
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter II: The Vast Port Of Dovaria III

24 degrees Central Britannica, afternoon.

Oreal Ambre Blanc, 27th February 1894, Viridi Conference.

"Make sure all the guests from abroad are welcomed and ensure no unauthorized reporters come in." I took a brief break, I'm sure they're all as tired as I am from hearing my voice. Although tedious as it may be, today was special. I walk around the large conference room, the crystal chandeliers brought light to the grand chamber; chairs and tables were elegantly dressed in silk as the stage patiently waited for the beginning ceremony. We were bound to begin soon, and everything already felt quite right with the timetable on schedule, perfect.

"Oreal, if I may have a word with you?" A familiar voice pinches at me.

"Ah yes Vivalia, how may I assist you?" I straighten my posture ever so slightly.

"Sorry to inconvenience you, I'm afraid I am not rather accustomed to Britannia. I believed that my Violin was to be transported to me directly, but it seems not to be the case as of yet. You are the only Republique other than me, I'd feel the Britannians might judge if I ask them to bring it for me. Would you be so kind?" She looked distraught, a look that almost preyed on those too kind. Thankfully it is my job to assist her after all, it'd be rude not to. Different cultures aren't always compatible.

"Why of course, I deeply apologize for not ascertaining this problem for you beforehand, it should be in the reception. Let me bring it to you personally."

She performs a curtsey walking back to one of the many elegantly decorated tables. I head towards the reception, which seemed to be frolicking with people, all from nobility or of high class. Suited in the latest fashion wear, subtly comparing themselves to one another at who has the finest pocket watch. They never do seem to change, don't they? I enter through the staff door arriving at the receptionist's desk.

"Has anyone seen Vivalia's violin, she is meant to perform at the beginning ceremony for the Conference, this is urgent." I look around and wait humbly for a response.

"Ah Sir Oreal, it's right here, we've mentioned to her that the violin was here, although she hasn't collected it yet." Funny you say that.

"Ah, it's accustomed in the Republique for someone to personally give a musician their instrument. Not to worry I have it handled." Differences are common between nations, and the same goes for their similarities. But one thing I've learnt as the Empress's personal envoy, none of that matters in times of crisis. Work together to continue the status quo or be left behind, recorded in history. Whilst the sun never sets on the Empire, the moon will always shine brightest on the Republique. Or so the ancient saying goes. Viva la Grande Republique.

Dear Irene, how long have I been standing here? I set back into motion, walking vigilantly back to Vivialia. Once I draw closer, she immediately jolts up from relief as she scurries like a little girl finding her doll. Her eyes glisten as she embraces her instrument. She catches a gentle warm smile, still fixated on it.

"May Irene be with you, I'll be listening to every note in detail." Her gaze changes, finally looking back up at me.

"Thank you, Oreal. Enjoy the night and let us begin with the proceedings." With a faint whisper, she teleports towards the centre stage, leaving behind flickers of light after her. She looks at me with patience, and I take a deep breath. Here we go. I flutter my left hand around, casting a spell.

"Saltatio lux." With a blink, I conjure the spectacle. The ceiling once covered with classical depictions darken, morphing into a dark night. Different strips of vibrant colours appear, enlivening as they dance from above. Some of them entangle and blend, creating new colours and ribbons to dance along what would be a starry sky.

"Oh! Isn't that an Aurora Borealis, how wonderful!" One of the guests preach in excitement; the conversations lay still, as the crowd gaze in awe. I couldn't help but smile with pride. Never gets old, does it? Even Vivalia almost gets distracted by the sight until she starts playing herself.

She holds her own, and with the first stroke from her bow an assortment of instruments around her bolt up to play along with her. Vivalia, the lone orchestra. The instruments in perfect tune play in harmony, all loyal as they follow her lead.

"If only I could just call upon an orchestra at any given moment." A man from behind with a glass of champagne spouts out, catching my attention.

"Vivilia Violette, the famous elf. Gifted with a rare power and affinity to music. A figurehead for the music industry in the Grand Republique, whilst holding many fans in Britannia, such as I. You either know me too well or have good taste Oreal." Mizer Bill stands there, drinking his champagne, dressed in a fine tuxedo, short yet endearingly loud. The man always has something up his sleeves.

"Thank you, Sir Mizer. I am surprised you are attending the Viridi Conference, I thought you didn't care much about the environment?" I stay subtly alert, the man is an enigma after all. By definition the strongest man alive, wielding an empire that stands unchallenged, until recently that is.

"You make me sound like such a horrible person, but I am here for the pleasantries, and I need a few more favours from the environmentalist. They've become rather more prominent over the coming decades." At least he's trying. Granted the political balance of the world is far from stable, the man must have his work cut out for him. If even he managed to attend the Viridi conference, it must matter to him more than would meet the eye for him to be here in person. There has been a steady increase of more natural disasters over the years, and the onset of the seven sins period drawing near must have had some effect on them. Just the perfect ingredients to forge what could be the strongest alliance in the coming century.

"Well, Sir Mizer there's been talk that the Britannian Empire hasn't come forth with an idea for the DeLourve's World Fair." He stops mid-sip, tilting his chin up to catch direct eye contact with me.

"It hasn't gone unnoticed regarding your proposition. Don't humour me too much, you already know that we are interested. Anything to beat those arrogant germanics. The world is more interested in what they have planned than they do for us." The Central Empire sure has been awfully quiet, besides their evergrowing army on the eastern front. Likely working on something militarywise is all I can suspect. But what exactly they're planning leaves me also innately curious.

"I'm glad you're still aligned with the idea, of your up-and-coming visit to pariol the coming March we'll be holding further discussions. Just letting you know again of course." Mizer smiles in intrigue.

"Parliament is quite excited yet sceptical, but they know the idea would be a favourable win, for the good of our nations. Plus pushing back the Central Empire a few notches would bring joy to my heart. We can't let them be the victor on every front, now can we?" He lifts his half-drunken glass, I take one for myself from an oncoming server.

"For the DeLourve's Fair! May we be the ones drinking for our victory on the day of the fair; glory to Britannia!"

"Viva la Grande Republique." The taste of wine is a thing I have no fond for; although a chardonnay is hard to say no to. May this be the first step to everlasting peace.

His devious smile reverts back to his usual cold scolding look. A personal preference for whatever he had before at least.

"Out of curiosity is the Central Empire's envoy here, he tends to come out of nowhere the odd man." He looks at me whilst finishing his champagne. I haven't seen the likes of him yet, how intriguing.

"From the list of guests I have been updated with, yes he will be attending the conference, along with the U.S, the Troubon Union, and the Kingdom of Carpathia along with many others."

"Seems like a great deal amount for a simple scientific conference wouldn't you say?

"I'd say the same if the prime minister of Brittania also attended too, maybe thats why so many are ever so interested in what our scientists of Terra have to say."


I take his glass and bow.

"I'll be on my way now, I've got plenty of other guests to entertain, enjoy your afternoon."

He chuckles, averting his attention onwards to the stage.

That man does have some sort of aura about him, I can't put my finger on it. It took a great deal of energy to talk with him, I take a quick second to recapture myself. Now, to the next person. Dealing with so many different people was the hardest part. Their perspectives, philosophies and experiences all range in an evergrowing spectrum. Speaking of which, the beginning ceremony was about to end. Was I missing something? Ah, they still must be outside. They said they wouldn't be out long, I'm sure they're all ready... I hope.