and tried to stand up but was grabbed by strong hands.Adrenaline rushed through her

She woke up in an hospital only for her boss men to be with her waiting for her to wake and then kill her in the most unimaginable way she thought.She reached for her gun in her pocket but was surprised because she was in an hospital gown,panic flashed through her face and she bit the guy's arm.

The guy screamed in pain and let her go and she climbed out of the bed in an attempt to run away but she fell at the end of the bed,she looked down at her leg and it was bind in casts she let out a cry and the doctors and nurses rushed in and told her to rest that she has a fracture in her leg and can't walk

The doctor checked her heartbeat and pulse and everything was fine.She looked at the young man beside her still holding his arm and whining like a child.She stared at him intently to check if he was one of boss men but if he was he won't still be holding his arm besides she has never seen him.

The doctors left the room and she was left with the guy,she sat up alert willing not to take any risk

Why are you not doing anything"she asked looking at him suspiciously

The dumbfounded man answered "I'm sorry what?"

"Didn't boss send you to kill me why are you still looking at me"

"kill you?, I literally saved your life though I didn't intentionally hot you with my car,I'm sorry I was a bit not myself but it's a good thing you're alive so why would I kill you" he said with guilt written all over him

Diana mind ran fast,he was the one who hit her with his car and brought her to the hospital,he's completely oblivious of what's going on

"Oh, and who the hell are you?" she asked

" My name's Tyler I'm sorry I hit you I'll pay for the hospital bill and compensate you also"

She eyed him " how long have I been here" she asked

"Two weeks"

"what?! you mean I've been lying here for two freaking weeks " she said alarmed , if she has been here for that long it won't be long till they find and kill her

"Yes , you are lucky to be alive I was soo worried"

"why should you be ,you barely know me "she said trying to get up

"Easy you'll fall, you can't walk yet" he said and tried to help her lay back

She brushed his hands away and told him " Look here Tyler you don't understand, I need to get out of here like right now "

"But you can't go anywhere like this"

"Some bad guys are after me, you shouldn't have brought me here ,you should have left me to die , why are you so kind, you should have left me alone "she cried

Tyler was so surprised and confused why would someone want to be left alone to die everyone wants to live

" what...what are you talking about,is that why you have a gun?"

" Where's the gun" she whispered

"it's safe don't worry"

She sighed not knowing what to do

"By the way you look familiar, I think I've seen you before"

"Yeah in your dreams" she said and scoffed

"You're the girl on TV the sister to Diane the model? you're the one with brain disorder right?" he asked trying to recollect

"Brain what , what are you ranting on" she said then remember the events of that day and sighed ,her life is ruined totally

"It's fine I understand "

"Understand what?"

"People with brain disorder don't like talking about it, not to brag though I am the CEO of the company you badmouthed

" But don't worry I won't sue you for defamation after all I hit you with my car so we're even now right?"

What!!! He's Tyler? Tyler Aston the CEO of Danny's? she only read about him on the internet and don't know who he is because he's never in the public eye

"Why should I believe you" she said

"You just have to " he smiled

If he's actually Tyler Aston then he could be of great help on her revenge plan

"I have a favor to ask you" she told him

"What's that?"

"Some really bad guys are after my life I only had to weeks to live the night you hit me and now every second I have to watch my back to be safe , can you please not tell anyone I'm here not even Diane"

"Your sister? why?"

"Diane is the reason why I'm about to die she's not as saint as she appears to be"

He looked at her and thought long and hard

"Let's report this to the police for protection"

"No the police can't get involved they are in on this too"

Then he got scared, scared of her what if she's a spy and was sent to kill him, why did she have a gun and why are people after her. Thoughts ran wild in his head

"I have a villa in a remote city far from this place,how about you go live there I'll keep you there with bodyguards"

"Really?, Thank you very much"her eyes glowed with gratitude

It was now time to step up her game, she's not going to stop at her payback on her sister but she's also going to make sure her boss pay for all what she has gone through. If she doesn't he'll get to her first and kill her, the best one wins and she's going to show then why she's the best all she needs now is Tyler's trust

"You're welcome but promise to fill me in all the details when you're well so I can protect you"he smiled why would a beautiful damsel be involved in bad things and whatever the thing is he's going to make sure he protects her

The ward's door opened and a strong cologne followed , a lady stepped in looking glamorous and dolled up as if she's attending a big occasion

"Hello sister"The person said and smiled.