
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter V: Jing Dynasty III

34 Degrees, Jing Dynasty evening.

Cuifen Chen Wu, 5th May 1894, Shonghai;

We all draw near an odd set of stairs, continuously moving up in motion as though no effort of climbing up was needed.

"Wow, they call these escalators my lady, isn't it innovative?" Yu Lee stared at the odd contraption, almost ignorant of how lazy and wasteful the machine was, a few steps up wouldn't kill us to walk up... At the height of the stairs, the employees stood waiting.

"Greetings, it's a pleasure for you all to arrive and for some who are re-embarking. Thank you for using Clover Air, and a special thanks to Iron Wood for all the support you have bestowed on our company." Seven of them bow side by side with the captain clearly distinguishable in the centre.

"We also thank you for your services." Yu Lee replies handing over everyone's boarding pass as we head further in. Beautiful jade laminated with gold decorates the corridors as we advance in. An extravagant fountain was found within the centre, floored by crystal to see the ground sparkle vibrantly, the circular room is roofed with a mezzanine as well. "Now this is what you call luxury!" Mo Zhong fondly looked around.

"What is the time currently?" Oreal speaks in wonder.

"My watch is still in Republique territory." A slight glow wanders around, "It appears to be seven o'clock Oreal." Tao Ying spurs as he looks down from the mezzanine. I take a look up at him, you usually wear your ring on your finger, but he instead chooses it as an earring. The red aura within it faded. It does make sense considering he always wears his gloves.

"Ah thank you, Tao Ying, sorry if I pronounced it incorrectly, our meeting should be starting within thirty minutes."

"It's alright, our names are rather hard to pronounce since you are from Europa." I brush my hand around the marble edges of the fountain, shaped like a lotus. They've really outdone themselves with the airship. I wonder, in the next millennia would this be the norm? Two decades back we barely knew these things existed. Shao, if only you were here to see this. You were right all these years.

"Ladies and gentlemen we again thank you for boarding Clover Air, we are beginning our ascent. Our destination is Baifong, may Irene be with us for a smooth flight." Inside the fountain, was the transponder orb that fluttered the voice. And thus ended the transmission from the captain.

Suddenly a man enters through one of the four corridors,

"Greetings let me show you around the airship and your accustomed rooms." A normal human fitted with the same green employee outfit. Looking exhausted he sighed turning to his back.

"You may follow now." He makes his way before anyone was even able to come along... Tao Ying swiftly arrived back down from the flight of stairs with a curious look on his face.

"Tch, where are your manners, a few seconds of waiting wouldn't hurt you." Mo Zhong who was the furthest away latched his comment, his voice still recovering from the little squabble prior.

"Oh, there's no ne-" Yet before I can detur the situation the young man interrupted.

"Oh, I am sorry, I've just been dealing with lazy nobles all day long, and dealing with another couple is bothersome. Keep up why don't you, we don't have all day." The man's face was void of any emotion, what happened to him? I couldn't decide whether I should be insulted or bizarrely confused by his behaviour. Something isn't right...

"Oh you've said it now, I bet you haven't seen a noble get their hands dirty then huh?" He starts pushing forward gaining speed. Yet the young man continued standing there, unamused.

"Oh, I've seen plenty. No surprise your first to take an insult at the truth." "Why you, how dare you!" Mo Zhong accelerates for what appeared to be a punch whilst both Tao and Oreal silently watch. I attempt to kick into gear hoping to intercept Mo Zhong until...

"Now now, Mo Zhong it's been a long day for everyone. Don't let his words get the best of you. And as for you, don't judge a book by its cover. Some of us may be from a higher upbringing but that gives you no right to treat us any differently than how you'd want to be treated yourself. We're both the same social class as well." Yu stood in between them. The little gust of wind is a reminder of the sheer speed he could wield, as the ring of his dulled. Mo Zhong startled, steps back attempting to regain his composure. Meanwhile, the employee oddly regained life in his eyes; bewildered by his expression. To which it turned into morbid curiosity. He must have noticed.

"Sorry about that Yu Lee, thank you for stepping in."

"Oh don't worry I just wanted to explore the zeppelin without a fuss is all!"

Yu Lee's words sounded playful, although I felt a twinge within me, he must have felt it too once he saw. When one person sees the eyes of Yu Lee with his powers unleashed, you're met with malice and the view of the shallow steps of the underworld.