
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter V: Jing Dynasty II

35 Degrees, Jing Dynasty evening.

Cuifen Chen Wu, 5th May 1894, Shonghai;

"Cuifen Chen Wu!" The last winds howl to a stop as a young man hurries towards me.

"Ah Yu Lee, it's a pleasure to meet you." We both bow slightly, looking straight up the man seemed as fidgety as ever as far as I could remember.

"The pleasure is all mine! It's great to be back together, was your holiday in La Plata enjoyable?" I'd already missed it. The endless grass plains followed by the beautiful estancia I stayed in outside the capital, La Reina Del Plata. What I missed most was the air, breathable out in the countryside. The music and parades played in the evenings serving foods that had a kick reminiscent of home.

"It was an experience I couldn't forget. One day you'll have to visit the Americanas. It's a whole different world out there, Europa and Mafrika too." He smiled, the round thick spectacles he wore covering the intent of his eyes completely. Yu had fashioned himself a leafy green Mao suit that fitted him finely. His dark-tinted blue hair shined lightly by the glistening sun. In his left hand had a velvet briefcase.

"Yu Lee, are you still unwilling to take my offer in regards to your eyes?" With a light pat on the shoulder, he only stiffens. He hasn't changed, I see. Those eyes of his, he'd look better without those glasses.

"Oh no need Cuifen Chen Wu, you shouldn't waste your powers on me and I'd prefer to keep the glasses." Scratching his head he chuckles uncomfortably. It seemed as though the subject was still touchy. He slowly turned away from me and at the airships, their engines' once a thunderous roar had settled to a lulling hum. Upon closer inspection the lotuses housed on the zeppelin almost glowed with specs of golden dust sparkling out from them; at the front was a massive lotus that was sculpted instead of painted, almost looking like it was made of pure gold.

"What a beautiful sight. And... please make yourself comfortable in my presence; as I always say, call me Wu." He nodded once more in response before putting his attention back on the airships. I take one last look at him before sighing and walking closer to the beasts of the sky. The runways along with the tavern were encased in a wall, with towering buildings of the metropolis surrounding it, almost tall enough to shade us from the torturous heat.

"Fascinating, this will be my first time riding a zeppelin with you, it's an honour!" He finally tilted his head high.

"You'll get used to it, they're all the rage now so it seems. Oh, and thanks again Yu Lee for bringing the documents as I can see."

"Ah yes, I brought the current statistics and analysis of the Iron Wood company, and of course of our rival Haohua Conglomerate; and the information of our meeting with the Grand Republique envoy." He clutched the briefcase tightly, as we drew closer.

Passengers began to disembark as the staff struggled to move the extensive amount of luggage from the back of the zeppelin out, some at least ten times the size of them. In comparison, the central one acquired seemingly more experienced staff, taking their task at hand with twice the efficiency. Engineers and other technicians rush to the site, doing their routine jobs. The passengers became more visible to the eye as nobles and businessmen alike exit out. Dressed in either traditional gowns or western suits, some even had a mix of both.

"The elites of our world, huh." Yu Lee continued to stare undeterred. Both of us waited until the crowd slowly dissipated.

"Ah! We are expecting to see our Vice President in Europa from our companies branch and additionally, the representative for our shareholders will be accompanying us as well my lady." Just as he opens the briefcase the papers take off without a care in the world. I couldn't help but simply laugh.

"You can't even handle a couple of papers Yu Lee?" His face flutters a tint of red, scrambling for the papers on the ground. Some of them stubbornly fly further away attempting to escape. One of the escapees lands right by the entrance of the decorated zeppelin to which there stood a man. I felt a sudden twinge within me as though the sight of his presence was unsettling. Light delicate white hair, he was most certainly an elf. Dressed in a white suit, with a pale flower seated in his welt pocket to match his bright vibrant skin. Before long he elegantly embarked towards our direction.

"Would you like some assistance, sir?" His tone was tender, bewitching if I had to be specific, reminding me of him. He looks at me with a slightly confused expression latched on his face. It takes a second for me to realise that I'd probably been staring at him slightly too harshly and relaxed myself...

"Oh no it's fine sir, thanks for the helping hand. It's my responsibility to be more careful. There's one more missing as well... where on Terra could it be?" Yu kept on with the struggle as he walks further away with his investigation. Leaving me with the elf, awkwardness left in the heated air.

"Ah let me introduce myself properly, my apologies." His gaze was set on mine, bowing respectfully.

"My apologies Cuifen Chen Wu, I am delighted to make your acquaintance. Allow me to introduce myself I am Oreal Ambre Blanc, Empress Estallia's personal envoy. I arrived by air in Hong Qong not too long ago, and I managed to receive the flight here to meet you. Seeing as the President of the Iron Wood Company is out on a business trip, I'm glad that you came as his representative." I bowed as well, he reminded me too much of him. But who was I to judge? He made the commitment to remember my name as well. Although rare I've met my fair share of foreigners, elves always had a mysterious aura about them.

Yu Lee fidgets around the ground until yet another strange man sets in front. As he crouches and looks around the floor he finally tows his head up in complete shock, stumbling back.

"Oh sorry Yu Lee, I must have scared you, were you looking for this? Sorry if I arrived late." Tao Ying, Vice President of the Europa branch, an exceedingly tall elf, with dark cold red eyes, wearing pure white silk gloves as always. In stark comparison to how I first met him, the company was smaller back then, a time of struggle. He graduated later than most, nearing his late twenties at that time. I've never asked personally why it took him a lot more years to graduate, talks in regards to it always ended sourly. Either way, I took a chance and he proved his worth. Whatever it was, it didn't stop him.

He bows, lending a hand to Yu Lee. With him handing over what appeared to be the last missing page. He takes a quick glimpse of me.

"Ah Chen Wu, you must be here as the representative for the Iron Wood Company, I thought our President would show his face here." I mimic a gentle smile, my heart anchoring deep within me. How long can I keep this up?

"He is currently very busy with another meeting he has been scheduled with back in the Central Empire, I hope you can forgive him but he has allowed me to stand as representative. He is a man of solitude after all."

Before he could respond another voice breaks in.

"Again? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the man never existed!" The familiar ceaseless laughter always etched an anxiety that I couldn't quite get rid of. I turn, raising an eyebrow the instant I laid eyes on him;

"Geez sorry, never knew I can't make a joke in a crowd like this..." Mo Zhong, a rather short yet loud man. The representative for all the investors of Iron Wood, being the largest one himself. Practically been with me since day one. He cherished his black hair that he constantly fiddled with, flattering his amber eyes. That matched his ring as well, like sunrise.

"Now then it appears we all have arrived right? Let's embark on the airship and settle in." I embody the business world aura, politely stirring the group in. Yu clutching the briefcase with both hands this time. Pleasentries began to take place, talks of business and travel. Oreal spoke little and simply observed the others in interest, looking back at them, Tao Ying and Mo Zhong deeply conversed with the ever-so-boring topic of politics, one that never ended well between the two of them.

"Is something wrong my lady? You look tired." Yu tapped my shoulder. I'd definitely be if they kept yammering on and on about the same thing...

"Guanwei has put our economy in a mud-lock ever since we seized it back. In fact, they now called themselves the Manvi and have been causing disorder especially since we now have a border with the Central Imperium." Tao didn't seem keen to give up at all, by this point Mo Zhong appeared a little tired, his voice sounding sore.

"But at least we now have a border with the Central Imperium and finally united all of our people. It'll get better and we also have plenty of rich iron deposits to take advantage of now, so thats a plus!"

"No there's nothing wrong, just a normal day for you and me..." He chuckled, and after a couple more back and forth they settle down finally.