
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter III: Viridi Conference I

24 Degrees Central Britannica, Afternoon.

Oreal Ambre Blanc, 27th February 1894, Viridi Conference.

"Gilbert, have you seen Claire? She's one of the main speakers." A sweat goes down my spine, of course, there's no such thing as things ever going smoothly, ever.

"Not that I've seen, I thought they might've already been all prepared? The last interaction I saw of them was with you." A personal reminder to never let people off the premises when they'll be coming on in less than an hour... With that lesson learnt, I scramble up an idea.

"I did tell them to arrive back around about this time. But we've only got five minutes. I'll make my way to the entrance and hopefully, they're at least nearby."

"Aye aye, Sir Oreal. Hopefully, you'll find her, we've not got much time left." Gilbert stares back at his desk filling in whatever paperwork he had left, he certainly didn't seem too enthusiastic about it.

I unravel my pocket watch, I pray to Irene that they're just right outside, please. I take a moment to sleek my hair and not a moment later I rush myself out of the main chamber. The sweat formed on my back acted as an uncomfortable reminder, paddling its way down slowly as if purposely to act as a nuisance. My stomach clutches itself as reach the grand entrance. Oh, thank Irene.

"Claire, you've made it just in time, or almost a tad bit late, aren't you supposed to be dressed more formally?" I couldn't help myself, she practically looked like she wandered off on the wrong side of town. I watched her as she made her way up the stairs, tripping at least once.

"Sorry about that, Sophie was quite indecisive about what I should wear, and before we knew it time flew by. So I'll be wearing one of her gowns."

I flicker out my pocketwatch in haste.

"Well I am certainly glad you managed to make it, I just hope you'll be brisk on your preparations, I can give you a five-minute window. Now come on in now." I whisk my hands towards the doors inside the Gibsonian Hall. Sophie performs a curtsey as well as Claire, who seemed a little bit flustered. We continued our way back through the set of corridors, Claire true to script did stick out like an anomaly, surrounded by the lavish artwork whilst she in comparison appeared to be in her comfort clothes. Sophie on the other hand took light steps, blending in perfectly. She began to speak, softly.

"Oreal if I am correct to call you?" I look back whilst walking, her dress matched the velvet red colour of the carpet, almost as if they were one and the same. She was dressed in sophistic attire, engraved with emeralds, matching that of the colour of her eyes. She truly fitted the title of being the heiress of the Astonian Martly Company. More of a conglomerate now, its influence far reaches out beyond Britannia. Their speciality originally was the crafts-work of machine tools. Although they're most famous for manufacturing locomotives, mechanical catalysts and most recently the automobile. Their expo last year stirred quite a lot of excitement. Ushering in as they would call it, a new wave of transportation for the masses. I wouldn't be suprised if they were on par with the Maglian Empire technologically-wise. Her father is one of the sponsors for the Delourve's Fair. She's a major player for sure, no wonder Mizer personally suggested she attend with us.

"Yes, you may, a lovely apparel you've dress yourself in, well suited for the future owner of the Astonian Martly's name. Do you have a request that I may provide?" She looks in earnest.

"I request a dressing room for Claire since her outfit isn't suited for the Conference yet." Claire's eyes sharply stared.

"Wait a minute, you knew from the start you wer-" Sophie sharply stops her.

"Now now Claire with beauty comes with sacrifice." Claire reaps a moan of frustration, distancing herself.

"It's still available right?"

I look over the time; I suppose I can lend them another three minutes there wouldn't be too much harm in doing so.

"Of course, I trust you will make a fine job of her." I take a quick detour to a side corridor into a small room, it matched the decor from the corridor, fitted with marble busts and an array of items that further emphasised the stark contrast from Claire. Hopefully Sophie does indeed do an impeccable job... We finally make a stand still by one of the many doors along the decadent corridor.

"This should suit your needs I will be outside waiting for your arrival." Claire still bitter hesitates only to concede and enter the room in silence. Sophie happily joins. In mere seconds of the door shutting Claire weeps out.

"Ouch!" The sound of magic was clearly being cast. After I'd say around fifteen seconds they both exit.

"All done, what do you think Oreal?" I take a minute to accept the reality of what was in front of me. A navy blue dress reached just below her knees, tighter around the arms, the sleeved frills were a shade lighter. Little blue gems dotted around the dress, sparkling subtly. Her hair was done and fitted into a hairband. If it weren't for her awkward stance I would easily mistake her for a high-class actor.

"Can we go now?" Sophie took a hard long stare, taking careful consideration until appointing a look of satisfaction;

"I know you love it, it's the one dress that suits you perfectly from my collection!" I stand there a little bit oblivious, Sophie seems to have a keen eye for fashion among other things, I expect no less.

"Excellent work, I never knew your magic had this much potential, also Claire. Your attire seems to suit you very well. Certainly suited for the conference." She adjusted her posture, nodding away at the compliment, her face flushed ever so slightly.

"Yes, yes thank you. We don't have much time, let us head forward." She staggered.

"Yes let's head straight to the conference." I brush past leading them to the chamber.

As soon as I pushed open the double doors everyone drew their eyes at us, their entangled conversations loosened as the sudden silence catches wind, bringing us all to an abrupt halt. It felt like a pack of wolves watching their prey toddle along innocently. The lights dancing above in accompaniment as though it genuinely was the night sky; the lights themselves watching us. Claire looked surprisingly calm, she either took no notice or rather hadn't detected dozens of eyes watching her every step. It felt misplaced as she took the lead. Has she done this before? I suppose with all the practice you can get used to it. We all follow, eyes trickling by us, observing. Surely Claire felt it, and yes, there it was. An expression that perfectly represented anxiety. Poor girl, I suppose I assessed too quickly. More eyes peered over from the mezzanines above, thankfully there was still music being played, easing part of the tension, that had entrenched once we arrived. With the backstage door etching closer, the apprehensive look grew worse in Claire's expression. She was the first to go in, and the rest of us walked in one by one.

As the last person I close the door behind us and with that, we all let out a sigh of relief. Claire looked listless, she had an almost melancholy beauty to her.

"Look take a deep breath, you can do this. Whatever might be going on inside of that head of yours, know that I will be rooting for you. Your research matters, and if they won't understand then I will make them by the will of Irene" Sophie embraced her, wrapping her arms around her.

"Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, alright?" Claire looked a little less sad, nodding faintly as Sophie let go.

"Claire, are you ready? If you need more time, we can have someone transfer to our schedule." Even if I had sympathy for her, she'll have to face the people out there alone. She could watch a couple of others talk, prep herself further an-

"I'm quite alright, I'm ready." I couldn't help but feel worried, though there was a spark of confidence in her eyes now. Part of me knew how they were like, and what they might make her feel. I've read her research papers, and she's managed to make detailed assessments with no biases so far. They've been relatively accurate compared to other meteorologists who boast at the number of times they've predicted weather phenomena, which were likely their own making. She closes her eyes, takes in a breath, as she walks closer to the stage.

"Right." It appears to be time then, with the flick of my fingers I put an end to the spell I cast earlier, the dancing lights slowly fade away in the chamber, the painted ceiling coming back into view once more. In perfect timing, the sound of Vivalia's Orchestra fades, and the instruments slowly return to their original positions. Vivalia saunters back and takes a quick look at Claire.

"May Irene be with you." She bows lightly before making her way out backstage. We make eye contact, she follows with it a smile before leaving entirely. If I recall she has a concerto at the Royal Pageant Hall right after. She sure does seem to be in high demand these days, good choice. Claire takes her place in front of the stage. With the opening ceremony finally at an end, I make my way out to one of the seats. Finally, the Viridi Conference begins. May Irene be with you Claire.