

Cameras were flashing away thier powers, videos were being recorded,medias and press all doing thier jobs as the clicking of keyboards filled the room.

There was a press meeting for Diane Holloway's public apology. She walked gracefully to the mic stand and cleared her throat.

"Good morning everyone,My name is Diane Holloway as you all know, I want to deeply apologize for what was posted on my Instagram page yesterday, I want you all to know something no one knows today and what I've been keeping to myself because of the shame that comes with it"she blinked twice and hand-fanned her face.

"I have a twin sister" she said as people started murmuring and camera men and photographers increased their capturing speed.

She took a remote and pointed it to the screen and it showed a picture of she and Diana smiling.

"She is my identical twin,we look very much alike as you can see"as she showed them slides of pictures.

"Two years ago, my twin sister was diagnosed of TBI that is Traumatic Brain Disorder due to an accident and since then I have to live with her irrational behaviors, we are the only one for each other and we do tell each other anything, I confronted her yesterday and she confessed to me about the post,I deeply apologize to the Danny's for this behavior, she is currently in the hospital so she won't be present to make her speech, I apologize on her behalf" , she moved to the next slide and showed a video of Diana apologizing about her misconduct.

"I truly hope this won't affect my contracts and the ones to come, thank you", she said and walked off the stage.

Diana sat in front of her laptop boiling with anger, she smashed the flower vase next to her on the floor and stared at her sister with pure hatred.


Diane woke up with a throbbing headache, she looked around her and saw that she was still sprawled on the floor, she took one glance at her sister who was busy with video games with her headphones - did she not smash it earlier,just how many did she have- and a new surge of hatred ran down her spine and she charged at her again,this time Diana was alert as she dodged and her fist landed on the table

"Cut it out, would you?"Diana said putting the headphone on her shoulder

"You,what happened"she asked straightening herself

"You passed out"Diana replied nonchalantly

"Passed out?or you shot me"Diane shouted

"Oh no, isn't that blood seeping from your leg"Diana said mockingly

Diane frantically touched her legs but she was fine,she rolled her eyes

"The time to shoot you hasn't come yet,dear sister"she said and smiled

"What?! so you're still going to"she said stepping back

"Leave ,you're awake"

"Not until you clean up the mess you created" she said taking out her phone from her bag

"Why should I clean up what I deliberately did,you seem to underestimate what I can do

That..."she said pointing to the phone "is just the tip of an iceberg "

"The fuck are you ranting on about,you hacked into my Instagram account and made a post badmouthing the Danny's,do you know what that means "she opened her phone to read

"The whole week I worked for Danny's was hell,thier CEO is rude and arrogant,and their products are wack and fake

They sell organic products using artificial materials and their face cream gave me a skin rash for three days " Diane read from the phone

"How many of my social media accounts are you onto,how did you even know I accepted a contract and why the hell would you post such degrading contents,this is my life and career everything could practically be over if..."

She ranted and was cut short when Diana stood up and flipped her chair over

She walked to where Diane stood and put an arm on her shoulder and looked straight into here eyes

"Aww Diane,I'm so sorry to know that your life could be ruined by my mistake "she said and Diane scoffed

She circled round her and placed her hand o. ber shoulder at her back.Diane could feel her breath on her neck

"And do you think I freaking care,I told you sister there's more to what I can do,I don't care about your life or career to hell with them" she whispered into Diane's ear and she froze with fear

When did Diana turn to a monster,when did she learn to threaten people like that. Fuck all this,If Diana is going to continue being like this and not back off then let her bring it on,she was soo ready to take a fight against her

"We'll see about that, Sister" Diane said saying the sister with every willpower in her as that word no longer exists to her,she didn't know there hatred for each other has gone and grew to this extent.

She smiled and walked out of the room slamming the door behind her, furiously she took out her phone and dialed a number ,the person on the other end picked at the second ring

"Dee, Organize a press meeting for tomorrow"she said and hung up she was willing to do everything in her power to get back at her sister


Diane walked out of the hall where the meeting was held with a mischievous smile on her lips with manager D trailing behind her as the paparazzi trooped taking pictures and asking questions which she ignored.

She brought out her phone and sent a text

"I wonder what your organizations would think of you now"was what the text read as she close her phone,rest her head on the car seat and closed her eyes and her driver drove off